Art and design MCQ

The architectural feature of the islamic artists that came from the romans was _____.


Correct Answer: The horseshoe arch

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What is the ability to alter a material's shape under tensile stress called?


Correct Answer: Ductile

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What is the name of the technique that creates sharp lines with fuzzy, velvety edges?


Correct Answer: Drypoint

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Which of the following is not a method of drawing?


Correct Answer: Sculpting

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What is a draftsman?


Correct Answer: A person who draws plans or designs, often of structures to be built

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What is a double exposure?


Correct Answer: A technique in which film is exposed twice to capture and merge two different images in a single frame

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What does the term "documentary photography" mean?


Correct Answer: A genre of photography that aims to objectively chronicle a subject or event.

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What is the purpose of a documentary film?


Correct Answer: To capture some aspect of reality

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What is a direct positive?


Correct Answer: A positive image made directly by exposure to light and by development without the use of a negative.

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Which of the following is not a Direct Cinema pioneer?


Correct Answer: D. A. Pennebaker

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What is a diptych?


Correct Answer: A work of art consisting of two sections or panels, usually hinged together.

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Which of the following artists was NOT a part of Die Brücke?


Correct Answer: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

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Who were the leading members of Die Brücke?


Correct Answer: Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Max Pechstein, and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

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What is a designer?


Correct Answer: A person who conceives and gives form to objects used in everyday life.

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What is a design brief?


Correct Answer: A written record describing the elements and scope of a design project.

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What does the name "Der Blaue Reiter" mean in English?


Correct Answer: The Blue Rider

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What is the term used to describe the design and aesthetics of functional objects with an emphasis on unique and hand-crafted forms?


Correct Answer: Decorative Arts

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Which of the following artists was not associated with the De Stijl movement?


Correct Answer: Piet Mondrian

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Who founded the Dutch journal De Stijl?


Correct Answer: Theo van Doesburg

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What was a daguerreotype?


Correct Answer: A photographic technique invented by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre in 1839.

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What is the name of the international art movement that was born in Zurich and New York?


Correct Answer: Dada

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What did Dada artists seek to expose?


Correct Answer: Accepted and often repressive conventions of order and logic

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What was the Dada movement in response to?


Correct Answer: The disasters of World War I and an emerging modern media and machine culture.

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What is the job of a curator?


Correct Answer: To research and manage a collection and organize exhibitions.

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What does culture refer to?


Correct Answer: The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

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What does the term "Cultural icon" refer to?


Correct Answer: A person, symbol, object, or place that is widely recognized or culturally significant to a large group of people.

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What is Cubism?


Correct Answer: A term of derision used by a critic in 1908

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What does Cubism describe?


Correct Answer: The work of Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and those influenced by them.

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What is cropping in photography?


Correct Answer: Editing, typically by removing the outer edges of the image.

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What does the term "costume" refer to in a play or movie?


Correct Answer: What a figure is wearing.

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What is the other name for Cor-Ten steel?


Correct Answer: Weathering steel

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What is a convention?


Correct Answer: General agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes

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What is the definition of contrast in photography?


Correct Answer: The range of light to dark areas in the composition

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What does the word "contour" mean?


Correct Answer: The outline of something.

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What is the meaning of "Content" in art?


Correct Answer: The subject matter or significance of a work of art

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What was the main goal of the Russian avant-garde Constructivist artists?


Correct Answer: To strip their works of subjective emotional character

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What is the name of the artistic movement that developed in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917?


Correct Answer: Constructivism

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What does construct mean?


Correct Answer: Something formed or constructed from parts.

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What is the name of the artist who gave the new genre of conceptual art its name?


Correct Answer: Sol LeWitt

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What does the word "Concentric" mean?


Correct Answer: Two or more things having a common center.

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What does the term "composition" refer to in art?


Correct Answer: The arrangement of the individual elements within a work of art so as to form a unified whole

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What is the result when complementary colors are mixed together?


Correct Answer: A shade of gray or brown

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What does commission mean?


Correct Answer: To request, or the request for, the production of a work of art.

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What is the technique of affixing cast-off items to a traditional support, like a canvas?


Correct Answer: Combine

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What is Column?


Correct Answer: A decorative or structural feature, most often composed of stone, typically having a cylindrical or polygonal shaft.

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of Color Field paintings?


Correct Answer: Strong contrasts of tone

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What does the French word "coller" mean?


Correct Answer: "to glue"

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What does Classicism refer to?


Correct Answer: The principles embodied in the styles, theories, or philosophies of the art of ancient Greece and Rome.

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What is the definition of "Cladding"?


Correct Answer: A metal covering that sheathes a metal structure.

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What is the primary focus of a cityscape?


Correct Answer: Urban scenery

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What does a city planner do?


Correct Answer: Help guide and shape the future development of a community

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Who sets up both camera and lighting for each shot in a film?


Correct Answer: The cinematographer

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What does a cinematographer do?


