Philosophy of Management and Business Research MCQ
Philosophy of Management and Business Research MCQ
1. Below are some philosophical assumptions in relation to positivism. Which statement does not fit assumptions in relation to positivism?
Correct Answer:
Contextualism: Problems as a whole are better understood if they are seen in their widest possible context and in relation to their most detailed dimensions.
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2. Which of the following statements best describes relativism?
Correct Answer:
Facts are dependent on the viewpoint of the observer.
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3. What is the definition of methods and techniques?
Correct Answer:
A specific way of gathering and analysing information
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4. What is the definition of methodology?
Correct Answer:
A combination of techniques used to inquire into a specific situation
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5. What is the definition of epistemology?
Correct Answer:
A general set of assumptions about ways of inquiring into the nature of the world
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6. What is the definition of ontology?
Correct Answer:
Philosophical assumptions about the nature of reality
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