1. Templates can store:
2. Can you apply bullets from the keyboard?
3. What function can help find a different way to state something in Word?
4. Shortcut key for help?
5. How can you jump from one to another heading?
6. What will the keyboard shortcut 'F1' do?
7. How do you add the date and time to word?
8. Easiest way of saving an existing document with a different name?
9. How many margins are on a page?
10. Best definition for FONT?
11. Keyboard shortcut to Save your file
12. Under which tab will you find Tables, Clip Art, Picture, Links?
13. Example of an automatic field insert?
14. What does a hyperlink option do?
15. You may customize the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of the window:
16. What shortcut enables you to select all?
17. What do the align text buttons do?
18. Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri are examples of what?
19. Can you insert a text box in word?
20. What does CTRL+U do?
21. A template may include:
22. Both line spacing and paragraph spacing can be adjusted in Word.
23. Which is built-in to the grammar and writing style?
24. What can be inserted into a word document?
25. Document information allows us to see:
26. Keyboard shortcut to save the document?
27. Can you export Word Documents into Powerpoint?
28. Can you choose what pages you want to print instead of the whole document?
29. What function is CTRL-C?
30. You can create an index entry:
31. Which items can be controlled within a section break?
32. Can shapes be used in word?
33. Can you convert PDF to Word?
34. 'Portrait' and 'Landscape' are two kinds of what?
35. Shortcut to copy the selected text or object?
36. How do you select all the text?
37. A word processor is
38. Keyboard shortcut for save?
39. The Picture option is located under which tab?
40. Examples of building blocks in Word?
41. How many different documents can you have open at one time?
42. Short cut used to copy?
43. Shortcut to undo the last action?
44. Does Word have a resume template by default?
45. Which tab do you use to insert a Photo into your Word document from an existing file?
46. If a line of text is highlighted, the keystrokes CTRL-B, CTRL-I, CTRL-U result in:
47. Can you shade a table different color from the rest of the text before and after it?
48. It is possible to embed one or more powerpoint slides or an entire presentation.
49. What does Word do automatically for index creation after compiling the list?
50. You can customize status bar to perform the following task:
51. When you exit Microsoft Word, what message appears?
52. Can a PC user open an attachment that was sent from a person that created the Word document on a Mac?
53. Borders can be applied to which of the following?
54. You need to reprint page 7 of a multipage document. How do you best do this?
55. Difference between Clip Art and a drawing object?
56. What can macros do in Word?
57. To correct a misspelled word, which is correct?
58. The picture options are located under which tab?
59. What is short cut for left alignment?
60. What can you insert into a Text Box?
61. Shortcut to cut the selected text or object?
62. Can you include items from other programs in a Word document?
63. How do you update a Table of Contents?
64. How do you restore a paragraph you accidentally deleted?
65. Keyboard shortcut for right-aligning a paragraph?
66. Can you change lists in your document back into regular text?
67. Of the following, best way to change the color of text?
68. If you accidentally modify a text and want to change it back to the original which would you use?
69. Where do you place the information that you want to display on the top of every page?
70. Which page orientation options are available?
71. Which font sizes are NOT supported by Word?
72. Visual Basic is accessed through the Developer Tab.
73. Is it possible to underline, bold, highlight, and italicize a text at the same time?
74. To open a new document we must close the working document.
75. How do you change the size of the text that appears on paper?
76. How do you insert a chart?
77. What is the shortcut for 'copy formatting from text'?
78. A section break controls the section formatting of the text that precedes it.
79. What does the Zoom slider do?
80. what is the file extension of microsoft 2010?
81. What is the function of the 'Undo' icon?
82. In the task pane a style will have an icon.
83. What keyboard board button you can use to exit the Read Mode?
84. Purpose of a Word template?
85. How do you change the line spacing before or after a paragraph?
86. How do you select the entire document without a mouse on a Windows computer?
87. Straightforward way to insert page numbers in Word?
88. Watermarks
89. When you choose the 'reduce file size' option, which is a possible option?
90. You CANNOT insert an Excel Spreadsheet into a Word Document.
91. Shortcut key for paste?
92. Where can 'Clip Art' be found?
93. If you change the Theme of a document what aspects of the document does it change?
94. How do you change the text color?
95. How do you get words in italics?
96. Which is not a font style?
97. A red line under your word means what?
98. When you divide your text into columns, can you adjust it to left or right?
99. A picture you have inserted is sitting in front of the words on the screen. How do you make the words visible over the picture?
100. Correct font and size for MLA-Format?
101. What are margins?
102. Which keyboard shortcut bolds selected text?
103. It is possible to ______ a data source before performing a merge.
104. From which option can you import a list of recipients for mail?
105. How do you un-highlight text?
106. What task can not be performed in the File menu?
107. Under the View tab, in the Toolbox section, you can see Styles and
108. How many preset columns can be added to a Word document?
109. Which is not a popular font?
110. How can you modify / edit paragraphs
111. In page preview mode, you can see:
112. Template creation is most efficient for:
113. Shortcut keys to underline a selected piece of text?
114. To insert a √ , which option should be used?
115. How do you add a table to your document?
116. Shortcut to decrease font size by 1 point?
117. What are the available choices for page orientation?
118. If Word is not exited properly:
119. What does the print layout show?
120. Keyboard shortcut to create a new blank document?
121. You are trying to open a file named profile.doc using Word 2010. Which mode will Word use to open this file?
122. To add a pie chart to a word document which tool would you use?
123. What is the definition of OLE?
124. What is a watermark in Word?
125. Of the following, which would you most likely use Word?
126. Selecting the Zoom command
127. The dialog box tabs that appear for a single envelope is the same for a single label.
128. Removes text from a document and places it on the clipboard.
129. How can the AutoCorrect Options be adjusted?
130. When using Windows, what is the shortcut to select the entire document?
131. How do you open a new document?
132. The insertion point in a table can be moved by using
133. Can you set page one to print portrait and page two to print landscape?
134. The best way to automatically include your headlines in a table of contents is to do what?
135. What cannot be changed on a table?
136. What is superscript?
137. Paragraphs can be aligned right, center, left and ?
138. While the cursor is inside a text box, pressing Ctrl+A will select ONLY the text within the box
139. How to get text box in MS word Document ?
140. In the latest (2010/2011) edition of Word, what is the default setting for extensions of files?
141. Documents can contain custom XML data that is not visible in the document itself.
142. Can Macros be disabled?
143. In Home, what ribbons are seen?
144. You CANNOT create default page numbering that starts on the second page.
145. What are the correct steps to insert a predefined table into a document?
146. What does the floppy disk image above the Home tab do when clicking it?
147. When using spell check can you choose not to change the word in the Word document?
148. Where do you go to restrict permission for a document?
149. What is the shortcut for Undo?
150. As you are typing, numbers appear as you make your list. How to you change them to bullet points?
151. If you're working on a saved document, By clicking 'Save As', you are...
152. How can you change the margins of a page?
153. Where do you place information that you want to display on the bottom of every page?
154. Templates are generally stored in a different location than documents.
155. How do you save your document as a PDF file?
156. How do you know you have opened a document that is in an old Word format?
157. What is the purpose of the Justify button?
158. To change a document's margins, you want to:
159. How can you select text without using the mouse?
160. Controls the amount of space between each letter.
161. What Metadata is contained in a Word document?
162. Where does a selection go when it is copied?
163. Aside from the standard options, like line, pie, and scatter, what are the more complex options for charts?
164. Allows you to skip to a particular part of a document.
165. Mail merge can...
166. When you change the appearance of a document, what are you doing?
167. If you wish to change the size of a photo, do you need to edit your photo outside of Word and re-insert?
168. What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?
169. Which of the following characters is permitted in a macro name?
170. Screen scroll is used to
171. You have to send a Word document to someone who doesn't have Word. Which option will work the BEST?
172. Where is the Customize dialog box that enables customizing the quick access toolbar and creation of keyboard shortcuts?
173. When performing a mail merge, where do you find your mailing list?
174. How does a user add a 'misspelled' word to the Microsoft Word Dictionary?
175. Which command/button allows you to display hidden formatting characters?
176. What term refers to the removal of text from the document and placing it on the clipboard?
177. What is Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)?
178. Which will help you find synonyms for a word?
179. Under What tab would you find spelling and grammar?
180. In a table, how do you move horizontally between the cells?
181. What is the main risk of using an existing document as a template rather than creating an actual template?
182. What does the cursor turn into when in the 'Draw table' mode?
183. What does a squiggly green line underneath a word mean?
184. You want to do a mass mailing and all your addresses are listed in a table. How do you print them out?
185. An easy way to display a list of appointments for each day of the week is to use a:
186. What is a Table of Figures?
187. You are editing a page in a document. You would like to keep track of the changes you have made. Which is the best option to use?
188. Three format changes easily changed by pushing one button?
189. Ctrl+ A or Cmd + A does which of the following?
190. How does AutoSummarize determine key points?
191. How do you insert 'Confidential' as background text?
192. What is the default paragraph alignment?
193. 'Portrait' and 'Landscape' are examples of what?
