1. Turnover is the _____ of workers from the organization.
Correct Answer:
Permanent Loss
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2. Technical Skills is the ability to use_____ to perform a task.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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3. Sustainability Competitive Advantage is a capability that _____
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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4. Sustainability means meeting the needs of the current generation by compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Correct Answer:
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5. Individuals who advise line managers in some field of expertise are known as_____
Correct Answer:
Staff Managers
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6. Society For Human Resource Management is the largest and most recognized of the HRM advocacy organizations in the_____
Correct Answer:
United States
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7. Revenue Centers are the divisions or departments that generate monetary returns for the organization.
Correct Answer:
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8. Productivity Centre is a revenue centre that enhances the _____ of the organisation through enhancing the productivity of people within the organization.
Correct Answer:
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9. Productivity is the amount of output that an organization gets per unit of input with human input usually expressed in terms of units of_____
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10. Live Managers are the individuals who_____the people and organizational processes that create whatever it is that the business sells.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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11. Knowledge worker refers to the workers who _____
Correct Answer:
Use their head more than their hands
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12. Interpersonal Skills means the ability to_____with individuals and groups through developing effective relationship.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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13. Engagement is a combination of job____ to perform for the organization at a high level and over an extended period of time.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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14. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's place to understand _____
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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15. A function of how many organizational resources we used in cutting the job done is known as_____
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16. A function of getting the job done whenever and however it must be done is called as_____
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17. Cost Center is a division or department that brings in review or profit for the organisation.
Correct Answer:
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18. Conceptual and Design Skills refer to the ability to_____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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19. Business skills are_____
Correct Answer:
Both a and c
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20. The reporting of an employee to report the workplace as scheduled is known as absenteeism.
Correct Answer:
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Human Resource Management (Skill Development) MCQs | Topic-wise