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Leadership and Conflict Management MCQ

Leadership and Conflict Management MCQ

1. A win-win orientation is one that seeks ________ of conflict.


Correct Answer: Social-responsibility norm

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2. The indirect approach to organize negative news messages should be used when ________.


Correct Answer: Personal

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3. The direct approach and the indirect approach ________; therefore, businesspeople ________.


Correct Answer: Bothhave merit, often combine them.

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4. Which of the following is considered face-saving behavior?


Correct Answer: Verbal and nonverbal communication that maintains an employee’s self-respect

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5. An example of a leader as a role model is ______.


Correct Answer: Telling employees that customer service is important and then displaying it

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6. Employees who use aggression to get their own way are known as ______.


Correct Answer: Bullies

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7. Employees who lead teams on tangents are known as ______.


Correct Answer: Distracters

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8. Contingency Theory involves the belief that ______.


Correct Answer: There is no “best” way to lead

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9. Goal Setting Theory tends to be effective at improving employee motivation because ______.


Correct Answer: Goals are developed with both the employee and the leader

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10. When addressing unsatisfactory work, leaders should do which of the following?


Correct Answer: Address the issue in private

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11. A manager who has a high concern for people but a low concern for production has a ______ style.


Correct Answer: Country club

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12. Which is not a type of power described by French and Raven?


Correct Answer: Proactive power

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13. What is the major difference between Theory X and Theory Y management styles?


Correct Answer: Theory X is a top-down approach.

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14. Even when firing an employee, leaders should still try to preserve his or her sense of self-respect.


Correct Answer: True

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15. Birthright is a type of trait theory of leadership.


Correct Answer: True

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16. Performance appraisals should be reserved for annual reviews.


Correct Answer: False

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17. Leaders should allow other team members to lead the hiring process.


Correct Answer: False

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18. Coercive power is based on a position of authority.


Correct Answer: False

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19. A type of difficult person characterized by an appealing personality and a lack of productivity is called as _____


Correct Answer: Vampire

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20. Leaders who articulate a goal or vision to an organization and then inspire followers to make this vision a reality are called _____


Correct Answer: Transformational leaders

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21. Traits are _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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22. Management theory based on the underlying assumption that employees can be ambitious and self-motivated _____


Correct Answer: Theory Y

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23. Management theory based on the underlying assumption that employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work whenever possible is called _____


Correct Answer: Theory X

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24. An employee who completes tasks, gets along with coworkers, and serves customers with _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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25. A person’s rank or position in an organization is called as_____


Correct Answer: Status

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26. _____is an employee who possesses all the qualities of a team player but also wants to take on extra duties, learn more, and advance his or her career.


Correct Answer: Star

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27. A type of difficult person characterized by a lack of conscience and guilt is called_____


Correct Answer: Sociopath

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28. A type of difficult person characterized by sarcastic and inappropriate comments meant to wound those at which they are aimed is called_____


Correct Answer: Sniper

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29. A type of difficult person characterized by lack of productivity; finds any excuse not to work is called_____


Correct Answer: Slacker

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30. _____requires leaders to examine task behavior, relationship behavior, and level of maturity/readiness of the followers to select the most effective communication style.


Correct Answer: Situational Leadership theory

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31. The process of mentally rehearsing what you will say during the discussion is called_____


Correct Answer: Scripting

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32. People who display behaviors and attitudes that are not replicated by others are known as role models.


Correct Answer: False

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33. A type of difficult person characterized by a dislike and even refusal to carry out changes in his or her duties is called_____


Correct Answer: Roadblock to change

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34. _____is derived from one’s ability to control another person’s behavior with positive reinforcement.


Correct Answer: Reward power

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35. _____is given to someone because you want that person to like you.


Correct Answer: Referent power

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36. Public image is the impression you give or present to others _____


Correct Answer: Both

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37. Performance improvement plan is a specific and clear strategy for improving employee performance; should be derived from two-way communication.


Correct Answer: True

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38. Performance appraisal is a formal evaluation that often involves an interview and a written summary of the employee’s _____ on the job.


Correct Answer: Both

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39. A type of difficult person who treats coworkers and sometimes even supervisors as counselors is called_____


Correct Answer: Patient

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40. Managerial grid is a situational leadership theory that include: impoverished, country club, authoritative, middle-of-the-road,and team.


Correct Answer: All of these

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41. _____include being in charge of and responsible for various goals and functions in an organization, as well as supervising subordinates.


Correct Answer: Managerial functions

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42. _____is derived from one’s position of authority.


Correct Answer: Legitimate power

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43. Include influencing and guiding followers, as well as being innovative and creating a vision for future direction refers to_____


Correct Answer: Leadership functions

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44. Leadership is a dynamic relationship in which only leader moves to higher levels of motivation and moral development as they affect real, intended change.


Correct Answer: False

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45. Leadership style in which the team makes the decisions with little input from the leader refers to_____


Correct Answer: Laissez-faire

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46. The name associated with each position in an organization; intended to designate duties and status refers to_____


Correct Answer: Job title

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47. _____means directing the formation of an impression, a perception, or a view that others have of you.


Correct Answer: Impression management

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48. A type of difficult person characterized by a negative attitude is called_____


Correct Answer: Grump

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49. A motivational theory in which a leader and a team member develop the goal(s) for the team member together is called


Correct Answer: Goal setting theory

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50. Verbal and nonverbal communication that honors and maintains the other person’s sense of self-respect in a given situation is called face saving behaviour.


Correct Answer: True

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51. Derived from one’s superior expertise in a specific field refers to_____


Correct Answer: Expert power

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52. A type of difficult person characterized by the need to create drama in the workplace by starting arguments, gossiping, holding grudges, and the like refers to_____


Correct Answer: Drama queen

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53. A type of difficult person characterized by a communication style full of tangents is called_____


Correct Answer: Distractor

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54. Leadership style in which the leader follows the will of the people, or at least the majority of the people, with decisions often made through voting refers to_____


Correct Answer: Democratic

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55. Contingency theory is a situational leadership theory that requires leaders to assess the situation by examining three factors: the _____,the task structure, and the position power.


Correct Answer: Leader-follower relationship

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56. _____is based on one’s connection to people in positions of power or access to a strong support system.


Correct Answer: Connection power

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57. Derived from one’s ability to control another person’s behavior with _____reinforcement.


Correct Answer: Negative

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58. Charisma includes characteristics such as magnetic charm, allure, and_____ ability to appeal to followers.


Correct Answer: Supernatural

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59. Bully is a type of difficult person characterized by_____temper.


Correct Answer: Bad

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60. A position of power passed on from parent to child is called birthright.


Correct Answer: True

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61. Authoritative refers to a leadership style in which the leader makes all the decisions with major input from the team.


Correct Answer: False

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62. Saving all feedback, both positive and negative, for discussion during an employee’s annual performance appraisal is called_____


Correct Answer: Annual feedback trap

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