Learning Strategies MCQ

Efforts to teach chimpanzees to talk probably failed because_________.


Correct Answer: Chimps lack the biological structures for speech

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A Venn diagram is a type of graphic organizer.


Correct Answer: True

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Acronyms, keywords, and study guides are types of organizing strategies.


Correct Answer: False

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Guided notes are beneficial to students who are English learners because of the mnemonic strategies that are provide


Correct Answer: False

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Guided notes are beneficial to students who are English learners because of the mnemonic strategies that are provide


Correct Answer: False

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A strategy that prepares students for the information that will be presented during the instructional period is:


Correct Answer: An advance organizer

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HOMES is a(n) __________ that helps students remember the names of the Great Lakes.


Correct Answer: Acronym

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Mr. Curiel has a student who has a problem with remembering material for exams. He could help the student by:


Correct Answer: Teaching her mnemonic strategies

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Teachers can increase the amount of time students are on-task by:


Correct Answer: Reducing transition time

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Teachers can increase the amount of time students are on-task by:


Correct Answer: Reducing transition time

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Students with high-incidence disabilities can benefit from strategy instruction because they:


Correct Answer: Do not develop their own strategies to help them learn

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How students think and act when planning, executing, and evaluating their performance while completing an academic task or solving a problem is called ______.


Correct Answer: Strategies

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Ability to select the appropriate stimuli, focus on those stimuli, and ignore all other irrelevant stimuli is called _____ attention.


Correct Answer: Selective

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Words that sound like numbers and can be easily visualized are paired with keywords to facilitate recall (e.g., one = bun) are called _____.


Correct Answer: Pegwords

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Broad general awareness and knowledge of cognition (what we know) and cognitive processes is called _____.


Correct Answer: Metacognition

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A word that sounds similar to a piece of information to be recalled that can be easily visualized is called _____.


Correct Answer: Keyword

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Outlines and/or graphic organizers with blank spaces in which students can write main ideas are called _____ notes.


Correct Answer: Guided

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Visual representation of knowledge that arranges facts and concepts in an associative organization is called _____ organizer.


Correct Answer: Graphic

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The verbal or written technique is used to activate prior knowledge about a topic and provide a general description of the entire lesson is called ______.


Correct Answer: Advance organizer

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The verbal or written technique is used to activate prior knowledge about a topic and provide a general description of the entire lesson is called ______.


Correct Answer: Advance organizer

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A mnemonic strategy which as first letter in a list used to crate new words is called _____.


Correct Answer: Acrostics

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The first letter of each piece of information is used to create another word or word to facilitate recall is called _____.


Correct Answer: Acronyms

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