194. Which command do you choose to slant the words you type?
195. Which menu will contain the option to change font?
196. When a mouse pointer is moved into a document, it changes to:
197. How do you create a new document in Word 2010?
198. AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _____ words as the user types.
199. What is a standard sized Document?
200. How do you take an address and add it into a format so that it prints onto an envelope?
201. Which is not a tab on the toolbar?
202. Which elements of a Word document can be displayed in color?
203. In which tab is the WordArt option found in Windows versions?
204. What is accomplished by using bookmarks?
205. An alphabetical list of words and phrases in a document, along with corresponding page numbers is called a(n):
206. Which command allows you to reverse an Undo action?
207. What is the ribbon used for?
208. Which of the following is Word NOT well suited for?
209. What aspects of the document are lost if you save it as a text file?
210. In which page orientation is the document longer (taller) than it is wide?
211. How can you create a new document using Microsoft Word?
212. What does changing line spacing affect?
213. How can you suggest changes on a document without actually making the changes?
214. Shortcut Keys
215. Paragraph line spacing option can be accessed by:
216. Which is not a layout option in the status bar?
217. What tool is used to monitor edits to a document?
218. Resume reading is new to Word 2013, what does it do?
219. What is the design or aesthetic style of a set of characters?
220. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?
221. In the font toolbar, what does the capital A with the red underline signify?
222. What is the definition of a nested table?
223. To allow comments by others but not track changes,
224. Reviewing and Tracking in a Word Document, the Balloons:
225. Why does the document created at home open with a different font at the office?
226. Purpose of the small square that appears at the top left corner of a table when the cursor is in a cell?
227. To add commands to the Quick Access toolbar:
228. Clicking a hyperlinked text in Word will make you edit it. How will you follow the link?
229. 'Track Changes' function is located under
230. You want to three hole punch your document to place it in a binder. However, the printing is too far over. What do you adjust?
231. A character that is smaller and raised above the baseline is known as
232. How do you change a single word throughout a document to another word?
233. While typing, existing text is being deleted. What's the problem and the solution?
234. What is the standard page margin?
235. 'Final Showing Markup'is an example of what?
236. Clicking 'Ignore All' in Spell Check will...
237. How can you highlight text without using the mouse?
238. What happens when you hit the tab button at the start of a first line in pragaraph?
239. Select All will select...
240. Which part of the document will a theme affect?
241. To have a Template appear in the New Documents dialog, the file must be saved in the _______ folder.
242. To protect your document from being edited, you would select the which tab?
243. The minimum number of rows and columns in a table is
244. Purpose of a Decimal Tab stop?
245. Width of page margins in Narrow setting is
246. _________ is a useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters, labels, envelopes, name tags, and more using information stored in a list, database, or spreadsheet.
247. Which tab allows to add comments?
248. How do you keep the same font style after a copy and paste?
249. How can you insert a page break?
250. Which one is NOT a text effect?
251. Where do you find the option to add a hyperlink to your Word document?
252. How can you obtain a font size that is not available in the drop-down menu?
253. What bibliography references are offered on Word?
254. A word underlined in red _____ and a word underlined in green (or blue) ____.
255. What is the result when you click Next Page in Breaks under the Page Layout tab?
256. If you want to erase all revisions to a reviewed document, what command would you use?
257. Function of the Document Map?
258. If you have a series of text items separated by a comma, what is the command to turn that text into a table?
259. To get to the ‘Symbol’ box, click on the ______ menu and choose ‘Symbol’.
260. The Clipboard stores items that have been:
261. Templates add extra content to your document rather than structure and layout.
262. Simplest way to match the formatting of one section of text to another?
263. Which is true about the word wrap commands?
264. How do you insert a hyperlink under selected text?
265. Under what menu is the word count function located?
266. When recording a new macro, what option allows it to be available in all new documents?
267. Which option is not available for character spacing?
268. What is the best definition of a gutter margin?
269. What does the Quick Access Toolbar include?
270. How do you make a newly created macro available in all new documents?
271. How do you count characters?
272. Which statement about page columns is true?
273. How do you change all your current and future Heading 2 style headings from blue to black?
274. Which function creates a line around selected text?
275. Best way to set up a document for feedback from multiple users?
276. What is Auto Text?
277. Which keyboard shortcut will open the Help menu?
278. Keyboard shortcut to add a page break?
279. To add a shortcut for a symbol (e.g. check mark)
280. Can a Word table add numbers from two or more different columns?
281. In your Mail Merge recipients list, you've used different column headers than the fields in Mail Merge. What's the most efficient way to fix this?
282. To have an automatic table of contents, you will have to set and apply:
283. If we want to disable extended selection mode, you can:
284. Shrink To Fit is a feature that allows you to squeeze overflow text up into previous pages. This feature is available in which view?
285. To paste data from Excel as a static picture:
286. Which one is not found in the View tab?
287. What is the purpose of a Mail Merge?
288. In what section of the Home toolbar can you find the Bullet menu?
289. How do you view a list of all the sources cited in a document?
290. Main difference between linked objects and embedded objects?
291. Which is the term for a predefined set of formatting options that have been named and saved?
292. What are the 3 option tabs that appear upon pressing F5 in Word?
293. What does the Arrange All option do?
294. Does spell check mark incorrect usages of 'there,' 'they're,' and 'their?'
295. Which button allows you to add, delete, or change records in your Data Source?
296. How do you prevent an Excel Chart pasted into a Word document from updating when the original Excel document changes?
297. How can you use Find and Replace to make all numerical digits bold, but not any of the other text in your document?
298. Which is NOT a line spacing option?
299. Where do you choose which style of reference citation you need for your document?
300. How would you get to the Help Menu
301. Which feature copies an Excel spreadsheet to word and will update the spreadsheet in word with any subsequent changes to the original Excel spreadsheet?
302. Which one is NOT an available option in Change Case?
303. Using a template that is preloaded makes for nice documents, but when sent to another company or another server can cause error codes and strange symbols in your document. To prevent this it is best to...
304. Where are many other templates available?
305. What is a drop cap?
306. What is a Translation ScreenTip?
307. To ensure that data in a Word document is updated when you change the original data in the Excel workbook, you want to:
308. To control the positioning of pictures within the document, you must use:
309. Which will not be changed when changing the 'style' of the text box?
310. In what tab can 'Web Layout' be found?
311. How do you avoid showing formatting changes in Track Changes?
312. Which is NOT an indentation option?
313. What is one approach to find text that is formatted as hidden text?
314. How do you make headings stick to the section that follows them?
315. If you have only a single word selected, the entire paragraph will be affected if the paragraph commands are used.
316. Which tab on the ribbon lets you insert a citation?
317. The 'New Window, Arrange All and Split' is located in which Tab?
318. What is the function of Split View?
319. Which command center-aligns text?
320. To create a table that is more complex than a standard grid:
321. What does Word search for in order to create or update the Table of Contents?
322. The ___ contains all the commands you will need to perform common tasks in Word
323. You can use different page formatting within the same document by separating the differently formatted areas with a
324. Which tab do you go to when trying to start a bullet list?
325. Which is NOT a way to insert a hyperlink?
326. Customize the text layout direction in the document or selected text box is the function of?
327. Which command allows you to access macros?
328. Which is NOT a data source component?
329. What tab will show you different page views of your document?
330. How would a user run an embedded PowerPoint slide show?
331. When inserting a rectangle how can you ensure it will be a perfect square?
332. Which is NOT a 'Permissions' feature for protecting a Word document?
333. How do you hide the Office Assistant?
334. Which keyboard shortcut will insert a page break and start a new page?
335. What is the shortcut key for right alignment?
336. What function in Word 2013 is called when you double-click with your mouse to zoom in and make tables, charts and images in your document fill the screen?
337. The Hide/Show button found in the Standard Toolbar:
338. Shortcut to decrease the Font size 1pt?
339. Draft is used to view?
340. The Table of Contents group is found under which ribbon tab?
341. What is the term for a numbered label that you can add to a figure, a table, an equation, or another object?
342. Which option is not part of the Mailing tab or menu for Word?
343. How do you represent a paragraph mark ¶ (pilcrow) in Find and Replace dialog boxes?
344. How can you remove a tab stop marker from the ruler?
345. Click and Type isn't available in the:
346. How do you include all pages where 'Zoomba' is mentioned in your Index?
347. _____ provides a clean, uncomplicated view of your document, but you still see indicators where tracked changes have been made.
348. What is a way to delete tabs from the ruler?
349. What task will the shortcut 'Shift + F10' perform?
350. In which tab is the 'Find' option located?
351. Where is the command for shading a portion of a document?
352. The Text Direction Command is in the ____ Tab.
353. The 'Document View Commands' are located in the?
354. What is the default reference citation for Word documents?
355. Which is not available on the ruler?
356. What command does the F12 key open?
357. What is the first step in drawing a table manually?
358. To autofit the width of a column in a table, you would ...?
359. What does triple-click do?
360. What is the command line switch to prevent execution of any AutoExec Macros?
361. What is a requirement in order to add a bullet style to the bullet library?
362. Which shortcut will open the Font dialog window?
363. How do you Select All using the mouse?
364. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F4 is used to:
365. Shortcut to break the connections between a linked object and its source?
366. How many master documents can you have per document?
367. Which is not a predefined delimiter for separating the columns when converting text into tables?
368. While in a bulleted list, what action will move the cursor back to the left and then move out of the bulleted list completetly?
