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Résumés, Interviews, and Negotiation MCQ

Résumés, Interviews, and Negotiation MCQ

1. When should you prepare your questions for the interviewer? Which of the following should you have prepared prior to an interview?


Correct Answer: Prior to the interview

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2. What is the most appropriate font for résumés?


Correct Answer: 12 point

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3. Which of the following is an important source of information for researching an organization?


Correct Answer: Better Business Bureau

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4. Once an offer is made, which of the following is your best option?


Correct Answer: Negotiate

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5. Monitoring your eye contact during an interview is a part of which of the following?


Correct Answer: Nonverbal communication

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6. ______ is the most appropriate way to ensure your interviewer thinks about you after the interview.


Correct Answer: A handwritten thank-you note

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7. Which topic is an illegal question during job interviews?


Correct Answer: Religion

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8. Which of the following is the best example of appropriate women’s interview attire?


Correct Answer: Black skirt suit with a white shirt

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9. Giving an example of a time in which you demonstrated problem-solving ability is a(n) ______ interview question.


Correct Answer: Behavioral

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10. The ______ format is the most common format for a résumé and is probably the easiest to prepare.


Correct Answer: Chronological

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11. Recent college graduates should carry a backpack into interviews.


Correct Answer: False

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12. Taping a mock interview is the best way to practice.


Correct Answer: True

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13. You should not list references on your résumé


Correct Answer: True

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14. You should only list actual employment as experience on your résumé.


Correct Answer: False

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15. You should always use a generic résumé to cover all positions a company may have available.


Correct Answer: False

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16. Word of mouth is most effective when the job seeker is not specific about the kind of job he or she is seeking.


Correct Answer: False

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17. White space is the portion of the résumé that is_____


Correct Answer: Void of text

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18. Videoconference is a type of interview conducted via live video.


Correct Answer: True

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19. A type of interviewing question that asks for basic information about the job seeker refers to_____


Correct Answer: Traditional questions

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20. A type of interview conducted over the phone that includes only live video refers to telephone interviews.


Correct Answer: False

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21. A résumé section that includes an overview of the job seeker’s qualifications relevant to the position for which he or she is applying refers to_____


Correct Answer: Summary

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22. State employment service is a _____ government agency that helps job seekers find jobs and employers find qualified workers.


Correct Answer: Non profit

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23. Information that must be highlighted on the job seeker’s résumé either as a separate section or as part of his or her experiences refers to skills.


Correct Answer: True

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24. A learning opportunity for job seekers in which they watch or follow a professional to learn what is involved in a given position or profession refers to_____


Correct Answer: Shadowing

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25. Self exploration is the part of the exploring stage of the jobs eeking process; requires a job seeker to identify his or her_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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26. Scripting answers means answering interview questions by_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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27. A résumé that will be submitted to an employer and/or transmitted by the employer via fax or computer scanning is called_____


Correct Answer: Scannable résumé

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28. A snapshot of the job seeker as an employee; highlights skill sets to provide a picture of how the job seeker fits this position and this organization refers to


Correct Answer: Résumé

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29. Researching stage comprises_____


Correct Answer: Both

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30. Relevant experience is often used in place of_____


Correct Answer: Employment experience

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31. References are the persons who can tell potential employers about a job seeker’s experience and _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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32. Organizations designed to facilitate _____opportunities for professionals in a given field or industry by sponsoring meetings and conferences are called professional associations.


Correct Answer: Both

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33. Private employment agencies are_____organizations.


Correct Answer: For profit

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34. An interviewing format that includes more than one interviewer refers to_____


Correct Answer: Panel interview

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35. An electronic form used by employers that commonly requests information found on a traditional résumé is called_____


Correct Answer: Online application

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36. A face-to-face interview that can consist of one interviewer and one interviewee is called_____


Correct Answer: One to one interview

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37. A one- or two-sentence declarative statement about a job seeker’s career goals refers to_____


Correct Answer: Objective

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38. A strategy used by a job seeker if he or she does not believe the salary, working conditions, and/or benefits are satisfactory refers to_____


Correct Answer: Negotiation

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39. Mock interviews refer to a practice run done prior to an interview to help job seekers anticipate _____and lessen nervousness.


Correct Answer: Both

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40. Job seeking process involves exploring, researching, applying and_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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41. Any person trying to gain employment is known as a job seeker.


Correct Answer: True

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42. Job fairs are the events in which multiple employers come together to recruit potential employees that are held_____


Correct Answer: Both

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43. Internship is an on-the-job learning opportunity for students that is_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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44. _____is an excellent tool for locating employment opportunities and researching potential employers.


Correct Answer: Internet

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45. Illegal questions are the interview questions that violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, by asking questions regarding_____, sex, national origin, disability, or age when hiring or promoting employees.


Correct Answer: All of these

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46. Hobbies and interests is a section that appears on some job seekers’ résumés and is well recommended.


Correct Answer: False

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47. A list of all the information a job seeker may wish to include in a customized résumé refers to_____


Correct Answer: Generic résumé

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48. An interview format in which all parties are in the same room refers to_____


Correct Answer: Face to face interviews

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49. Exploring stage is the first stage of the job-seeking process, which includes_____


Correct Answer: Both

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50. Employment experience can also be titled as “Work History” or “Work/Employment History”.


Correct Answer: True

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51. _____is extremely important when designing electronic résumés.


Correct Answer: Formatting

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52. A résumé section that highlights a job seeker’s educational background refers to_____


Correct Answer: Education

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53. A résumé tailored to each position to which the job seeker applies; a concise, audience centered version of the generic résumé refers to_____


Correct Answer: Customized résumé

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54. One-page letter that includes the job seeker’s interest in a specific position, overview of qualifications, and desire for an interview is called_____


Correct Answer: Cover letter

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55. Contact information is the part of a résumé that includes the job seeker’s name and _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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56. A section of the newspaper that lists job openings refers to_____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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57. Career planning centers help students to_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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58. Career exploration is a part of the exploring stage of the job-seeking process; requires job seekers to research opportunities and careers in their majors that correspond with their_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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59. A type of interviewing question that asks job seekers to explain how they have handled past situations and how they would handle hypothetical situations refer to_____


Correct Answer: Behavioral questions

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60. Awards and honors refer to résumé section that lists relevant awards and honors received by the_____


Correct Answer: Job seeker

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