Work-Life Balance MCQ

Work-Life Balance MCQ  

1. ______ refers to the nonsexual harassment of a coworker by a group of other workers or other members of an organization designed to secure the removal from the organization of the one who is targeted.


Correct Answer: Workplace bullying

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2. Releasing anger in healthy ways includes which of the following?


Correct Answer: Admitting you are angry

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3. Which of the following is an example of an internal trigger of anger?


Correct Answer: “I can’t believe I waited until now to start this project.”

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4. According to a study conducted by the PEW Research Center, ______.


Correct Answer: Mothers prefer to work part-time while balancing careers and family

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5. Type B personalities tend to live their lives out of balance due to ______.


Correct Answer: Procrastination

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6. Type A personalities tend to live their lives out of balance due to ______.


Correct Answer: Competitive nature

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7. Causes of burnout can include which of the following?


Correct Answer: Unresolved personal conflicts

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8. ______ refers to chronic exhaustion from persistent workload, decreased motivation, and apathy toward work.


Correct Answer: Burnout

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9. A geographic space identified as a place to work toward health, safety, and well-being is called ______.


Correct Answer: Community

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10. Organizational benefits from employees’ work–life balance include which of the following?


Correct Answer: All of these

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11. Imbalance between your work life and personal life can negatively influence the way you communicate.


Correct Answer: True

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12. Technology is a useful tool to reduce stress and create a clear divide between work and personal time.


Correct Answer: False

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13. Workplace mobbing includes behaviors like increasing workload and pressure to perform with unrealistic deadlines imposed on an individual by a group.


Correct Answer: True

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14. The line or division between work and life is called a boundary.


Correct Answer: True

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15. Employee attrition is defined as the continuation of work for the same company.


Correct Answer: False

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16. The nonsexual harassment of a coworker by a group of other workers or other members of an organization refer to_____


Correct Answer: Workplace mobbing

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17. Repeated acts and practices that are directed intentionally or unconsciously and that cause embarrassment, humiliation, and stress refer to_____


Correct Answer: Workplace bullying

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18. Work-life balance means accomplishment of role-related expectations that are negotiated and shared between an individual and his or her role-related partners in_____


Correct Answer: Between work and family domain

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19. Instrument of activity intended to provide goods and services to support life refer to work.


Correct Answer: True

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20. Concerns and frustrations you have about past, current, and future events refer to_____


Correct Answer: Internal triggers

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21. Internal time wasters refer to more personal internal things brought on by_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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22. _____ is included in information and communication technologies.


Correct Answer: Both

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23. Experiences that cause professionals to feel drained, used, abused, and unhappy refer to_____


Correct Answer: Imbalance triggers

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24. People in a household, which consists of a minimum of two members related by blood, adoption, and_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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25. Things going on in your environment at work and at home, usually stimulated by others refer to_____


Correct Answer: External trigger

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26. Things you don’t feel as though you have any control over refer to_____


Correct Answer: External time waster

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27. Getting employees to continue working for the same company is called_____


Correct Answer: Employee retention

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28. The loss or turnover of employees to other jobs and industries perceived as having healthier workplace culture is known as_____


Correct Answer: Employee attrition

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29. Your ability to monitor your own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is known as_____


Correct Answer: Emotional intelligence

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30. A geographic space identified as a place to work toward a good life refers to_____


Correct Answer: Community

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31. Chronic exhaustion from persistent workload, decreased motivation, and apathy toward work is called_____


Correct Answer: Burnout

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32. The line or division between work and life is called_____


Correct Answer: Boundary

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33. When there’s equal time divided between work and personal life it is called_____


Correct Answer: Balance

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34. An emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage is called_____


Correct Answer: Anger

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