369. How do you replace all manual line breaks with paragraph marks?
370. By Default, the Quick Access Bar does not:
371. Where are the tab stops on the ruler in a new blank document?
372. Which cannot be selected as a 'browse by' element using the 'browse by' button?
373. Keyboard shortcut to display all the non-printing characters?
374. Page borders makes the following changes EXCEPT:
375. Commands to find highlighted text?
376. What indicates that a block of text has been tagged with a Bookmark?
377. Shortcut for capitalizing an entire selection of text?
378. What is the View Macros shortcut?
379. How do you create a 'Legal Blackline'
380. Shortcut to unlock a link that has been locked?,
381. When you paste text from PDF or email, it often comes with line breaks after each line. What is the most efficient way to get rid of them?
382. The following sites are offered under the Research tool except
383. The permission dialog box does all except
384. Keyboard shortcut for extending the selection to the end of the paragraph?
385. A table has its own controls and its own contextual ribbon tabs. The move handle and size handle appear in which layout view?
386. Which function key will allow you to check the spelling of the complete document if you have not changed the shortcut key's settings?
387. Which shortcut key is used to move a paragraph from its current location?
388. A table pasted from the web sometimes has double borders. How do you get rid of them?
389. Backstage view gives you various options for?
390. The Shrink to Fit or Shrink One Page helps to:
391. What shortcut is used to bring up the 'Open' Window?
392. Which option is NOT available from the Restrict Editing drop down menu in the Review pane
393. Method to add to or rearrange the commands on the Word Ribbon?
394. Shortcut keystroke that allows toggling of text case from UPPERCASE to lowercase to TitleCase?
395. When inserting Page number in footer it appeared '1' but you wish to show 'a'. How can you do that?
396. What is the fastest way (shortcut) to Replace text with other text throughout the document?
397. Which one is not in the Word Count Dialogue Box?
398. Keyboard shortcut to activate/deactivate the Track Changes feature
399. How do you go back to the place you were recently working in a large document?
400. Which is not a type of tab stop?
401. What does Autosummarize do?
402. How do you add columns to the document?
403. Which Word feature is located under the 'View' tab of the ribbon?
404. Which option on the ribbon will allow you to create Macros?
405. When recording a macro, what does the cursor turn into?
406. You can break the column by:
407. How do you make a three-column table out of a list like this? John Smith, [email protected] ¶ Jane Doe, [email protected] ¶ Jill Smith, [email protected] ¶
408. What is the default save option for macros?
409. .... is not a Link option in the Insert Tab.
410. How do we make text 'hidden text' in a document?
411. Portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?
412. Keyboard shortcut for adding an accent mark to a vowel in Word for Windows?
413. What ribbon is Header and Footer located on?
414. Command to indicate that text should be included as an index entry?
415. What command will allow you to see what template you are using as part of your current document?
416. What is the shortcut key for Double Underline Text.
417. What is one option for assigning a macro in order to start it?
418. How can you insert a pyramid chart into a Word document?
419. Where is a floating object inserted?
420. What is the keyboard command for 'Format Painter'?
421. Short cut keys for closing a document window?
422. Alt+click will:
423. Which is not stored in the Normal.dot?
424. Where are building blocks stored?
425. What is the right click menu command from a bulleted list that will change the spacing between a bullet and the text?
426. What reference mark appears at the end of the page?
427. If a group of text has different formatting, what shortcut will change the entire selection back to the default?
428. Which of these contain the most common word commands?
429. What does 'Split' command in View tab do?
430. What is the shortcut keystroke for indenting a paragraph?
431. If you make changes to captions within your document and want to update the table of figures, Press:
432. Method to change the font or font size of the Ribbon?
433. Which is NOT one of the possible 'quicktables' in Word?
434. Keyboard shortcut for increasing the font size?
435. What is the Insert Endnote shortcut?
436. If multiple paragraphs are highlighted in a document, what tab stops appear on the ruler?
437. You can mark a table of contents entry by:
438. Into how many panes can a document be split?
439. Line Numbers can be:
440. The Reviewing Pane:
441. How many documents from different reviewers can be combined at one time in order to compare and merge?
442. How can you make parts of your text in a document not editable?
443. Shortcut to delete an entire word without having to delete each letter or select the entire word?
444. Background color or effects applied on a document are not visible in:
445. Which is NOT available among the Insert Table Autofit options?
446. What is the short cut key for Create a hanging indent
447. How do you paste a table from Excel to Word document and maintain the document theme?
448. Keyboard shortcut for reducing the indentation of a bullet point?
449. Under which tab will you be able to change the display of grid lines in a table?
450. When you click where you want to insert a new page, where will the inserted page appear?
451. Maximum number of columns you can insert into a Word Document?
452. What table consists of 3 duplicated columns?
453. What tool is used to copy formatting from one source to another?
454. What is the shortcut for a copyright symbol?
455. Where are the macro security settings maintained?
456. Shortcut key for increasing indentation?
457. If you have not yet created a header and you double click in the header area, what actions are available?
458. Keyboard shortcut for Subscript?
459. Which is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen?
460. Text converted to a table can be separated into columns with
461. Ctrl+click
462. If you insert a table in Word, what is maximum amount of columns allowed?
463. What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8?
464. How do you control the format of lines in a table?
465. Where do you enter the URL in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box?
466. What will you do to make the selection be underlined without the spaces in between getting underlined?
467. When recording a macro, what type of operation is not supported with the mouse?
468. What settings will block Word from wrapping text in a table cell automatically and expanding the size of the cell?
469. How do you select a template?
470. What does EXT indicate when on the status bar of Word? It indicates
471. How do you change the color scheme in words?
472. What is Click And Type?
473. You saved a password-protected Word file as a PDF. Will the PDF document also be password protected?
474. In Print Layout view, what happens when you double-click in the background space between pages?
475. A custom watermark can be inserted but will be displayed in black and white.
476. When formatting a document with a photo, what Text Wrapping option do you want to allow text to wrap around a picture?
477. Which option is NOT a selection for Header and Footer?
478. Under what tab will you find the Cover Page option?
479. What are the two tabs that become visible once you begin to edit a table?
480. Which is not under the Insert tab?
481. How does one protect document with a password?
482. When sorting text or a spreadsheet in a Word document, what is the maximum number of sorts that can be applied?
483. Word will repeat a table heading if you insert a manual page break within a table.
484. To create a large first letter for a paragraph complete the following steps- Click in the paragraph and :
485. Once all mail merge set ups are complete, what command provides a review of the document before completing the merge?
486. If you are missing some reference source information and create a placeholder citation, the placeholder will appear in the bibliography.
487. Which one is NOT a valid tab alignment?
488. What character is not permitted in a Bookmark name?
489. Using the ruler is a recommended approach to adjust list indents.
490. How do you teach Word to insert a picture with your signature with a shortcut?
491. In the merge and compare process, Word can store multiple sets of formatting changes at a time.
492. Document Themes include background style customization options in Word.
493. The text highlight command has more colors available beyond the standard options, similar to the font and fill choices.
494. Keyboard shortcut for switching in and out of print preview?
495. Can color changes be made to an imported item in Word?
496. To change the line spacing to 1.5, you can press:
497. Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?
498. How do you link a separate file to your Word document but not refer to the original file?
499. You can automatically generate random text you can use for testing the page formatting, fonts, etc. by typing =rand(8,10) and then pressing Enter
500. In the given picture, the 'Washout' option has been selected. What purpose does it serve?
501. Why is the 'Different First Page' option used in the Page Setup dialog box as shown in the given picture?
502. Which settings should be applied in the 'Format Drawing Canvas' dialog box, as shown in the picture, to remove a border from a drawing object?
503. Which option turns off Enhanced ScreenTips but keeps the ScreenTips still visible?
504. What is meant by Enhanced ScreenTips?
505. How will the Message Bar alerts be enabled as shown in the given picture?
506. What is the significance of 'Building Blocks?'
507. Which can be the reason for the appearance of the red X, as shown in the picture?
508. Which feature has been used from the Picture Pane on Picture1 to achieve the same result as Picture2?
509. What is wrong with the following query: select * from Orders where OrderID = (select OrderID from OrderItems where ItemQty > 50)
510. Which chart type does the given picture represent?
511. Which is incorrect about Microsoft Word 2010 Lists?
512. If I do not want the contents of one of my fields to automatically update, I would have to do which of the following?
513. A Microsoft Word 2010 custom theme can be applied to content in Word 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Excel 2010 and Outlook 2010.
514. Maximum file size that can be opened with Microsoft Word 2010?
515. In relation to Outline view in Microsoft Word 2010, which keyboard shortcut is incorrect?
516. About resizing of tables. Statement 1: Bring the mouse pointer inside the table. A small resize icon will appear at the bottom-right corner. Statement 2: Either width or height can be changed at a time. Which of the given statements is/are correct?
517. Judith inserts a SmartArt graphic into a Word 2010 document. She wants to add text to the inserted graphic, but the Text Pane for inserting the text is not visible. Which of the following options will make the Text Pane visible?
518. What view must be used when inserting a subdocument?
519. A Doughnut chart is one of the complex charts of Microsoft office 2010. Which is incorrect about a Doughnut chart?
520. In relation to Multilevel lists, which statements are correct?
521. Which option allows you to arrange drawings in your document so they may be moved, kept together, aligned, or formatted more easily?
522. How can one draw a perfect circle shape in a Microsoft Word 2010 document?
523. In Microsoft Word 2010, which are correct about Table of Contents?
524. John selects separate theme colors, formatting effects and theme fonts from their respective galleries. Now he wants to save these settings for future use. Which of the following options should be selected in the theme gallery to save the current theme?
525. Choose the INCORRECT statement:
526. Casey wants to show the comparison of sales of the current year and previous year. She wants to show the optimum combinations of both years. Which of the following chart types will be the most suitable in this situation?