Correct Answer: Sets up camera and lighting for each shot in a film

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What was the Cinématographe used for?


Correct Answer: Showing films

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Which brothers invented the Cinématographe?


Correct Answer: French photographers, photographic equipment manufacturers, and brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière

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What are chromogenic color prints?


Correct Answer: Photographs made from a positive color transparency or a negative

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How many primary colors are required for chromogenic color prints?


Correct Answer: 3

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What is a choreographer?


Correct Answer: A person who creates choreography

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What is the French word for China?


Correct Answer: Chine

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What is Chine referring to in the context of the printing process?


Correct Answer: The thin paper used in the printing process

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What is chine collé?


Correct Answer: A technique that results in a two-layered paper support

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What is the definition of ceramics?


Correct Answer: Objects, such as pots and vases, made of clay hardened by heat.

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What does the act of censorship involve?


Correct Answer: Examining books, films, or other material to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.

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What was celluloid used to make?


Correct Answer: Photographic film for both still and motion picture cameras

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What is celluloid made of?


Correct Answer: A combination of camphor and nitrocellulose

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What were cartes-de-visite?


Correct Answer: Small handheld photographic cards

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What is the purpose of a caricature?


Correct Answer: To satirize the subject

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What is a canon?


Correct Answer: A group of artistic, literary, or musical works that are generally accepted as representing a field.

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What is calligraphy?


Correct Answer: Decorative handwriting or lettering.

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When did the Byzantine Empire collapse?


Correct Answer: 1453

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Which of the following is not an example of the built environment?


Correct Answer: Fresh water

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What is the built environment?


Correct Answer: Human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity.

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What does brushwork refer to?


Correct Answer: The manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush

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What is the definition of Brocade?


Correct Answer: A heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design.

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Who developed the Black Maria?


Correct Answer: Thomas Alva Edison

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What was the world's first film studio called?


Correct Answer: Black Maria

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What does the term "biomorphic" refer to?


Correct Answer: Abstract forms or images that evoke associations with living forms

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What is binder?


Correct Answer: A component of paint that creates uniform consistency or cohesion.

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What are Ben-Day dots?


Correct Answer: Colored dots used to create shading and secondary colors in the mechanical reproduction of images.

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What does Belle Époque French for?


Correct Answer: Beautiful Era

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The Beat Generation was a group of American writers and artists popular in which decade?


Correct Answer: 1950s and early 1960s

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When was the Bauhaus school of art and design founded?


Correct Answer: 1919

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What is the definition of Batik?


Correct Answer: A wax-resist dyeing technique that is often used to make highly patterned cloth.

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Baroque is a term meaning _____.


Correct Answer: Extravagant, complex

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What is the main purpose of a ball bearing?


Correct Answer: Reducing friction

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What is the definition of background?


Correct Answer: The area of an artwork that appears farthest away from the viewer

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What is a B movie?


Correct Answer: A low-budget movie, especially one made for use as a companion to the main attraction in a double feature.

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What does the term "avant-garde" mean in English?


Correct Answer: A group that is innovative, experimental, and inventive in its technique or ideology

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What is the meaning of automatism?


Correct Answer: Strategies of writing or creating art that aimed to access the unconscious mind.

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Which group of artists used automatist techniques?


Correct Answer: Surrealists

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What does Atelier Populaire mean in English?


Correct Answer: "popular workshop"

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What is Assemblage?


Correct Answer: A three-dimensional work of art made from combinations of materials including found objects or non-traditional art materials.

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What was the main focus of the Arts and Crafts movement?


Correct Answer: Simple, functional forms

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What does the word "artifice" mean?


Correct Answer: Deception or trickery.

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What is the profession of designing and constructing buildings, bridges, and other large structures called?


Correct Answer: Architecture

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What is the definition of "appropriation?"


Correct Answer: The intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of preexisting images, objects, and ideas.

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What does angular mean?


Correct Answer: An object, outline, or shape having sharp corners, or angles.

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Aluminum is which of the following?


Correct Answer: A soft, durable, lightweight, ductile, and malleable metal

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What is the appearance of aluminum?


Correct Answer: Silvery to dull gray

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Aesthetic is an adjective meaning...?


Correct Answer: Characterized by a concern with beauty or good taste

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What is the predecessor of documentaries?


Correct Answer: Actualities

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Who coined the term "action painting"?


Correct Answer: Harold Rosenberg

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Which of the following is not an evidence of the physical action that took place upon the canvas in action painting?


Correct Answer: Easel painting

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What does "academic" mean?


Correct Answer: Relating to the conservative style of art promoted by an official academy

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What is abstraction?


Correct Answer: Non-representational works of art that do not depict scenes or objects in the world or have discernable subject matter.

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What is the term used to describe art that is not representational or based on external reality or nature?


Correct Answer: Abstract

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Which artists were associated with the Abstract Expressionism movement?


Correct Answer: They championed bold, gestural abstraction in all mediums, particularly large painted canvases.

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