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Introduction to Computing MCQ

To generate a hardcopy, you ____________________ a project.


Correct Answer: Print

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What is a graphics processing unit (GPU)?


Correct Answer: A piece of computer hardware that renders graphics on a device.

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What do front end developers use programming languages to do?


Correct Answer: Design and develop the look and feel of a website

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What do front end developers use to design and develop the look and feel of a website?


Correct Answer: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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What is the process of concealing private information called?


Correct Answer: Encryption

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What is embedded development?


Correct Answer: When manufacturers place software or code into products that consumers use every day.

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What is the main advantage of edge computing?


Correct Answer: Data is processed closer to the point of creation.

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What is data visualization?


Correct Answer: The representation of data through visual elements like charts, plots, infographics, maps, etc.

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What is the process of examining and manipulating data sets to find patterns and prepare data for deeper analysis?


Correct Answer: Data Mining

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What is a data center?


Correct Answer: A physical server facility that securely houses critical applications, data and other digital assets.

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What is a database administrator?


Correct Answer: Someone who manages all aspects of an organized database environment.

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What is the main purpose of a data analyst?


Correct Answer: Assist in making better business decisions

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What is the dark web?


Correct Answer: A part of the internet that isn't accessible to the general public.

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What is the aim of a DDoS attack?


Correct Answer: To disrupt normal web traffic from accessing a site by flooding a server with internet traffic.

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What is the purpose of a DDoS attack?


Correct Answer: To disrupt normal web traffic

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What is the main goal of a cybersecurity engineer?


Correct Answer: To build and maintain a system that's safe against cyberattacks.

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What does Cybersecurity compliance refer to?


Correct Answer: Adhering to standards and regulatory requirements set forth by an agency, law or authority group.

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What is a cybersecurity analyst?


Correct Answer: Someone who detects and predicts cyber threats and then implements changes to protect an organization

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What is cybersecurity?


Correct Answer: The practice of protecting digital assets against cybercriminals

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What is a cyberattack?


Correct Answer: A set of actions aimed to infiltrate computer networks, systems and personal devices.

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What is containerization?


Correct Answer: The process of isolating and maintaining an application.

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What is the process of linking computers together to send and receive information from each other?


Correct Answer: Computer networking

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What is the model of providing virtual infrastructure or software via network connections in a way that allows more self-service and dynamic allocation?


Correct Answer: Cloud Computing

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Which of the following is NOT a function of the CPU?


Correct Answer: None of these

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What is the name of the technology that allows devices to connect with each other over short distances?


Correct Answer: Bluetooth

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What is blocklisting?


Correct Answer: Denying access to applications or other entities that might pose a threat to a network.

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What is a blockchain?


Correct Answer: A list of records linked together using special cryptographic operations across a distributed network of computers.

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What is biometric authentication?


Correct Answer: The use of a person’s unique characteristics to verify their identity

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What is big data?


Correct Answer: A label that typically applies to extremely large and/or unstructured data sets or data sets.

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What is an autonomous vehicle?


Correct Answer: A vehicle that can operate and sense its surroundings without human involvement.

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What is Automation?


Correct Answer: Using software to perform a process without manual input.

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What does AR stand for?


Correct Answer: Augmented Reality

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What is the use of an AR device?


Correct Answer: To provide an enhanced version of their surroundings by providing virtual elements in the field of vision

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What is the cause of attenuation?


Correct Answer: Loss of signal strength in networking cables or connections.

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What is Attenuation?


Correct Answer: The loss of signal strength in networking cables or connections.

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What is assembly language?


Correct Answer: A low-level programming language that communicates with the hardware of a computer.

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What does an Assembly language do?


Correct Answer: Communicates with the hardware of a computer

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What is artificial intelligence?


Correct Answer: A term used to describe computers’ aptitude to mimic human abilities

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What does the term "Agile" mean?


Correct Answer: To continually improve through small and digestible increments.

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What is digital electronics?


Correct Answer: The study of digital signals and the engineering of devices that use or produce them.

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Which of the following is not considered computer hardware?


Correct Answer: Microsoft Word

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What is an algorithm?


Correct Answer: A finite sequence of instructions used to solve a specific problem or to perform a computation

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What is a computer?


Correct Answer: A digital electronic machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.

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What does the world wide web do?


Correct Answer: Links computer files such as documents, images, audio and video.

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What is wear levelling?


Correct Answer: A technique for prolonging the service life of some kinds of erasable computer storage media

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What is a virus?


Correct Answer: Malicious software that is designed to attack software on users’ computers

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What is unallocated space?


Correct Answer: The space on a hard drive that is available for the operating system to write to.

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What does the term "ubiquitous" mean?


Correct Answer: Something that seems to be everywhere at the same time.

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What is the full form of SSD?


Correct Answer: Solid State Drive

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What is a solid-state drive?


Correct Answer: A storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently.

