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Reports in Business Research MCQ

Reports in Business Research MCQ

1. In the discussion section, the focus is ______.


Correct Answer: A focused synthesis and interpretation of the findings

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2. The results section of your paper is important for a variety of reasons. Which of the following is one of these reasons?


Correct Answer: It presents findings in a sequence that reflects the order of your research.

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3. What is the purpose of the results section?


Correct Answer: To present your results in an order that reflects your research and questions

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4. What is statistical power?


Correct Answer: The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis

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5. What are the four main subsections of the method section?


Correct Answer: Participants, design, procedure, and materials

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6. The CARS model creates a rhetorical space and attracts readers. What does CARS stand for?


Correct Answer: Creating a Research Space

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7. What is usually the final part of the introduction?


Correct Answer: The hypotheses

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8. Why is the abstract important?


Correct Answer: It determines whether a reader will continue to read the report or skip it.

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9. The reason for a shorter title is ______.


Correct Answer: To capture the reader’s interest

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10. How does an abstract differ from executive summary?


Correct Answer: Both; an executive summary is usually longer than an abstract and recommendations are usually not included in an abstract.

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11. When writing, ______ is more important than a particular style manual.


Correct Answer: Consistency

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12. Is the first page of a manuscript and it is separate; summarizes the main idea of a study by identifying variables and theoretical issues is known as _______


Correct Answer: Title page

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13. The part of the report that discusses the study in relation to existing work Is known as ______


Correct Answer: Theoretical implications subsection

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14. The conclusion of the discussion section of the report is known as Suggestions for future research subsection.


Correct Answer: True

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15. The probability (typically set at not less than 80%) of rejecting the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is, in fact, true is known as statistical power


Correct Answer: False

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16. In a report, it should follow the method and precede the description of the participants (sample elements) is known as _______.


Correct Answer: Sampling plan and procedures

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17. Presents results of the report in a sequence that reflects the order of the research and investigative questions and, ideally, the order of the hypotheses is known as


Correct Answer: Results section

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18. _________ are Lists all sources used in the report; begins on a new page with the heading centered at the top of the page in upper and lower-case letters (not bold, underlined, or in quotes).


Correct Answer: References section

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19. __________is the section of the report in which the reader learns how the data were collected and the study was carried out.


Correct Answer: Procedure subsection

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20. The five-point option for reorganizing the Introduction of a report is known as Problem and its setting module ?


Correct Answer: False

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21. Provides insights for the reader when the research is oriented toward the applied side of the continuum is called Practical implications subsection.


Correct Answer: False

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22. A section of the report used to describe the study’s ______characteristics is known as Participants subsection.


Correct Answer: Demographic

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23. Is tied to the research problem and reports the process by which the research question was answered or hypotheses were tested is known as ?


Correct Answer: Method section

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24. Method of data collection are Implements the design using accepted techniques, _________


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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25. Synthesis Matrix is a useful tool for organizing literature findings; a table that can be drawn by hand with added only columns as the literature expands.


Correct Answer: False

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26. The fifth section of the Discussion portion of the report; states the limitations or weaknesses of the study and reveals how these flaws could affect the conclusions is known as Limitations subsection


Correct Answer: False

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27. Introduction that contains ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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28. Describes the mechanisms used for data collection is known as ____


Correct Answer: Instruments subsection

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29. Is placed at the beginning of the business report, either before or after the table of contents, but before the introduction and is given a Roman numeral rather than an Arabic page number. It contains no quotations and is one page in length is known as ?


Correct Answer: Executive summary

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30. The size or magnitude of the difference between groups is known as effect size


Correct Answer: True

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31. Aims to interpret the results and explain to the reader the meaning of what the study accomplished, its contribution to the field, and recommendations for next steps are known as ?


Correct Answer: Discussion section

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32. The first subsection that follows the opening and overview statements of a report’s Method section is known as _________


Correct Answer: Discussion section

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33. Cars model stands for Creating a Research Space and creates a rhetorical space and attracts readers into that space using “______” and “_____.”


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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34. The Appendices section Often contains _______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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35. Abstract is a synopsis of a report that helps the reader slowly determine the paper’s purpose; it reports what was done and is a complete overview of the topic.


Correct Answer: False

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