527. Which are NOT a type of SmartArt?
528. What is the maximum number of subdocuments that can be created in a master document with Microsoft Word 2010?
529. Wilson needs to add 100 stars to his Word 2010 document. In order to draw multiple instances of the star shape, which of the following shape options should be used to lock the shape, so that he doesn't have to select the star shape repeatedly?
530. My table heading row is not repeating on subsequent pages though I have properly set the header row to repeat. What is one problem that might be causing this behavior?
531. In Microsoft Word 2010, 'Keep lines together' paragraph formatting:
532. If you were writing a book and wanted each chapter to start on the right page, which Section Break would you use to begin each chapter?
533. Which is the default extension for Word 2010 documents?
534. If your table of contents is not hyperlinking when you click on the page number, what do you need to do?
535. Maria wants to add content controls programmatically to her document at run time. Which way can be used to add a content control at run time?
536. While clicking on File menu -> Info option, which is NOT available in the backstage view?
537. Andrew wants to add 'Project Copy' to the Watermark gallery. Correct option to add custom text to the Watermark gallery?
538. You want to select all instances of a specific style used in your document. However, the Select All command in the Styles pane is not available (grayed out). You must enable
539. Which is NOT correct about Microsoft Word 2010?
540. Peter embeds an Excel chart into a Word 2010 document. Later, he modifies the data in the source Excel sheet but that data does not get reflected in the embedded chart in Word 2010. Which of the following could be the reason of failure of data reflection?
541. Statement 1: When a section break has been deleted, the text that was above the break becomes a part of the section that was below the break. Statement 2: When a section break has been deleted, the section formatting for the text in the section before the break also gets deleted. Which of the given statements is/are correct?
542. Which section break is NOT available under the Layout tab?
543. In the backstage view of Microsoft Word 2016, which options are available under the Protect Document option? 1. Mark as Final. 2. Encrypt with Password. 3. Restrict Editing. 4. Restrict Access.
544. If the word 'Permit' is typed in a Word document with the cursor between the letters
545. Can we edit a Microsoft Word 2016 document if it is marked as final?
546. Keyboard shortcut used to redo the last performed action in a Microsoft Word 2016 document?
547. Which alignment types are available under the Table Properties?
548. Which Relationship type SmartArt graphic is the most suitable option to show the relationship between two ideas?
549. While using a custom watermark in a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which layout can be applied?
550. Which is NOT a valid option for Macro Settings under the Trust Center in Word Options?
551. If you want to show a progression or a sequence of tasks, events or stages in a circular flow, then which Cycle type SmartArt graphic will be the most suitable option to choose?
552. While working in a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which tab on the ribbon is used to display the Navigation pane?
553. A Pareto chart belongs to which chart types in Microsoft Word 2016?
554. Which Picture type SmartArt graphic is the most suitable option to show a set of pictures with text?
555. Which functional key is used for spelling and grammar check in a Microsoft Word 2016 document?
556. In Microsoft Word 2016, what happens if someone saves a new macro with the same name as a built-in macro?
557. We can use the AutoSave feature as shown in the image, which automatically saves the documents while we are working on them. By default, it auto saves a document every:
558. Which chart elements are NOT available in a Pie chart?
559. Maximum number of columns that can be added to a selected paragraph?
560. Suppose that you have downloaded a new font from the web for your Microsoft Word 2016 document. If you want to open this document on another computer that doesn't have the same font, you need to embed it. Which of the following options marked in the image will you choose to embed the font in the document?
561. If you want to draw a perfect circle shape, then which procedure will you use?
562. In Microsoft Word 2016, which chart type has only two subcharts?
563. Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the Macros dialog box in Microsoft Word 2016?
564. In order to show a timeline; a progression; sequential steps in a process, task or workflow; or to emphasize movement or direction, which Process type SmartArt graphic will be the most suitable option?
565. In Microsoft Word 2016, which is NOT a type of SmartArt graphic?
566. Function of the Drop Cap option in a Microsoft Word 2016 document?
567. Suppose that you have inserted a 30 x 30 table in a Microsoft Word 2016 document. If you are working at the 30th (last) row in the first column, then which keyboard shortcut will you use to go directly to the first row of the first column?
568. The security department of Mark's organization has decided that only digitally signed macros will be allowed in Microsoft Word. Which option is the correct way to restrict the unsigned macros?
569. For the Track Changes option in a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which one shows the final version and hides all markups?
570. Which options are available in the Format Picture pane, when you right-click an image and select the Format Picture option?
571. In a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which functions are performed by footnotes and endnotes?
572. In a Microsoft Word 2016 document, which keyboard shortcut is used for using Thesaurus?
573. Suppose that you have a Microsoft Word 2016 document with 100 pages and you are currently working on the first page. If you want to go directly to page number 67, then which of the following functional keys should you use?
574. Which List type SmartArt graphic is the most suitable option to show large amounts of text divided into categories and subcategories?
575. John is working in the Draft view in a Microsoft Word 2016 document. If he wants to switch to the Outline view, then which keyboard shortcut will he use?
576. Which chart types are introduced in the Microsoft Word 2016 and are not present in the earlier versions of Microsoft Word?
577. Suppose that you have entered text in a Microsoft Word 2016 document and the cursor is at the end of the line. Which actions will the CTRL+Left arrow keys perform?
578. Which chart type is shown in the given image?
579. Word automatically marks spelling errors, grammar errors or frequently confused words. Which option is the correct procedure to disable these functionalities?
580. In which view, gridlines in the background of the document can be seen?
581. Which chart displays error bars?
582. Peter was working on a Microsoft Word document. His document closed due to a system error and he couldn't save it. Which of the following is the correct way to recover an unsaved workbook?
583. Suppose that you have inserted one rectangle shape and one triangle shape into a page in your Microsoft Word 2016 document. You want to overlap these two shapes but are not able to do it. You can enable overlapping of shapes by right-clicking on the shape and selecting More Layout Options. Which of the following tabs in the Layout dialog box given in the image will you choose to enable overlapping of shapes?
584. Which option is NOT a valid setting for Page Border?
585. Maria inserts a table with three rows and three columns into a Microsoft Word 2016 document. Now she wants to delete that table from the document. Which of the following is/are the correct procedure(s) to do this?
586. If Julie wants to show the relationships of four quadrants to a whole by using SmartArt graphics in Microsoft Word 2016, then which of the following SmartArt graphic types should she choose?
587. A watermark can be applied from which of the following tabs?
588. The coach of the national cricket team wants to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the team players. He has selected 4 major areas to analyze: fitness, flexibility, attitude and punctuality. Which of the following chart types will be most suitable in this situation?
589. Which options are available in the Document Inspector dialog box? 1. Custom XML Data 2. Headers, Footers and Watermarks 3. Invisible Content 4. Hidden Text
590. We can use a picture as a hyperlink in a Microsoft Word 2016 document.
591. Which chart type does NOT have the Chart Filters button?
592. Rony has written a research paper in a Word document and wants to share it with his friend for review. Rony has turned on Track Changes in the document and wants to use a password to prevent his friend from turning off Track Changes. Which of the following options is the correct procedure to apply a password?
593. Which tab can be used to record a macro?
594. Suppose that you have typed a paragraph as shown in figure 1 of the given image. You have applied center alignment to the paragraph and the resultant paragraph is shown in figure 2 of the given image. Which of the following is the correct procedure to apply center alignment to the paragraph?
595. Suppose that you have entered some text in a Microsoft Word 2016 document as shown in figure 1 of the given image. Which of the following actions will you perform to achieve the text formatting (double underline) as shown in figure 2 of the given image?
596. Suppose that you have entered some text in a Microsoft Word 2016 document as shown in figure 1 of the given image. Which of the following actions will you perform to achieve the text formatting (underline every word) as shown in figure 2 of the given image?
597. Which option is the maximum border weight/width that can be applied to a picture from the Picture Border option under the Format tab?
598. What type of watermark can be applied to a Microsoft Word 2016 document?
599. Frank inserts a shape into a page in a Microsoft Word 2016 document and draws a textbox on it. He selects the shape and presses the delete button on the keyboard. What will be the result?
600. Which keyboard shortcut is used to change the case of letters between lowercase, uppercase and sentence case?
601. When you create a document in Microsoft Word 2016, certain personal information is added to the file, e.g. information about the author of the document. If you want to share the document with others but do not want to share that personal information, then which of the following options will you choose to remove that information from the file?
602. Sonia wants to use the hanging layout for her organization chart by using the SmartArt graphics. Which of the following hierarchy layouts should she use to achieve this?
603. Samantha is using SmartArt graphics to represent the performance of her team members. She wants to show the best performers on the top and narrowing down. Which of the following SmartArt types will be the most suitable option to do this?
604. John creates a macro that needs to be available on all the documents. Which of the following is the correct way to share the macro on all documents?
605. While working with the bulleted list in a Microsoft Word 2016 document, if you are currently at the sub-bullet point indent level, then which of the following shortcut keys can be used before typing to return to the previous indent level?
606. Through which procedure can you adjust the transparency of an image?
607. Sam has drafted a document and wants to limit another user, John, from editing and formatting it; e.g. to prevent formatting changes, force all changes to be tracked or allow only commenting. Which of the following is the correct procedure to do this?
608. Rony wants to use the SmartArt graphics in a Microsoft Word 2016 document. Which of the following options should Rony use to open the SmartArt graphics dialog box?
