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Summarizing and Making Inferences from Quantitative Data MCQ

Summarizing and Making Inferences from Quantitative Data MCQ

1. Which of the following is appropriate for using the Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient?


Correct Answer: One variable measured on an ordinal scale and one variable measured on a continuous scale

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. Testing an association between two variables requires ______.


Correct Answer: Variables measured at least on an ordinal scale

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

3. Testing for a difference between three groups requires ______.


Correct Answer: Estimates of a summary measure of location for each group

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

4. Which of the following is TRUE about reference distributions?


Correct Answer: Reference distributions are approximations which may be useful in practice.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

5. In hypothesis testing, a type I error is ______.


Correct Answer: Claiming an effect which is not actually real

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

6. Which of the following is TRUE?


Correct Answer: The median is more robust than the mean.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

7. Which of the following is NOT true?


Correct Answer: Every data point contributes equally to a summary measure of spread.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

8. Suppose that one data point in a dataset is altered. Which of the following is guaranteed to change?


Correct Answer: Mean

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

9. Which of the following measures of location is guaranteed NOT to change by adding a single extreme data point?


Correct Answer: None of these

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

10. Which of the following is NOT true?


Correct Answer: Every data point contributes equally to a summary measure of location.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one