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What are the programs that control the functioning of a computer system?


Correct Answer: Software

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What is social networking?


Correct Answer: The activities involved in building and maintaining online relationships and communities.

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What does SMS stand for?


Correct Answer: Short Message System

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What is a smart device?


Correct Answer: An electronic device that processes information and exchanges it with other devices.

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What is the unused space in a disk cluster called?


Correct Answer: Slack space

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What is the smallest physical storage unit on a hard disk?


Correct Answer: Sector

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What is the size of a sector?


Correct Answer: 512 bytes

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What is Rolodex?


Correct Answer: A type of physical desktop card index for storing data, invented in the 1950s.

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What is a Rolodex?


Correct Answer: A type of physical desktop card index for storing data

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What is the public domain?


Correct Answer: Any created content that is not subject to copyright.

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What is plagiarism?


Correct Answer: Using the work of other people without formally acknowledging that the work came from someone else.

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What is the meaning of partitions?


Correct Answer: The way in which a hard disk is formatted.

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What are the sections of a hard disk called?


Correct Answer: Partitions

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What is the process of obscuring sensitive information that might remain on a disk before disposal called?


Correct Answer: Overwriting

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What is New Technology File System (NTFS)?


Correct Answer: A file system commonly used in Windows computers.

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What is the term that is sometimes used interchangeably with 'information society'?


Correct Answer: Network society

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What is the term that is sometimes used interchangeably with 'network society'?


Correct Answer: Information society

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What is a network?


Correct Answer: A collection of devices that can communicate with each other

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What is the definition of etiquette?


Correct Answer: A set of guidelines for online behaviour.

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What is the primary purpose of a computer's memory?


Correct Answer: To store programs and data

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What is the logical size of a file?


Correct Answer: The size of the content of a file.

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What is latent data?


Correct Answer: The data in slack space

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What is the internet?


Correct Answer: The global internetwork that has grown from a US government-funded project started in the 1960s.

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What was the global internetwork originally started as?


Correct Answer: A US government-funded project

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What is Instant Messaging?


Correct Answer: Text-based communication between people who are online at the same time.

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What is the full form of IM?


Correct Answer: Instant Messaging

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What is the term used to describe the social and economic changes related to the development and widespread use of information technologies?


Correct Answer: Information society

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What is the meaning of the term "hardware"?


Correct Answer: The physical components of a computer system.

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What is a HDD?


Correct Answer: A data storage device that uses one or more rigid, rapidly rotating disks to store and retrieve digital information.

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What is the full form of GPS?


Correct Answer: Global positioning system

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What is the process of fragmentation?


Correct Answer: Computer files are split across a number of physical locations on a disk

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What is the full form of "forum"?


Correct Answer: Bulletin board system

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What is formatting?


Correct Answer: The act of preparing a computer storage device for use by a file system.

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What type of memory is flash memory?


Correct Answer: Non-volatile

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What is a file system?


Correct Answer: The method by which an operating system controls how data is stored on and retrieved from the hardware.

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What does a file allocation table do in a FAT32 file system?


Correct Answer: Holds information about where a file is stored on a hard disk or in an SSD

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What is FAT32?


Correct Answer: A file system developed for Windows that is now mainly used by USB flash drives.

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What is the other name for emoticons?


Correct Answer: Smileys

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What are emoticons?


Correct Answer: Text characters or images that indicate someone’s mood by representing a simple facial expression.

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What is digital technology?


Correct Answer: Any technology that is based on representing data as sequences of numbers, i.e. as digital data.

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What does DRM stand for?


Correct Answer: Digital Rights Management

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Which of the following is not an example of digital rights management?


Correct Answer: A range of technologies used by copyright owners to control how the content they produce is used.

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What is digital forensics?


Correct Answer: A branch of forensic science that is concerned with obtaining legal evidence from computer systems.

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What is the process for optimising the physical location of files on a disk called?


Correct Answer: Defragmentation

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What is defragmentation?


Correct Answer: An operating system process for optimising the physical location of files on a disk.

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What is a database?


Correct Answer: A set of computer-based data that has been organised so that it can be read, written, updated and searched.

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What does copyright protect?


Correct Answer: The rights of creators of content to be rewarded for their work

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What is the purpose of copyright?


Correct Answer: To protect the rights of content creators

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What is a cluster?


Correct Answer: An amount of memory on a disk drive that consists of a fixed number of sectors.

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What is the definition of 'cable'?


Correct Answer: A set of wires or optical fibres assembled, with a protective coating, for use as a communication medium.

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What is the meaning of the term "biometric"?


Correct Answer: The identification of people using biological characteristics such as fingerprints, iris recognition and DNA analysis.

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What is an ATM?


Correct Answer: A machine that allows bank customers to perform certain transactions, such as withdrawing cash from their bank account.

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What is ambient data?


Correct Answer: The data in slack space, also known as latent data.

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