MCQs > Admin Support > Human Resource Information Systems MCQs > Recruitment and Selection in an Internet Context MCQs

Recruitment and Selection in an Internet Context MCQ

Work simulations interact with simulated coworkers, employees, or other business associates (whether computer simulated or role-played by actors over the telephone or in person


Correct Answer: True

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Validity coefficient is a statistical correlation that indicates the correspondence _______ or some other important work outcomes.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Utility is generally related to?


Correct Answer: Satisfaction

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The extent to which users are able to use a website effectively is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Usability

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Unproctored testing is a form of selection testing in which the job candidate is tested online at a location and time convenient to them.


Correct Answer: True

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Protecting the security of selection tests so that the questions and answers do not become available to those taking the test.This statement is related to ______.


Correct Answer: Test security

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A type of selection that forces candidates to complete the test within an allotted time is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Speeded test

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Software as a service use of HR software in which the software is hosted remotely and accessed via a private or public.


Correct Answer: True

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The choice of a potential applicant to apply or not to apply for a position is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Self-selection

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The number of candidates who, based on the assessment, are chosen for the job divided by the number of candidates who are assessed is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Selection ratio

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Selection procedures used to ______ an organization choose among candidates or employees in a hiring or promotion decision.


Correct Answer: Help

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An HR process whereby the organization attempts to identify and attract the most qualified and best people is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Recruitment

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Recruiting- and screening-oriented website is a recruitment website that has the ________ of both encouraging a potential applicant to apply


Correct Answer: Dual purpose

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Realistic job preview shows applicants both the positive and negative attributes of a job.


Correct Answer: True

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Realistic culture preview highlights cultural aspects of the company such as its _________ , diversity, salary structure, and benefits.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Employees’ beliefs about the reciprocal obligations and promises between them and their organizations is known as _______.


Correct Answer: Psychological contract

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Power test is a type of test in which there is no designated time limit to create time pressure


Correct Answer: True

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Personality test is a type of selection test that captures an applicant’s personality.


Correct Answer: True

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An outcome, behavior, or competency used in the performance management (or appraisal) process is known as _________ .


Correct Answer: Performance criterion

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Passive job seeker is an individual who is _______ but who is also open to considering other employment opportunities


Correct Answer: Currently employed

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Online test is the administration of a selection test over the Web.


Correct Answer: True

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The overall ease with which a user can browse through multiple Web pages to locate topics of interest is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Navigability

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A framework for explaining the extent to which a medium can communicate or reproduce information. This statement is related to _____.


Correct Answer: Media richness

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Knowledge test is a multiple-choice training posttest of knowledge of the tools, machines, and equipment used at a factory.


Correct Answer: True

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The degree to which a selection test accurately simulates a real business situation is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Fidelity

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An organization’s well-known values. A company often sets itself apart from competitors by means of its employment brand known as _______.


Correct Answer: Employment brand

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Diversity of the applicant pool contains a variety of applicants from different ethnic/racial _______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The degree to which the website hosts relevant information that the user deems valuable and informative in nature is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Content information

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Computerized assessment is a selection test or batteries that are administered on a computer or over the Internet.


Correct Answer: True

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Cloud computing is a specific type of _______.


Correct Answer: SAAS

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Chatbot is a computer program that simulates conversations with humans.


Correct Answer: True

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Big data is a collection of very large and _________.


Correct Answer: Complex data

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The rate and volume of data transfer, measured in bits per second.Bandwidth is the rate and volume of data transfer, measured in_______ .


Correct Answer: Bits per second.

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last name, first name, phone number, and e-mail address is a attribute of a website .


Correct Answer: True

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A module in an HRIS that supports e-recruiting and the processing of applicants electronically is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Applicant tracking system

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Antidiscrimination laws discriminate against people in protected groups, such as women, racial/ethnic minorities, and older individuals.


Correct Answer: True

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Aesthetic features of a website the overall stylistic or innovative features of a website, such as


Correct Answer: All of these

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Adverse impact are designed to have a neutral impact but have a ______ on a protected class of employees


Correct Answer: Negative impact

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Ability test is a standardized test of personal skills


Correct Answer: True

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