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Policies, Practices, and Programs MCQ

Which was the first public law specifically aimed at protecting children and adults against discrimination due to a disability?


Correct Answer: Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act

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The ______ is designed for the delivery of services to infants and children until their third birthday.


Correct Answer: IFSP

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It is generally agreed that the ______ is viewed as the most normalized or typical setting for individuals with disabilities.


Correct Answer: General education classroom

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Which of the following represent elements of full inclusion models?


Correct Answer: All of these

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This term, while popular, is not mentioned in the federal regulations.


Correct Answer: Mainstreaming

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______ requires schools to educate all children, to the maximum extent appropriate, with their classmates who are typical.


Correct Answer: Least restrictive environment

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The Americans with Disabilities Act had an impact on the following except ______.


Correct Answer: The elimination of the “highly qualified” teacher status

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Which of the following is NOT an example of interindividual differences?


Correct Answer: Student strengths

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When was the “Education of all Handicapped Children Act” (PL 94–142) was passed?


Correct Answer: 1975

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What type of assessment refers to standardized tests on which a student’s performance is compared to that of his or her peers?


Correct Answer: Norm-referenced assessment

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The need for testing linguistically different students in their primary language as well as English was argued in ______.


Correct Answer: Diana v. State Board of Education

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Which U.S. Supreme Court ruling affirmed the rights of parents to represent their children in IDEA-related court cases?


Correct Answer: Winkelman v. Parma City School District

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Elements of a meaningful IEP include ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Which of the following is NOT part of the referral process to deliver special education services?


Correct Answer: Parent permission is required for the referral process to begin.

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In ______, the Supreme Court ruled that separate schools for black and white students were inherently unequal, contrary to the Fourteenth Amendment, and thus unconstitutional.


Correct Answer: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

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_____ is an approach that advocates that general educators assume greater responsibility for the education of students with disabilities.


Correct Answer: Regular education initiative

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_____is a formal request by a teacher or parent that a student be evaluated for special education services.


Correct Answer: Referral

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All of the following are purposes of prereferral intervention except_____


Correct Answer: To assist regular students

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A standardized test on which a pupil’s performance is compared to that of his or her peers is referred to as_____


Correct Answer: Norm- referenced assessment

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_____is a group of professionals from different disciplines who function as a team but perform their roles independent of one another.


Correct Answer: Multidisciplinary team

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Mainstreaming is an early term for the practice of integrating students with special needs into a _____classroom for all or part of the school day.


Correct Answer: General education

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Least restrictive environments is a term used for_____ children who should be educated, to the maximum extent appropriate, with classmates who are typical.


Correct Answer: Special education

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Intra individual differences are the differences between two or more persons.


Correct Answer: False

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Differences between two or more persons in a particular area are referred to as_____


Correct Answer: Interindividual differences

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Full inclusion is an interpretation of the principle of _____ restrictive environment advocating that all pupils with disabilities be educated in the general education classroom.


Correct Answer: Least

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An assessment procedure in which a student’s performance is compared to a particular level of mastery is known as_____


Correct Answer: Criterion-referenced assessment

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_____is a function of each state, mandated by federal law, to locate and refer individuals who might require special education.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The process of gathering information and identifying a student’s strengths and needs through a variety of instruments and products is known as_____


Correct Answer: Assessment

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