MCQs > Business & Organization > Business Research MCQs > Crafting Quantitative Data MCQs

Crafting Quantitative Data MCQ

Crafting Quantitative Data MCQ

1. A written transcript of a conversation or an interview contains all the relevant information.


Correct Answer: False

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2. In fitting measurement models, which of the following is true?


Correct Answer: Factor analysis models specify the relationship between observed and latent variables.

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3. In defining a measurement model, which of the following is NOT true?


Correct Answer: The relationship between an observed variable and a latent construct is shown by a correlation coefficient.

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4. Which of the following is true of continuous measurement scales?


Correct Answer: Ordered category scales can be treated as approximations of continuous scales.

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5. Gender is measured on an ordered category scale.


Correct Answer: Both true and false

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6. In designing structured questions for a survey, which of the following is true?


Correct Answer: Simple questions are generally the best.

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7. Which is incorrect about secondary databases?


Correct Answer: It is not necessary to check the quality of data from secondary databases.

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8. Which of the following is true about observational data?


Correct Answer: How people behave gives important insights into how they think and feel.

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9. In order to increase response rates in surveys, which of the following is true?


Correct Answer: Treating study participants with respect is important.

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10. Which of the following is true about benefits of alternative survey strategies?


Correct Answer: Building a good relationship with respondents will increase their willingness to give high quality answers.

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11. Web-based online surveys are good because ______.


Correct Answer: They can be customised for each respondent

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