1. The various kinds of Kanban include:
2. What is C's essential for Supply Chain Management?
3. Why did Ford begin to lose its hold in the market?
4. Which is necessary for the success of Lean implementation?
5. Which is true regarding value stream mapping?
6. Which principle of Lean makes use of spaghetti charts?
7. Where was the first TPM conference held?
8. Pull System is another name for ______.
9. Which method helps in the optimization of machinery?
10. Cycle Time Reduction is:
11. Applying Lean to Supply Chain Management helps to certify the suppliers.
12. Which need not be a feature of Lean metrics?
13. Which loss does not eliminate TPM?
14. What is the main reason for the occurrence of waste?
15. Which is not done by poka-yoke?
16. What is the function of SMED?
17. Who is known as the 'father of scientific management'?
18. Whom did the four locations on the large board of the Beer Game not represent?
19. Which is not a Lean Tool?
20. Which cannot be considered a waste?
21. What is the formula to calculate cycle time?
22. What does Kanban mean?
23. For any company to reach a 'level 6' sigma, there should only be _______ defects per million opportunities.
24. What is the similarity between Lean and Six Sigma?
25. Synchronous Flow Manufacturing plans inventory around:
26. The data that does not need to be communicated in a Visual Factory environment are:
27. What is also known as 'law zero' in Lean Six Sigma?
28. Which is not synonymous with Lean Manufacturing?
29. Who introduced the concept of mass production?
30. What is Takt Time?
31. Which is true with regard to Synchronized Flow Manufacturing?
32. A flexible process is:
33. Which feature does not describe the features of the Ford system?
34. Who is involved in the implementation of Kaizen?
35. How many wastes are identified by Lean?
36. What is not an advantage of SMED?
37. Six Sigma processes are implemented by organizations to reduce __________.
38. What is the main function of Lean?
39. According to the Theory of Constraints, ______________________.
40. _________ means to clear the work area.
41. Single unit manufacturing cannot be approximated to continuous flow manufacturing.
42. What are the advantages of applying Lean to a supply chain?