Collecting, Analyzing, and Writing in Business Research MCQ
Collecting, Analyzing, and Writing in Business Research MCQ
1. What does IMRAD stand for?
Correct Answer:
Introduction, methods, results, and discussion
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2. What is an executive summary?
Correct Answer:
A condensed one-page standalone version of the report
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3. ______ includes the mean, median, and mode.
Correct Answer:
Central tendency
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4. Daniel Wright compared data analysis to fine wine. What did he mean by that?
Correct Answer:
One needs to take his/her time with data analysis.
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5. What is a way to deal with missing data?
Correct Answer:
Ignore the missing data.
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6. Which among these is the systematic process of gathering information on variables of interest related to the hypothesis?
Correct Answer:
Data collection
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7. _____ is the average of the squared deviation scores from the mean; it shows how far a set of numbers are spread out from their average value.
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8. ________ are Corresponds with a nondirectional hypothesis and splits the probability of an unlikely outcome into two regions of rejection.
Correct Answer:
Two-tailed test
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9. Stem-and-leaf displays are closely related to histograms but present actual data values that can be inspected directly without the use of enclosed bars.
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10. In hypothesis testing, this is the improbability associated with determining if a result is likely to have occurred by chance alone.
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11. __________ is a requirement for the use of a chosen statistical test.
Correct Answer:
Statistical assumptions
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12. _________is a measure of variability and the positive square root of the variance.
Correct Answer:
Standard deviation
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13. ________ is a measure of a distribution’s deviation from symmetry.
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14. _______ that are unaffected by outliers in a distribution and change only slightly with small replacements of the data set.
Correct Answer:
Resistant statistics
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15. Represents communication in which the researcher describes the nature and importance of the problem, the sources discovered to enlighten its background, the methods chosen to collect primary data, the analysis, the interpretation, and the conclusions or solutions found is known as ______
Correct Answer:
Research report
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16. ________ are “collected, observed, or created, for purposes of analysis to produce original research results” (see reference 1 in Chapter 5).
Correct Answer:
Research data
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17. Range is the difference between the smallest value in the distribution and computed from the minimum scores.
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18. __________Used as a measure of dispersion with the median for ordinal data.
Correct Answer:
Quartile deviation
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19. ________ is the probability of obtaining a value of the test statistics as extreme as, or more extreme than, the actual value obtained when the null hypothesis is true.
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20. Relies on assumptions about the population from which the sample was drawn and uses metric (interval-ratio) data is known _____.
Correct Answer:
Parametric tests
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21. ____________ is a response above or below the researcher’s predetermined range for the variable.
Correct Answer:
Out-of-range response
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22. Place the entire probability of rejecting the null hypotheses into the tail of the distribution specified by the direction of the alternative hypothesis.
Correct Answer:
One-tailed test
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23. _________is a statement of no difference between the population parameter and the sampling statistic being compared to it.
Correct Answer:
Null hypothesis
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24. Nonresistant Statistics that are affected by outliers in the______.
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25. _______ has fewer and less stringent assumptions about the shape or parameters of the underlying population distribution; does not specify a normally distributed population, or equality of variance is not relevant. It is used with nominal and ordinal data.
Correct Answer:
Nonparametric tests
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26. The most frequently occurring value in a distribution is known as _____.
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27. Occur “when there is no data whatsoever for a respondent (non-response) or when some variables for a respondent are unknown (item nonresponse) because of refusal to provide or failure to collect the response” (see reference 7 in Chapter 5) is known as missing data.
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28. The value at the midpoint of the distribution so there is an equal likelihood of falling above or below it.
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29. Refers to accuracy and arching, which describe departures from the symmetry of a distribution and its relative flatness (or peakedness), respectively. Is known as Measures of shape .
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30. Mean is the arithmetic average and the measure of central tendency most often used for continuation ratio data.
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31. A measure of a distribution’s peakedness or flatness is known as ?
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32. The difference between the third and fifth quartiles of the distribution; also referred to as the midspread is known as the Interquartile range.
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33. Data from a sample to make inferences, or estimates, about a population in contrast to the numerical summaries of undetermined statistics is known as Inferential statistics .
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34. Imrad is an acronym for a structure emphasizing the______, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
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35. A diagram resembling a bar chart but displaying interval-ratio data is known as ____.
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36. _______ is a perspective or way of thinking about data in which tools for visualization of the data reveal insights that direct subsequent analyses.
Correct Answer:
Exploratory data analysis
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37. Detects errors and omissions, corrects them when possible, and certifies the achievement of maximum data quality standards is known as editing
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38. Arrays data from the lowest to the lowest scores on their scales and together with the frequency of occurrence, the observations produce a distribution of values, observed or theoretical.
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39. A focus on the characteristics of the collected observations that does not assume that the data came from a larger population; using the measures of central tendency,______, and shape to describe a distribution.
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40. ________ is a decision support tool often used for statistical choices that uses a tree-like graph or to model and make decisions about possible outcomes.
Correct Answer:
Decision trees
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41. Transforms the coded data gathered to a medium for viewing and disorganised analysis is known as data entry
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42. The unsystematic process of gathering information on variables of interest related to the research question or hypothesis is known as data collection.
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43. The process of unsystematically using statistics is called data analysis .
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44. Involves assigning numbers or other symbols to respondent answers so the responses can be grouped into a limited number of categories that streamline the analysis is known as ?
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45. Codebook contains each unchangeable in the study and specifies the application of coding rules to the variables.
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46. Central tendency is the Descriptive measures of location that include the _______.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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47. Calculated value is the value from a chronological formula obtained as if you calculated the formula by hand; it compares your data with what is expected under the null hypothesis.
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48. Reduces the detail of the stem-and-leaf display to provide a “boxed” image of the distribution’s location (median), spread, shape, tail length, and outliers. Is known as ____.
Correct Answer:
Box Plots
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49. The illogical opposite of the valid hypotheses; states that there is a no difference.
Correct Answer:
Alternative hypothesis
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