609. Suppose that you have inserted an image into a Microsoft Word 2016 document as shown in Figure 1 of the given image. Which of the following options from the Format tab of the ribbon will you choose to get the output as shown in Figure 2 of the given image?
610. Which is the correct procedure to divide a paragraph into three columns?
611. Which functional keys is used to activate the help feature in Microsoft Word 2016?
612. Suppose that you have typed a paragraph in a Microsoft Word 2016 document as shown in Figure 1 of the given image and placed the cursor on the second line of the paragraph. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you use to indent the entire paragraph in one go as shown in Figure 2 of the given image?
613. Suppose that you have selected some text in a Microsoft Word 2016 document and you want to strikethrough that selected text, then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you use?
614. Which keyboard shortcut can be used to view the document in the Print Layout view?
615. John wants to use a SmartArt graphic to create a chart for his organization. He wants to show the reporting relationships of his organization, such as managers of the departments and non-management employees. Which of the following SmartArt graphic types will be the most suitable for him to use?
616. Which option is NOT a default watermark in the Watermark gallery?
617. Which type of chart do NOT have axes?
618. Suppose that you are working in the Print Layout view in a Microsoft Word 2016 document. Which is the correct keyboard shortcut that can be used to go to the Draft view?
619. You have inserted a table with all borders in a Microsoft Word 2016 document. Which of the following borders options will you select from the ribbon, if you want to display the table as shown in the image?
620. What can be the position of a Legend in a chart? 1. Left of the chart. 2. Right of the chart. 3. Top of the chart. 4. Bottom of the chart.
621. Which are correct about Format Painter?
622. John inserts a table into a page. He wants to apply borders to the table. Which of the following settings are available under the Borders and Shading dialog box?
623. If Jenny wants to assign a password to open and modify a Word document, then which of the marked options in the image can she use?
624. Which type of circle represent(s) the top of the hierarchy in a Sunburst chart?
625. Which option can be used to select a specific paragraph in a Microsoft Word 2016 document?
626. Suppose that you have inserted a few images into a Microsoft Word 2016 document. From which of the following views under the View tab will you be NOT able to edit those images?
627. While inserting a table in Microsoft Word 2016. how many columns can be added to the table?
628. Which option is an invalid type Of a Pie chart?
629. A macro button can be added to the ribbon.
630. In relation to Relationship SmartArt graphics in Microsoft Word 2016, which option displays the Stacked Venn SmartArt graphic?
631. In order to view the privacy options in Microsoft Word 2016, which procedure can be used?
632. Which are page orientation types under the Layout tab? 1. Picture 2. Portrait 3. Image 4. Landscape
633. Which Option is the correct type of a Pie chart?
634. Which type of chart is displayed in the given image?
635. In relation to Relationship SmartArt graphics in Microsoft 2016 document, which SmartArt graphic is displayed in the given image?
636. In relation to SmartArt graphics in Microsoft Word 2016, which option is an incorrect type of Pyramid SmartArt graphics?
637. Romy inserted an image to a Microsoft Word document. He wants to remove the background of that image. Which of the following options should he use?
638. Suppose, you have applied watermark to a Microsoft Word 2016 document. In which Of the following views. will you be able to see that watermark?
639. We can replace a specific word with some other word with the help of a Find and Replace dialog box. Which shortcut will you use to Open the Find and Replace dialog box?
640. Which alignment type is NOT available under the Table Properties?
641. Which type of chart is displayed in the given image?
642. In Microsoft Word 2016 document, we can convert a paragraph in to four columns.
643. Format painter can be used to copy formatting from one AutoShape to another.
644. Frank inserts a shape into a page in a Microsoft Word 2016 document and wants to draw a textbox on it. Which of the following statements are correct regarding the same?
645. In Microsoft Word 2016, which options are the valid types of stock charts? 1. Open-high-low-close 2. Volume«high—low-close 3. Volume-Iow-high-open-close 4. Low-high-close
646. Sally has just finished writing her first novel. She’s read that uploading her Word document in HTML format is the best way to increase readability across Kindle devices. What is the first step Sally must take to format the document properly into HTML?
647. Joe received a technical document in Word format from his client. One of the directions his client gives is for Joe to use the company’s logo as the watermark for each page in the document. How does Joe complete this request as following?
648. Suppose there is a need to set different page orientation in one word document (as shown in screenshot). Which of the following option allow you to set different page orientation?
649. Explain about macro as following statement?
650. Following tab has an option to add charts to your word document using as following?
651. How do you insert a chart or graph into a Word document?
652. How you can add cover page in your word document by going to the ___ tab?
653. How can you work on an active Excel worksheet in Microsoft Word?
654. Preparing the Word document by marking it as final serves which one of the following purposes?
655. What happens if you forget your protection password on a Word document?
656. Content controls help you can to create rich, structured blocks of content and are designed for use in templates that insert well-defined blocks into your documents, creating structured documents. Which of the following options are available to protect a content control at design time?
657. What is a theme as following?
658. In Microsoft Word restrictions are available in order to secure the document from unauthorized access. So that the Document can't be edited or misused otherwise, there are several types of restrictions. Suppose you are restricting the document so that others can't change the policy of monitoring his editing history on your document. Which of the following option is selected in Restrict Editing Command?
659. Page borders can be added by going to the ... tab?
660. You can automate frequently used tasks or actions by creating and running macros. How can you make a macro available in all new Word Documents?
661. You’ve been tasked with changing a document from Chicago style references to APA style references for both in-text and the references page. Since you’re on a very short turnaround time, how can you make the changes swiftly and accurately?
662. Which of the choices below is NOT one of the main keyboard shortcuts for cut, copy and paste in Word 2016?
663. What do the encircled icons at the bottom of the page represent in the following picture?
664. Purpose of page break in Microsoft Word?
665. Steps to set up a venn diagram?
666. How can you change the direction of text in cells of a table?
667. How do you set up a bar graph with labels and values?
668. How can you create a chart with subheadings?
669. If you get the error message 'Word experienced an error trying to open file' what should you try.
670. Which statement is True about how you edit a table?
671. You can record a macro in Microsoft Word by clicking on the following tab?
672. How can you inspect your doc. for private data?
673. You can search, find and replace items such as text, images, captions, bookmarks, or certain types of formatting such as paragraphs or page breaks. How can you find a word or phrase and replace it with items stored on the clipboard?
674. Which one is a feature in the Review Tab of Microsoft Word?
675. Headers and footers in Microsoft Word can be added by going to the ... tab?
676. When your cursor is positioned at the end of a paragraph and you press HOME, what happens to your cursor?
677. Drop cap is a large capital letter at the beginning of a text block that has the depth of two or more lines of regular text. How many different positions are available to select for a large capital letter drop case?
678. How do you control the contents of a word document?
679. Which is NOT a function available in Word 2016 when modifying a table?
680. ... in the review tab displays all the comments together on the left side of the Word document?
681. Which is a standard footnote or end note format?
682. Explain macro using one of the following statements?
683. While building a form template in Word you decide that you want to use Legacy Tools. Why would you choose this option?
684. There are two ways you can change a macro in Word 2016. Which is NOT a correct way to do so?
685. Which is considered to meet the criteria for a trusted publisher? (choose all that apply)
686. Name of the utility that lists words grouped together according to similar meanings?
687. How do you keep a Word Document private? (choose all that apply)
688. Joan is a freelance editor who has a client request that her editing comments show up as 'Editor.' Currently, her editorial comments are seen as 'Joan S.' How must Joan make the name change to show up as 'Editor'? (choose all that apply)
689. In addition to being a feature that corrects common spelling and capitalization errors, the AutoCorrect feature can also be used for which of the following objectives?
690. Bibliography and citations can be added to the Microsoft Word document by going to the __ tab?
691. For double-sided printing, you might want a different header on the left and right side of the document. Which option allows you to set a different header on the left and right side of a document?
692. For illustrating the reporting relationships of your company/organization, the Organization Chart is the best idea to use for the needed layout. An Organization chart may also contain photos that look professionally designed. Which of the following allows you to create an Organization chart?
693. Which graphs/charts can you insert into a Word document?
694. How to find relevant quotes, citable sources, and images - all without leaving Word?
695. Microsoft Word allows you to place a border on any or all of the four sides of a table very similar to text, paragraphs, and pages. Which option is available in the Shading Tab of Borders & Shading Dialog Box?
696. Which option allows you to remove hidden data and personal information from a MS-Word document?
697. You are working in a series of documents that consistently uses a particular macro. However, after creating and running the macro in one document you find it doesn’t work in the subsequent documents. What might be the issue? (choose all that apply)
698. How can you be sure the doc. you are working on will be completely saved if the power goes out?
699. Different ways to protect a Microsoft Word document? Check all that apply.
700. Microsoft Word sometimes automatically changes straight quotation marks to curly quotes and curly quotes to straight quotations. Which of the following features is used to replace straight quotes with smart quotes as you type?
701. How do you get to the 'building blocks organizer templates' for specific document formatting?
702. Allows you to find duplicate paragraphs or rows in a Word Document?
703. How can you insert a cross-reference in a document that is hyperlinked?
704. Tom is trying to add a row in a table where he had just merged two cells. For some reason, he is restricted from adding a row. Given the rows have a large amount of text and other data, what is the optimal solution for him to correct the issue quickly?
