1. How many words should you have in the title of an online press release?
2. True or False? Anything sent to a reporter is a form of press release
3. Press releases should be typed:
4. The headline should be at what length?
5. Which of these are free PR services?
6. What should be the only statement in uppercase letters in the press release?
7. True or False? The heading of the press release should be in uppercase.
8. For an online press release, what is a conversion?
9. True or False? You should always repeat your message at the end of the press release.
10. What is a "Close"?
11. Good news releases are written in the:
12. What is the release date?
13. Where should the boilerplate go?
14. True or False? You should not add more than one link to your press release.
15. What should a press release contain?
16. Press releases that do not include a contact telephone number:
17. Where should the first quote appear?
18. What should be included at the end of the press release?
19. Unembargoed information in a press release is considered public:
20. The same release can be re-sent to the same media outlet unsolicited:
21. A good press release differs from a sales letter most in that:
22. Where should you include the company logo in a press release?
23. In an online press release, where do you want to link the first instance of the brand and/or product name?
24. For press releases, what is a pickup?
25. What is the correct goal of crisis communications?
26. A news release should generally be ___ pages in length.
27. What does "-more-" indicate?
28. At a newspaper, you should send every press release to:
29. A press release is "embargoed" if:
30. If your company is publicly traded which of these should you include in the press release?
31. What would be a typical press release length?
32. A newspaper is guaranteed to run a press release if:
33. The body of a press release traditionally ends with:
34. What is a 'boilerplate'?
35. If a reporter re-writes your press release and prints it, that means:
36. When two or more entities are partnering on an event, it's better to:
37. Press releases should NEVER include:
38. The first paragraph should start with?
39. Where are the most important sections to place keywords?
40. A press release's supporting resource package might include:
41. Where should you place the instructions "For Immediate Release"?
42. A corporate press release should include the contact information of:
43. If no release date is given, what should you write?
44. What is the release time?
45. A well-written press release forms the basis for:
46. Abbreviations in press releases should be spelled out:
47. Adding search engine optimization keywords to your news release will:
48. What is the fastest way to disseminate information during times of crisis?
49. True or False? You do not need to request permission for quotes and contact details.
50. What is "###"?
51. Pre-packaged promotional material is often called a:
52. What's an example of "burying the lead"?
53. What is an example of a Media Alert?
54. What is an "EPK"?
55. What is a "VNR"?
56. A media outlet's editorial calendar tells you:
57. Press releases are most commonly written in "AP style." "AP" here stands for:
58. A paragraph near the end of a corporate press release with more general information about a company is important because:
59. Before sending a press release to a new media outlet, you must always:
60. How many pages long should a press release be?
61. What should the audience know in the first paragraph?
62. What is a crisis in public relations terms?
63. What is the goal of media relations?
64. What are 3 types of press releases?
65. What are crisis communications?
66. What is a wire service?
67. What does ### signal in a press release?
68. Which of the following is NOT one of the "5 Ws"?
69. A press release's "angle" is defined as:
70. When writing a press release, what is a hook?
71. You should write the press release as:
72. For an SEO press release, what are deep links?
73. Why should you include a quote in a press release?
74. What are the five (5) W's of a press release?
75. What is the main purpose of a press release?
76. What contact information should you include in a press release?
77. How do you measure the effectiveness of a press release?
78. How to deliver bad news in a press release?
79. What might be included in a social media news release?
80. What is a common mistake when submitting a press release?
81. Which of these are common reasons press releases fail in social media?
82. What does ' ### ' mean?
83. Colored text is appropriate in a press release if:
84. A press release headline should:
85. What is a news embargo?
86. When using quotations in a press release, they should be:
87. What is the best way to distribute a press release?
88. A press release can be effective when sent to:
89. In an emailed press release, the subject line should contain:
90. What are the 3 core components of a press release?
91. It is a best practice to include which of the following in a press release?
92. A boilerplate should include what information?
93. What is NOT a standard method of releasing a press release?
94. What is the purpose of an SEO press release?
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