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Perception and Social Experience MCQ

Perception and Social Experience MCQ

1. In order to understand why her friend was upset that she was late to dinner, Michelle imagined what it would be like to be in her friend’s position. As such, Michelle was practicing ______.


Correct Answer: Perspective taking

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2. According to ______ theory, people in positions of power have an overriding interest in preserving their place in the social hierarchy.


Correct Answer: Standpoint

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3. What do we call the process we use to make sense of experience?


Correct Answer: Perception

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4. When we mistake what we infer for something we have observed, we experience ______ confusion.


Correct Answer: Fact–inference

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5. In his interactions with his blind date, John focuses on certain positive cues, like her laughter while ignoring negative cues, like her look of disgust when he chews with his mouth open. This is an example of ______.


Correct Answer: Selective attention

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6. Uncertainty reduction theory says that we monitor the social environment to learn more about each other and reduce our uncertainty regarding another person’s intentions.


Correct Answer: True

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7. The horn effect occurs when we let a single positive judgment lead us to view all of the individual's actions positively.


Correct Answer: False

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8. Selective attention refers to our preference for people and messages that confirm our existing beliefs, values, or attitudes.


Correct Answer: False

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9. Unconscious bias is a bias we are aware that we harbor.


Correct Answer: False

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10. When we force ourselves to see people and situations only in certain way, we are blindering.


Correct Answer: True

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11. Fundamental Attribution Error is the overemphasis of ---------.


Correct Answer: Personal factors

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12. A bias we are unaware that we harbor is known as


Correct Answer: Unconscious Bias

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13. A theory that states that individuals learn more about each other by monitoring their social environment


Correct Answer: Uncertainty Reduction Theory

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14. Stereotypes are Rigid perceptions that are applied to all members of a group


Correct Answer: True

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15. The recalling of things that rein­force one’s thinking is called ___________.


Correct Answer: Selective retention

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16. Self-Serving Bias is the overemphasizing of _________ fac­tors as influences on one’s behavior.


Correct Answer: External

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17. Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effects is a theory that states each individual has


Correct Answer: Different Identities

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18. Standpoint Theory influences the accuracy of one’s perception of ______ life.


Correct Answer: Social

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19. The aspect of perception which enables individuals to see, hear, and believe only what they want to.


Correct Answer: Selective perception

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20. Selective exposure is practice of -------- oneself to people and messages that confirm one’s existing beliefs, values, or attitudes.


Correct Answer: Exposing

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21. Focusing on one cue while ignoring others is


Correct Answer: Selective attention

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22. The general ideas that individuals have about per­sons and situations and how things should play out are called ----------.


Correct Answer: Scripts

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23. Schemata is -------------.


Correct Answer: Knowledge

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24. A form of stereotyping attributed to --------- is called racial profiling.


Correct Answer: Racism

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25. ----------- the viewpoint of another person is perspective talking.


Correct Answer: Adopting

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26. Person based processing is not based on --------.


Correct Answer: Membership in particular group

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27. Perceptual sets are----------


Correct Answer: Organizational constructions

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28. The ------- to maintain the way one sees the world is perceptual constancy.


Correct Answer: Tendency

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29. The process used to make sense of experience is called


Correct Answer: Perception

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30. Indiscrimination is a perceptual barrier causing a person to emphasize similarities and -------- differences.


Correct Answer: Neglect

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31. The perception of negative qualities in a per­son one dislikes is horn effect.


Correct Answer: True

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32. The perception of positive qualities ----------.


Correct Answer: Halo effect

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33. The ------ and behaviors that a cul­ture assigns to males and females is gender prescriptions.


Correct Answer: Roles

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34. Frozen evaluation is a perceptual fallacy that discourages flexibility.


Correct Answer: True

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35. Figure-Ground Principle is a -----------.


Correct Answer: Strategy

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36. The tendency to treat observa­tions and --------------- similarly.


Correct Answer: Assumptions

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37. The tendency to perceive right or wrong is -----------.


Correct Answer: Ethnocentrism

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38. The ability to understand other’s thoughts is -------


Correct Answer: Empathy

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39. The process by which one fills in a missing per­ceptual piece is called--------.


Correct Answer: Closure

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40. Category-Based Processing is processing of informa­tion about a person that is influenced by --------toward the group in which the person is placed.


Correct Answer: Attitudes

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41. The unconscious adding of restrictions that do not actually exist is called blindering.


Correct Answer: True

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42. Attribution theory is a ---------- that predicates assigned meaning to behaviour by ascribing motives and causes.


Correct Answer: Theory

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43. Allness is a ---------- allowing a person to believe that they know something.


Correct Answer: Perceptual fallacy

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