705. In order to convert non-tabular data in Word, you can convert text to table by simply marking text and selecting Convert Text to Table option from Table Dropdown in Insert Tab. How can you Convert a tabular data into text?
706. A Table of Contents can be added in a Word document by going to the ... tab?
707. When you're creating a letter or an email to all your customers and you want the letter to say different things depending on the different values in certain fields of your data source, you can set up a rule. You can access rules once you have started the mail merge process. Which of the following option is not a valid available rule to select from?
708. Field Code is a placeholder of data that you want Word to add automatically, while the data on the document is shown after having evaluated the Field Code. By default, Field Codes are hidden from view and you can view the Field code by pressing the following key combinations?
709. My table of contents (TOC) does not show the titles of each chapter of my book. What might I have done incorrectly?
710. How do you create a table in Microsoft Word?
711. Sal is a researcher who has created an Access database with information from an online survey. He’s been directed to import the table from Access into Word, Is this possible?
712. How do you move from one footnote to another in the same document?
713. How do you protect your Word document from unauthorized access or modifications? (choose all that apply)
714. Cross reference in a Word document allows the user to do the following
715. Where can you create bullets for a list denoted by images or icons?
716. ... allows you to set different page orientations in a word document.
717. What is the purpose of using macro in Word?
718. There are various ways you can change a macro in Word 2016. Which option is not a correct way to do so?
719. Microsoft Word provides multiple ways to identify what type of format or style is applied on a document. What is the specific pane that shows us the paragraph formatting separated from the text formatting?
720. Navigation pane in the view tab of Microsoft Word serves which purpose:
721. Steps to set different spacing between characters?
722. You can add line numbers to all or part of a document. Which option is counted as 1 line?
723. Which option allows you to get tracked changes out of the document?
724. What are the basic steps for creating macros?
725. Margins can be adjusted by going to the following tab option?
726. Background color of the page in Microsoft Word can be changed through ___ tab?
727. Where can you find the different page layouts?
728. Page orientation in Microsoft Word helps the user to do the following?
729. MS-Word automatically applies the watermark to every page except the following?
730. You want to add an image as the first character in your paragraph. Which type of text wrapping treats your graphic as if it were a character?
731. When using the booklet-printing feature, the term 'gutter' refers to the space between page content and the fold in the middle of the paper where you would normally bind pages together.
732. You are editing a shape. Which Shape Fill options in the Shape Styles group gives you control over the transparency for a shape?
733. Below are two statements regarding Breaks in Microsoft Word 2010.
734. Function of Widow/Orphan control in Microsoft Word 2010?
735. With which chart type(s) is the 'Depth Gridlines' option available?
736. Dave receives a file named Theme1.thmx from his boss. Opening the file opens a blank PowerPoint document. On clarifying from his boss, he learns that the .thmx file contains a particular theme which needs to be applied to the annual report on which Dave is working. How can Dave achieve this?
737. A particular chart layout can be applied to a chart only if:
738. If you want to create a citation and fill in the source information later, you should:
739. To select vertical blocks of text, you would hold down which key while dragging the mouse?
740. Martha is preparing a trigonometry worksheet for her students. She wants to include the following example in the sheet. Which is the quickest way to achieve this?
741. You need to email a picture to your co-workers, but the file is too large. Where on the Picture Tools ribbon would you find the option to minimize the file size for email sharing purposes:
742. When you apply a theme to a Microsoft Word 2010 document, all the tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, shapes, and other objects are updated to complement one another.
743. Samantha is given an article to proofread. The article runs into hundreds of pages. She is asked to use hyphens to allow words in the article to break between two lines. There is an option in Microsoft Word 2010 which can be used to achieve this result with a single click. Please identify it.
744. Why would you use content controls in a document?
745. To convert an existing picture to the shape of a star, which of the options will be useful?
746. Josh is to create a technical write-up comprising short paragraphs with double line spacing. Each paragraph is to be separated from the other by a single line space. He writes a paragraph, selects the text, points to Line Spacing on the paragraph toolbar and sets it to 2.0. He gets the paragraph double spaced. The moment he clicks enter to start a new paragraph, it automatically gets double spaced. How can Josh achieve paragraphs separated by single line spaces from each other within the document?
747. Which is NOT a type of Section Break?
748. Anna selects a paragraph in a Microsoft Word 2010 file. On the horizontal ruler, she drags the Hanging Indent marker to the left. What will happen?
749. Microsoft Word 2010 enables you to wrap text easily around pictures, shapes and tables with any position or style that you want. When should a 'Text wrapping break' be used?
750. If a table cell is vertically split into two separate cells using the Draw Table option, any existing text in the cell will be split up and text will appear in both of the two newly created cells.
751. To insert a new citation to a specific book in a Microsoft Word 2010 document, you should select:
752. Applying a theme to your document affects all content except tables.
753. A table cell contains text. You place your cursor in that cell and split it into two columns. The resultant text will:
754. Which is NOT an option when inserting a Cross-reference?
755. On creating her two page resume, Emma finds the paragraph heading for her 'Professional Achievements' paragraph is showing at the bottom of the first page, while the details are on the next page. To keep the paragraph heading as well as the paragraph text on the same page, and assuming there are no empty paragraph markers in the document and the widow/orphan option is turned on, Emma should click in the paragraph heading and select which option from the Paragraph group:
756. How many items can be maintained on the clipboard at one time?
757. You need to insert an image of only part of a web page that is currently open in your browser. You would use:
758. While working on a project report, Anna inserts various citations in the MLA style by using the Insert Citation option on the References tab. On completing the report, she realizes that she was required to use the Chicago style. To correct this, Anna should:
759. Which one protects a document from changes in Microsoft Word 2010?
760. Josh is creating a collage for his college project. He has an image - Image A - which he wants to show in different color themes so as to represent different moods in the collage (Images B, C and D). How can Josh achieve this in Microsoft Word 2010?
761. Sarah receives a company turnover summary in the form of an embedded Excel chart (as shown in the above image) in a Microsoft Word 2010 document from her boss. Her boss wants the chart to be sent over to the Public Relations department with a line in the chart showing the variations in the company's turnover, as well as a prediction for the next 2 years. The turnover values for each year also need to be sent separately in an Excel file. What should Sarah do to achieve this in the shortest possible time?
762. Microsoft Word 2010 has enabled ligatures for which of the following fonts?
763. Using the Draw Table option, it is possible to split an existing table cell into two separate and distinct cells:
764. Which axis settings are available for the appearance of data bars for negative values in Microsoft Excel 2010?
765. Which is incorrect regarding 'Hyphenation Zone?'
766. The 'Add Assistant' shape option in a SmartArt graphic is available only if an organization chart layout is chosen.
767. An invalid character to include in a file name?
768. Which is NOT true about content controls?
769. Unlike the other types of styles (paragraph, character, linked, and table), predefined list styles are available when you first create a document in Word 2007.
770. Keyboard shortcut to make the text size smaller?
771. Which chart do not have axes?
772. Which option should be used to number the cells in a table?
773. Edit tracking changes are typically formatted in the following manner: (1) deletions—red strikethroughs, (2) additions—green and underlined, and (3) formatting changes are made bold in almost any other desired color. Where in Word 2007 could you set your own custom formatting options for tracking changes?
774. Which view(s) could be used to view the Equation placeholders in the Document Views group?
775. What is a keyboard shortcut to cut a table?
776. When you save a document as a Web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG files and the patterns are saved as GIF files.
777. Changing the Author property in the Document Information Panel of an existing document has no effect on the User name setting in the Word Options dialog box.
778. Which keyboard shortcut inserts a hyperlink?
779. Microsoft Office programs store some additional information within the digital signature automatically that might not be visible in the current view document.
780. Gridlines do not print when a document is printed.
781. How would you divide your Word 2007 document into three columns?
782. Which option is not true regarding a macro?
783. A building block can be added to as many galleries as you want.
784. What steps should be followed to replace a shape with another shape?
785. In Microsoft Word 2007, a diagram can be converted to individual shapes.
786. How does the 'Gutter margin' help while using Page Setup, as shown in the picture?
787. Which line-spacing option sets fixed line spacing that Word does not adjust?
788. With the help of which view will the Watermark not be seen?
789. An existing table cannot be copied and pasted into another table.
790. New text animation effects can be applied in Microsoft Word 2007.
791. Which option(s) should you select to remove a chart or axis title from a chart?
792. Which is not true about 'Format Painter?'
793. Placeholder citations appear in the bibliography.
794. Which is not true regarding the use of a pie chart?
795. Maximum number of columns that can be created in the Columns dialog box as shown in the picture?
796. Which command-line switch and parameter starts Word 2007 without displaying the Word splash screen?
797. What does the command 'Winword.exe /f MyDocument.docx' mean?
798. How will you set the default font so that every time you open Microsoft Word it will use the settings that you had selected?
799. In some cases, when lists are combined into one 'List,' the formatting is not updated. Refer to the picture given above. Which among the following options should be used to update this formatting?
800. Changes that are made on the Worksheet are automatically updated in the chart.
801. Suppose you want to insert a cross reference at the current cursor position in the document to a heading (located elsewhere in the document). Which of the following methods would do this in Word 2007?
802. For what purpose is the SmartArt graphic control used, as shown in the picture?
803. Which is not a Bookmark option to sort the list of bookmarks in the document?
804. The default installation of Word 2007 includes several built-in character styles. Which of the following is NOT one of the default, built-in character styles:
805. Which is not a type of 'Section Breaks?'
806. Microsoft named two styles that work in Word 2007 as both character and paragraph types as being ______ styles:
807. To enter a symbol or special character into your document (to where the cursor is located), which of the following methods could you employ in Word 2007?
