1. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
2. What is "acudir" ?
3. What does the word "aguachento" mean?
4. Translate. Mary puts on the airs of the great lady. Maria ________ de gran persona
5. Translate. Charles left without /rhyme or reason./ Calos salio sin _________
6. La ventaja en este juego la tiene el equipo de casa.
7. Can "otorgar" and "conferir" ever translate to the same English word?
8. Translate the following: El presente documento se expide a solicitud de la parte interesada en Buenos Aires.
9. She was a brave commited activist.
10. Translate idiom expression. "Han cortado la electricidad."
11. Which word means "mist"?
12. Using the informal you ("tú"), what would be a way to tell someone to make lunch in Spanish?
13. What is "un trapo" ?
14. What is 'una acera'?
15. Translate the following: Forma de Pago: Efectivo.
16. What does the adjective 'raro' (or 'rara') mean when it's placed *after* the noun it describes?
17. The best translation for "Entidad Federativa" is:
18. Which of these Spanish words is *not* correctly matched to its English translation?
19. Vivo en una calle lateral de la avenida principal.
20. Choose the best translation for the following: "Tengo tan mala memoria que si no anoto los mensajes de teléfono se me olvidan enseguida"
21. Which is the best translation of the following doctor's note: "Paciente femenino de setenta y ocho años refiere dolor en la pierna izquierda a nivel de la rodilla"?
22. Which of these is a Spanish word for "cupboard" ?
23. "No seas tan sensible" can be translated to:
24. En los últimos años, Costa Rica se ha establecido como un país económicamente importante.
25. How do you translate “Esta factura tendrá una vigencia de tres años.”?
26. Correct phrase for "a strange coin":
27. "Reclamación" means:
28. Fill in the blank, "El autor no ha _______ ninguna novela este año
29. Which form of "ir" could mean "he used to go"?
30. No vengas aquí a interrumpirme la concentración, que necesito terminar este trabajo para mañana.
31. What is the best translation for: ¿Quien será ese bombero raro que anda por la calle?
32. How many days in a year?
33. "Sin compromisos previos" significa...
34. Translate the following: El Responsable manifiesta haber sido informado de los reglamentos y normas de la Clinica.
35. What's the meaning of "El ordenador nuevo no funciona. Tendrás que apañarte con el viejo"?
36. "Ella enceró sus pisos" significa:
37. When using the word "toma" (grab, take : drink) in a social night out context, which of the following is the correct use?
38. Translate to English: Mira al mundo desde el punto de vista de tu pareja.
39. How would you best translate the phrase "está lloviendo a cántaros"?
40. The best translation for "campesino" when it is listed as a profession is:
41. What is "un simio" ?
42. What is the correct word for "I catch" ?
43. Which of these is a valid way to say "he heard"?
44. He was a biblical translator, a humanist, and a Protestant martyr.
45. You see “Atentamente” at the bottom of a letter. How do you translate it?
46. Choose the best translation for: "De repente me di cuenta que, cada dia, mi juventud iba disminuyendo."
47. Which is "He's going to the bank again." ?
48. What's the meaning of "Te espero en mi despacho, pero primero acaba la tarea que tienes pendiente."
49. Which form of 'hablar' means 'I talked' ?
50. Traduce el siguiente enunciado: No me gustan los juegos de computadora, pero me gustaban cuando era más joven.
51. Which of these means "extremely handsome" ?
52. The Spanish version of "there is or, there are" is:
53. What is the antonym of "viejo"?
54. El presidente de la compañía decidió que el traslado de la planta sería en tres meses.
55. What is "una persona tacaña" ?
56. Translate the following: A ella le gusta hacerse la tonta.
57. Tuve que regresar a la oficina porque se me olvidaron las llaves de la casa.
58. "The bee can sting."
59. Which of these means "Buy it for me." ?
60. He ordered them to serve his dinner.
61. We are a small team.
62. "Ella está embarazada" significa "she is embarrassed".
63. Which word is used for the bottom of a hollow thing, such as a box; or for the bottom of a body of water; or for a background?
64. A "Titulo de Bachiller" is a(n):
65. La bandita elástica está atrás del libro.
66. Spanish for "clumsy" :
67. The most likely colloquial translation for "Me cae mal ese tipo" is:
68. You see the word “fallecido” in parentheses next to a name on a personal certificate. This person:
69. Which of these means "We're bored." ?
70. Quisiera un boleto de ida y vuelta.
71. How do you say grandmother in Spanish?
72. How do you say one hundred?
73. No se puede triunfar sin trabajar duro y estar preparado.
74. Busca en el diccionario si quieres saber la definición de una palabra.
75. How would you say "he plays dirty" in Spanish?
76. What is the word horse in Spanish?
77. ¿Así que te ibas a ir sin decirme nada?
78. Most closely, what does 'montar' mean?
79. Your are a great friend.
80. Mi cabeza me duele muchisimo.
81. Which of the following is the correct translation for “Si yo fuera un actor famoso tendría un avión”.
82. I feel sick, what is the translation?
83. Avísame cuando termines, que te tengo otro proyecto.
84. Mi cumpleaños es en julio.
85. La persona que ayuda a las estudiantes cuando necesitan aprender matemáticas es:
86. How do you translate, I need to call my husband
87. What is yellow in Spanish?
88. Choose the correct translation. "Si yo fuera tú, no lo haría."
89. Spanish for "fly," as in the insect:
90. How do you say daughter in Spanish?
91. My family lives in the United States.
92. How do you say 300 in Spanish?
93. You are so pretty, how do you translate that?
94. Which is the correct spelling of the word "head" in Spanish?
95. How do you say Frebruary?
96. How do you translate "Monday"?
97. Which of these is the form of 'poner' that would be used with 'yo' as the subject in the simple present tense?
98. ¿Quién quiere un refresco?
99. Mi nueva televisión es de alta definición.
100. No paso mucho tiempo en la cocina porque no me gusta para nada cocinar.
101. "The turtle is far away."
102. What does "alegre" mean?
103. Which one is a word that means "cloud" ?
104. Which of these means "boring"?
105. What is "una playa" ?
106. El testimonio del acusado fue tan convincente que el jurado lo absolvió.
107. When giving directions, which are the correct translations for "derecha / derecho"
108. El uso de libros electrónicos se ha generalizado en los últimos años.
109. What is the difference between "demandante" and "demandado"?
110. How is the word for "shortage" written in Spanish?
111. What does this mexican proverb "La burra no era arisca... sino que la hicieron." refer to?
112. Find Antonym, "madrugada"
113. Find Antonym " regocijarse"
114. Translate spanish idiomatic expression. "Esta durmiendo la mona"
115. Traduce "There are nearly seven billion inhabitants in the planet.
116. In an academic context, which of the following is the most accurate translation of "receive credit" in Spanish?
117. What verb tense is usually used after a "que" or "cuando"?
118. Translate idiom expression. "Le dije Cuatro verdades."
119. The revolution was feeding upon itself, producing angry street mobs.
120. Translate into Spanish: "How old is that horned owl?"
121. The abbreviation (fdo) next to a person's name means:
122. "En virtud de las disposiciones legales vigentes" translates to:
123. What is the difference between adherir and pegar?
124. Eres un moñas would be translated (more or less) like:
125. No ____ a la pastelería por la noche.
126. __________ la una de la tarde.
127. Queremos una ____ doble.
128. T __________ (entregar) los libros.