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Gifted and Talented in Special Education MCQ

The use of assessment instruments designed for older students when evaluating the academic ability of a child thought to be gifted is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Off-level testing

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The use of assessment instruments designed for older students when evaluating the academic ability of a child thought to be gifted is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Off-level testing

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The instructional strategy that allows the teachers to combine groups of students according to needs and abilities matched to their level of achievement is ______.


Correct Answer: Flexible grouping

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Which of the following does NOT describe the advantage and disadvantages of pull-out models?


Correct Answer: Pull-out programs are difficult to set in motion.

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Preassessment ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Instructional options available to adolescents and young adults with gifts and talents include all except ______.


Correct Answer: Home schooling

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Truths about gifted students include all but which of the following?


Correct Answer: Gifted students experience heightened sensitivity to their own expectations.

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Truths about gifted students include all but which of the following?


Correct Answer: Gifted students are always perfectionist and idealistic.

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The National Association for Gifted Children (2019) views closing the excellence gap as an ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Acceleration ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Girls who are gifted are an underrepresented population that may be attributed to the following except ______.


Correct Answer: Equal educational opportunities

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One common myth about gifted students is ______.


Correct Answer: Gifted students should be able to manage on their own

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Linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences are ______.


Correct Answer: Gardner’s multiple intelligences

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Students who are twice-exceptional are ______.


Correct Answer: Students who are gifted and talented but also have a disability

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The ability to reason and think abstractly, as well as the ability to generalize knowledge to novel settings, are ______ characteristics of gifted and talented learners.


Correct Answer: Academic/learning

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The instructional approach in which authentic problems having multiple solutions are addressed through the application of critical thinking skills is called ______.


Correct Answer: Problem-based learning

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Students who are gifted and talented but also have a disability are referred to as_____


Correct Answer: Twice-exceptional

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An instructional strategy that allows the teacher to offer variations of the same lesson to students with differing levels of ability in order to provide appropriate levels of challenge is known as_____


Correct Answer: Tiered assignment

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Problem-based learning is an instructional approach in which authentic problems having multiple solutions are addressed through the application of _____


Correct Answer: Critical thinking skills

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An assessment of a pupil’s previously acquired knowledge and skills; informing the teacher of where to start to provide differentiated learning experiences is known as_____


Correct Answer: Pre assessment

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Off level testing is the use of assessment instruments designed for older students when evaluating the academic ability of a _____


Correct Answer: Gifted child

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The qualities of a mentor include_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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A school with a strong instructional emphasis on a particular theme, such as performing arts or math and science; an option for secondary pupils who are gifted and talented is known as _____


Correct Answer: Magnet high school

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Persons who possess abilities and talents that can be demonstrated, or have the potential for being developed, at exceptionally high levels are referred to as_____


Correct Answer: Gifted and talented

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The combining or grouping of students according to needs and abilities matched to their level of achievement is known as_____


Correct Answer: Flexible grouping

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A modification of the curriculum that enables students who are gifted to learn at a level appropriate to their ability and level of readiness is known as_____


Correct Answer: Differentiation

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Curriculum compacting is an instructional technique whereby the time spent on academic subjects is increased while reducing it for enrichment activities.


Correct Answer: False

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A term with multiple meanings, generally referring to the production of novel or original ideas or products is known as_____


Correct Answer: Creativity

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The practice of placing_____ students who have similar needs and abilities with one teacher; promotes challenging cognitive development and positive social/emotional development is known as cluster grouping.


Correct Answer: Five or more

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An instructional strategy typically used with pupils who are gifted and talented; one approach is placing students in a grade level beyond their chronological age is known as_____


Correct Answer: Acceleration

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