808. Which file type of templates allows macros to be enabled in the file?
809. Which are true about phishing?
810. Which option repeats a table heading on subsequent pages?
811. Which feature could be used to create a connection to a Shared Network folder?
812. Correct way to make your file 'Read-only?'
813. You are editing a figure using the Drawing Tools > Format options. Which among the following Shape Fill options in the Shape Styles group adds a solid color and transparency to a shape?
814. Any changes that are saved to 'Normal.dotm' will be applied to the documents that you create in the future.
815. ASCII-formatted text contains no formatting information such as bold, italic, or fonts.
816. Which method determines the position of the 'Envelope' while printing, in the Envelope options dialog box
817. Which is an 'Orientation' type of Page Layout?
818. Keyboard shortcut to underline blank spaces for a form?
819. Which option is the reason for text getting deleted at the insertion point when you type a document?
820. Cover pages are always inserted at the beginning of a document, no matter where the cursor appears in the document.
821. Switches and parameters are not case-sensitive.
822. Just as in Word 2003 or prior Word versions, the default standard view for Word 2007 is the Draft view (and is still also called the Normal view in Word 2007):
823. How to insert text boxes for a printed form?
824. Which of the following two paragraphs is/are true for Word 2007?
825. How you change the author name in an existing document?
826. Which is the correct order to convert a table to text?
827. Which is true about the term 'Mark as Final,' as shown in the picture?
828. Which keyboard shortcut could be used to switch to Draft View?
829. Once a bullet is removed from the 'Bullet Library' and it is no longer available in the 'Document Bullets' area, the bullet cannot be added back to the Bullet Library.
830. Which keyboard shortcut used to check the spelling of a text file?
831. Which option would you choose to automatically enter the current date?
832. Which options would you choose to automatically enter the current date?
833. Features to find and remove hidden data and personal information in Office documents?
834. Features to find and remove hidden data and personal information in Office documents?
835. Which wildcards should be used to select any single alphabetic character?
836. Which option will you use to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar?
837. Which option represents Legend entries in the given picture?
838. Purpose of the 'Demote' button as shown in the diagram?
839. The given picture shows the list items being at different levels rather than at one level. What is this list known as?
840. The Draft view was called the Normal view in versions of Word prior to Word 2007. The Draft view can help with setting the page and section breaks for the document. Which of the following could be used to select the Draft view for a document?
841. Which option should be selected to convert a professionally formatted equation into an equation in one line?
842. Which option shows the 'Command Button' (ActiveX Control) in the given picture?
843. Which macro setting is meant for developers only?
844. Which could be used to turn off the Office Clipboard?
845. A ____ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page
846. "a ________ access file is also known as a direct access file.
847. A font ____ defines one font for headings in a document and another font for body text.
848. A formatting mark in each cell of a table indicates ________.
849. An example of sorting in ascending order is ____.
850. By default, a word document generally displays in ____ view.
851. By default, new word documents are based on the ____ template.
852. Changing the _______ affects only the way the document is displayed on the screen.
853. Clicking below the scroll box on the vertical scroll bar scrolls ____ of text at a time.
854. Clicking the ____ button on the clipboard task pane will delete the contents of the clipboard.
855. Clicking the show/hide button on the home tab of the ribbon displays ________.
856. Clip art, wordart, and shapes are all added from the _______ tab.
857. Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____.
858. In a data source, each field must be identified uniquely with a(n) ____.
859. In an open word document, the ____ indicates where the next typed text will appear.
860. In microsoft word you can access the _______ command from the ""mini toolbar.""
861. To right-align a paragraph, use the ____ shortcut keys.
862. Style sets are available in the _____ group on the design tab.
863. The ____ is the top triangle on the horizontal ruler.
864. The border to the right of a column is called the ____.
865. The clear formatting button can be found in the ____ group on the ____ tab.
866. The shortcut keys used to center a paragraph are ____
867. The shortcut keys used to left-align a paragraph are ____.
868. To change the text wrap setting for clip art, click the _______ button.
869. You can access word’s typographic characters with the _______ button on the insert tab.
870. The ____ format enables users easily to share documents with others.
871. The ____ shortcut keys remove character formatting.
872. The ____ text box can be used to display a specific record in the main document.
873. The _______ group on the home tab includes a button for each of the four major types of alignment.
874. The _______ has shortcuts to commonly used commands.
875. The _______ is the area on your screen where you can access the tab and menu options for word.
876. The ________ row in a data source identifies the fields in the remaining rows.
877. The first row of the data source is called the ____ record.
878. The font size of text in columns should be no larger than ____ point.
879. The header and footer sections include a _____.
880. You can use the _______ button in the text group to rotate text within a text box.
881. You can select characters by using the ____ key
882. The first draft of a research paper should include ____.
883. To move to the beginning of a line with the keyboard, press the ____ key(s).
884. A wavy _______ line appears if you type a word that is not in the dictionary at all.
885. _______ files are suitable for most types of simple line art, without complicated colors.
886. You can use the rulers to ____.
887. ____ is a predefined graphic
888. A letterhead should contain all of the following except ____
889. A merge operation in word generally requires _____ files(s).
890. Footnote text is _____
891. Many business letters contain all of the following except ____.
892. Press the enter key in all of the following circumstances except ____
893. To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, press the ____ key.
894. To clear a tab stop, ____.
895. To increase a paragraph indent use the _____ shortcut keys
896. Document properties are included as ____________ information within a document.
897. A ________ can divide a two-column section of a document from a one-column section.
898. Word 2016 documents have a file type of ____.
899. You can sort files ____.
900. A(n) ____ proposal usually requests funding for a research project.
901. To move left one word with the keyboard, press the ____ key(s).
902. By applying styles, _______ formats are being applied each time.
903. To ____ means to insert a copy of whatever is on the clipboard into the document.
904. To copy formatting from the selected text to other text in the document, use the _______ button.
905. To display the start screen press ____
906. To exit access, tap or click the ____ button on the right side of the title bar.
907. To move down one paragraph press the ____ key(s)
908. To move to the bottom of a document window, press the ____ key(s).
909. To move to the end of the document press the ____ key(s)
910. To move to the right one word, press the ____ key(s).
911. To move to the top of a document window press the ____ key(s)
912. To move up one paragraph, press the ____ key(s).
913. To quit access, click the ____ button on the right side of the access title bar.
914. When you position the pointer over the selected text, it changes to a ____.
915. Word's ________ contains commands that allow you to edit, share, and print your documents.
916. _______ allows you to specify how a photo is positioned in the text of your document.
917. The run-around should be at least ____ and should be the same for all graphics in a document.
918. To cut off part of the graphic in an illustration, you would _______ the illustration.
919. Whenever a window contains information that is not in view, a(n) ________ will display.
920. A file created in ____ is called a database and has an .accdb extension.
921. A ____ symbol is another name for a dot symbol
922. Click _______ to view each individual record of a mail merge document.
923. _______ is an example of document formatting found in word processing applications.
924. A ____ on the first page of a newsletter may consist of the information above the multiple columns.
925. A preformatted document used as a starting point in word 2016 is known as ________.
926. A tag name is an identifier that links a(n) ____ to a source.
927. A(n) ____ paragraph is a paragraph that begins with a dot or other symbol.
928. A(n) ________ is used to mark specific positions for text alignment.
929. All of the following are vertical alignment options except ____.
930. All of the heading styles in word are ____ styles.
931. As you put body copy into columns, try to have between ____ words per line.
932. Automatically printing on both sides of the page is called ____ printing
933. Available online templates include all of the following except ____.
934. Borders may be added ____ a paragraph.
935. Depending on your typing and settings, word automatically formats all of the following except ____.
936. By default word documents include _______ margins on all sides of the document.
937. By default, the normal style places ____ points of blank space after each paragraph.
938. Which feature allows you to copy attributes of selected text and apply them to another selection?
939. To protect a document from accidental changes, which option should you select from the Protect Document (Windows) or Protect (Mac) menu?
940. You are finalizing a two-page document. Rather than having Word decide where page 1 ends, you want the next paragraph to begin on the top of page 2. How do you achieve this?
941. How do you insert the content of an existing Word document into your current Word document?
942. You want to set a wider inside margin to accommodate binding a document where pages are printed in both sides. Which option should you choose in the Page Setup dialog box?
943. Which feature lets you place a ghosted logo or text behind the regular text on your document?
944. . Where do you select the paper size for a document?
945. Which option lets you mark your favorite templates for quick reuse in the future?
946. You want to add a caption to a table. Which tab contains this option?
947. How can you change the appearance of an entire table in a single step?
948. Which option does the Find and Replace feature NOT support?
949. Which statement best describes how a bookmark is used in a Word document?
950. What is NOT an option when inviting a colleague to collaborate on a document?
951. You split a document into three sections. What happens if you change the margins in the first section?
952. Which ribbon tab includes commands to add various types of objects or media to your document?
953. What type of page is useful at the front of a large document, to identify the document title, author, and other metadata?
954. Which command builds an overview of document contents based on applied headings styles?
955. Which statistic does the Word Count feature NOT collect?
956. What is the default view when you open a document or create a new document?
957. You are working on a local copy of a document when Word unexpectedly closes. After you relaunch Word, how can you find the most recently saved version of the document?
