1. Which of the following should NOT be capitalized?
2. 'I have ________ one and a half weeks for this project.'
3. If your supervisor tells you, 'Send me the meeting minutes,' what does your supervisor expect?
4. After an organization has _______ ________, it has to make sure that it achieves them.
5. Mitch is Hannah's uncle. Hannah is Mitch's _______
6. We have ____ of time to work on the Ramirez account, but the Foreman Paper is ____ next week.
7. Which closing phrase is inappropriate for a business letter?
8. At the conference, attendees will share _____ knowledge during the meetings _____.
9. How do you correctly spell the following word?
10. '______ will attend the meeting.'
11. Matt is the man with ____ I went golfing last week. He is usually better than me, but I am the man ____ won.
12. The immigrant was busy _____ English so she ____ communicate better with the locals.
13. 'Look over ______, it's Jim from consulting.'
14. As a receptionist or director of first impressions of ABC Company, what is the best way to greet a client?
15. Which sentence is correctly worded?
16. Susan said that the letter was longer ____ the previous one, and ____ she left.
17. What does CFO stand for?
18. In Business, what does MBA stand for?
19. May I have ____ report if _____ finished with it?
20. Which phrase refers to a future meeting?
21. What does COO stand for?
22. What does CEO stand for?
23. Fill in the blanks: _____ the two best people _____. Nobody could take _____ place.
24. I ________ you that this error will never happen again; my manager will _______ it by signing all requisitions.
25. Which signature is most formal?
26. Which sentence is incorrect?
27. What does the abbreviation CC mean when writing an email?
28. The system has capabilities such as communicating with other computers, ______ records, and _________ mathematical functions.
29. What does ESL stand for?
30. What is netiquette?
31. Which of these sentences is in the passive voice?
32. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase given below: to go belly up
33. It's low-level work indeed, but at least you will get your ___________ in the industry.
34. What does 'PAR' stand for?
35. To keep emails sounding friendly, you should use contractions
36. The waitress brought me a plate of squid even though I _____________ asked for clams.
37. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase given below: to be in the black
38. Phrase whose meaning is most closely described by the phrase given below: to try to achieve something but fail
39. 'Munificent' contributions from corporate houses made it possible for us to host the show.
40. Which of the following is does NOT mean 'respectful'?
41. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase given below: to be ahead of the curve
42. The church members accused the cult of _______________ practices.
43. Each question below consists of two words that are related to one another in some way. From the possible answers, you must choose the set that denotes a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the original set. Jeopardize:Danger ::
44. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase given below: dead duck
45. What are you appealing to while writing a fundraising letter?
46. Watching a well-trained dog at work, I had to admire his 'pertinacity' as he repeatedly located the balls thrown at him.
47. Our software does plenty of stuff.
48. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
49. If you have to fire someone, never do so via an email.
50. Gary is a deeply ______ man.
51. Which of the following means 'quick to argue'?
52. Which of the following is a synonym for 'penitent'?
53. Our all new fruit face wash gives you an instant juvenile appearance.
54. To best serve our clients, we have assembled an accomplished team of synergetic sales associates and customer service agents to assist customers in every step of the purchasing decision.
55. 'He ran.' is considered a complete sentence.
56. In what kind of business letter should you include a catchy headline?
57. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to the word mentioned below: Ampere Unit for measuring
58. What should you avoid when sending emails to a group of people on a mailing list?
59. Which of the following is not advised when writing the minutes of a meeting?
60. Memos can save ____
61. Which of the following is/are (an) example/s of redundancy in business writing?
62. He washes his car with 'sedulous' attention.
63. When writing an executive summary, which of the following is a mistake to avoid?
64. Catherine is a ________ Catholic.
65. Each question below consists of two words that are related to one another in some way. From the possible answers, you must choose the set that denotes a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the original set. yllabus:Course ::
66. Identify the misspelled word from the given options.
67. Which purpose is least served by mentioning a job objective on a resume?
68. Which of the following means 'severely critical'?
69. What should you always include when writing a business email?
70. Choose the correct meaning of the given word from the options given below: Feral
71. You should always sign your business memos.
72. We are not ___________ yet. The revenue has been low, but we are sure we will overcome our difficulties sooner or later.
73. What kind of letter does not follow a standard business letter format?
74. Which of the following are examples of a good subject line in a business email?
75. Dr. Marshall often brings his dog to the clinic. He just loves to give big, wet kisses!
76. In the sentence given below, choose the correct meaning of the word in quotation marks from the options given. The waiter gave an 'obsequious' bow before taking order from the table.
77. The crowd ________________ me on my acceptance into Mensa.
78. The committee's effort to raise money for social programs was 'laudable'.
79. When you write a press release, you should think like what?
80. something that has a very low probability of happening
81. Identify the sentences that qualify for good business writing skills.
82. We tried to negotiate a better deal, but the opposite party ___________.
83. After my grandfather was diagnosed with chronic_________, he moved to Arizona.
84. The greeting card had a syrupy picture and a 'maudlin' verse.
85. The new client gave us a/an ___________ time last month with their continuously changing project requirements.
English For Business MCQs | Topic-wise