958. Which object type can you not insert into a Word document from the Insert tab?
959. What Microsoft Word feature lets you capture a portion of your screen to be used as an image in your document?
960. You want to create a shortcut that replaces an acronym that you type with the acronym's full text-for example, replacing "/mt" with "Microsoft Teams". What Word feature do you use to create this shortcut?
961. When you crop an image in a document, what happens to the image and the overall document file size?
962. When you are typing in a paragraph and reach the end of the line, Word automatically starts a new line for you. What is this feature called?
963. You want to create an organizational chart. Which SmartArt category should you choose?
964. When you insert page numbers, which position is NOT an option?
965. How can you quickly move an insertion point up to the start of the previous paragraph?
966. You send a document to two clients for review, and each client returns a separate, edited version of the document. How do you most efficiently review their feedback?
967. What is the difference between a footnote and an endnote?
968. What Word building block uses headings to help users identify the contents of a document?
969. You are coordinating the update of your company's 10-chapter operations manual. You begin by saving each chapter as a separate document. What Word feature can you use to manage all of these chapter documents?
970. Which is a benefit of using heading styles to format a report?
971. You are reformatting a professional document that you created previously using manual formatting. In your document, first-level headings are formatted with Arial 11 Bold. What is the fastest way to create and apply a Heading 1 style using these properties?
972. You are typing text in two columns. When you reach the end of a paragraph in column 1, you want to start the next paragraph in column 1 on the next page. What type of break should you insert at this point?
973. You want to capture all the content and design elements in your current document, so you can use them as a starting point when creating new documents. To do so, save the current document as _.
974. Which file format best preserves formatting and allows editing when a Word document is transferred to another application?
975. How can you break a table into two parts?
976. What can you NOT create from a Word document?
977. How can you add a manual line break to a paragraph?
978. You want to repeat an element (such as the date) on all pages of the document. Which options should you choose?
979. You want to repeat an element (such as the date) at the bottom of all pages of a document. Which option should you choose?
980. A document has been shared with you from your colleague's OneDrive library. They have given only you editing access. What can you do with this document?
981. What formatting must you use to use both portrait and landscape pages in the same Word document?
982. What is the name of the text effect that displays a large capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph?
983. You need to document a procedure. Which paragraph format is best to help readers follow the sequence of instructions?
984. How can you adjust which data in a table is used when creating a chart?
985. You want to be able to edit your Word document simultaneously with other Word users in your organization. Which save location should you select in the Save As dialog box?
986. Why is it important to use alternative text for objects in your document?
987. What is a benefit of using sections in a Microsoft Word document?
988. When you insert a picture into a document, what happens to the picture?
989. When working with Track Changes, what is the difference between Simple Markup and all Markup?
990. You're finalizing a document that contains some high-resolution images. You want to reduce the picture size while ensuring image quality is adequate for online viewing. What is a best-practice approach?
991. Before you send a document to an external client, you must remove personal information--including document author names, comments, and hidden text--from the doc. What tool can help you locate and clean up these details?
992. What chart type cannot be used for more than one data series?
993. Which page orientation should you select to accommodate a wide chart or table?
994. What is the first step in sharing a document that is currently saved on your local hard drive?
995. You are working in another application and want to move text into a Word document. How can you do it?
996. What is typically created as the first page of a document and contains information such as the document title and author?
997. Before publishing a document, you want to identify issues that may make it difficult for people with disabilities to read. which feature should you use?
998. After selecting the entire document, what is the quickest way to find out how many paragraphs there are in your current Word document?
999. You want to be able to read one page in your document while editing another page in the same document. What's the most efficient way to do this with only one monitor?
1000. What is the purpose of adding alternative text (alt text) to an image in your document?
1001. You are inserting several images in a document and need to include descriptive information about them. Numbering the images will also make it easier to reference them in the associated document text. Which command can help you set this up?
1002. You want an image to move with the surrounding text as you make changes to the document. Which option should you select?
1003. You want to place a triangle shape on your page. Where do you find the shape?
1004. When printing multiple copies of a document, which option groups consecutive pages together, making them easier to distribute?
1005. You are sharing your computer screen to collaborate on a document. Which view should you use to minimize the ribbon and give your document the most screen space?
1006. You want a different header and footer to appear on alternating pages. Which option should you choose?
1007. When you start a new, blank document, you usually end up changing the font to Arial 11.5 point. How can you make these settings the default for this and all future new documents?
1008. The form you are creating includes a field where users can either pick from a list of choices you provide, or type in a different entry. Which control type should you use?
1009. If you type :), then the symbol or character inserted will be _______.
1010. The numbering button is a ____ button, which means you can click it to turn numbering on or off.
1011. When an object is pasted, the item being copied is called the ____.
1012. When word copies text to another location, the item remains in its ____ location.
1013. When wordart is selected, the drawing tools format tab appears as the active tab _______.
1014. When you press the enter key in a bordered paragraph, word ____.
1015. When you use a mouse to select a row or column in a table word displays a(n) ____
1016. Women who ________ are least likely to have many children.
1017. Word provides a variety of picture effects, including ____.
1018. You can press the ____ key in the text pane to demote text pane text.
1019. You can press the _______ key to close the artistic effects gallery.
1020. You can resize a row in a table by dragging the ____.
1021. You use the ____ menu if you want to display the current section number on the status bar.
1022. A(n) ____ is a series of actions that access performs when a particular event occurs.
1023. A keyboard access key is assigned to a button using the button control's ________ property.
1024. Every new, blank document that you open in word is a copy of the ____ template.
1025. Extending the first line of text to the left of the text block creates a ____ indent.
1026. In word, you can create electronic image files through the ____ tab in the backstage view.
1027. New blank word documents are created using the ________ template.
1028. Rich text formatting available for long text fields includes ____.
1029. The 'Accept/Reject Changes' command is located on the ____ menu.
1030. The amount of space between pairs of letters is referred to as the ____.
1031. The bullets button is located in the ____ group.
1032. The default orientation for printing a report many be changed using the ____ feature of access.
1033. The file type ____ identifies a word 2016 document.
1034. The paragraph dialog box can be accessed from the ________ or the ________.
1035. To create a numbered list, you use the numbering button in the ____ group.
1036. To delete the item, right-click it and click ____ on the shortcut menu.
1037. To enter a blank line into a document, press the ____ key without typing any text on the line.
1038. To move the insertion point left or right one character at a time, you would press _______.
1039. To print a mailing label, click the labels button on the mailings tab in the ____ group.
1040. To see a comparison of the formatting in two different paragraphs, you can use the ____.
1041. To sort by a second column, click the ____ arrow and click a column header.
1042. To use cut and paste, click the cut button from the ____ group on the home tab.
1043. Each time you click the ____ button the selected text is enlarged.
1044. Each time you click the increase indent button, the paragraph is indented ____ inch.
1045. If data takes up more than one line in a cell, ____.
1046. If you have closed a saved presentation, open it in backstage view by using the ____ command.
1047. If you position the mouse pointer over the border of a column and double-click it, ____.
1048. If you press the shift+enter keys at the end of a line, this inserts a _______ line break.
1049. If your hand is on the keyboard, use the ribbon for formatting. _________________________
1050. In a business letter, the inside address usually contains the addressee's ____.
1051. In a data source, each field must be identified uniquely with a(n) ____.
1052. One way to assign or update a document property is by typing in the ____ panel.
1053. An email account is an electronic mailbox you receive from an ____.
1054. In a business letter, the inside address usually contains the addressees ____.
1055. To assist with the task of creating certain types of documents, word provides ____.
1056. To display formatting applied to text, use the ____ task pane.
1057. To use an app you must instruct the operating system to ____ the app
1058. Users can view a(n) ____ document without the software that created the original document.
1059. All of the following are guidelines about the appearance of letterhead elements except ____.
1060. The color orange denotes ____.
1061. The letters you type appear at the current location of the _______.
1062. The shading arrow is on the ____ tab.
1063. Click the save button on the ____ to overwrite a previously saved file.
1064. The ____ caption indicates a worksheet group.
1065. The default settings in word include left tabs set every ____ inch(es).
1066. The office font set uses the ____ font for body text.
1067. To resize the entire table, drag a ____ handle.
1068. To move one slice of a pie chart away from the pie creates a(n) ____.
1069. To re-use saved export steps, tap or click the saved exports button on the ____ tab on the ribbon.
1070. In a smartart graphic, ____ text indicates where text can be typed in a shape.
1071. To switch to ____ mode, you double-click the cell.
1072. The ____ dialog box provides options for moving charts between worksheets and chart sheets
1073. A(n) ____ is an example of a fixed file storage system, permanently housed in a computer.
1074. Each time you create a conditional format, you are defining a conditional formatting _____.
1075. Each time you press the ____ key, word carries forward custom tab stops to the next paragraph
1076. When a merge field is inserted into the main document, word surrounds the field name with ____.
1077. Word has many quick access keys for your convenience while typing. _________________________
1078. Wordart is considered a(n) _______ that can be manipulated independently of the text.
1079. The ____ smartart graphic type shows relationships of parts to a whole.
1080. The small caps effect and expanded spacing are applied to characters using the ____ dialog box.
1081. To apply a predesigned style, click the desired thumbnail in the styles group on the _____ tab.
1082. ____ is a keyboard shortcut that repositions the insertion point at the start of the document.
1083. To access square bullets, click the ____ to access the full gallery of bullet styles.