Autism and Low-Incidence Disabilities MCQ

A student with a severe intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, and deafness would most likely be served under which IDEA special education category?


Correct Answer: Multiple disabilities

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Which of the following is true of children with a chronic illness?


Correct Answer: They often do not feel well enough to focus their attention on instruction.

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Which of the following is typically a major objective for students with visual disabilities?


Correct Answer: Literacy development

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What estimated percentage of deaf students also has another disability?


Correct Answer: 25%

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A student with cerebral palsy requires a wheelchair to get around and needs some physical assistance with certain tasks throughout the school day. This is an example of a(n) ______.


Correct Answer: Physical disability

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A preschooler who is not meeting critical developmental markers but is not diagnosed with a specific disability may receive special education services under which IDEA category?


Correct Answer: Developmental delay

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______ can be temporary with mild symptoms similar to those of learning disabilities, or in other cases may be severe, long-lasting, and require a period of hospital or home instruction.


Correct Answer: Traumatic brain injury

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Which of the following is common among students with ASD?


Correct Answer: They have difficulties with social communication skills.

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The DSM-5 categorizes autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to ______.


Correct Answer: Level of severity

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Which of the following is true of low-incidence disabilities?


Correct Answer: Low-incidence disabilities are often more readily apparent than high-incidence disabilities.

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Sharpness of response to visual stimuli is known as Visual acuity.


Correct Answer: False

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_____ are networks of support that everyone develops to function optimally in life.


Correct Answer: System of supports

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______ is a hereditary blood disorder that inhibits blood flow; African Americans are most at risk for this health impairment


Correct Answer: Sickle-cell disease

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The design, construction, operation and use of robots, which includes the technology that makes robotic action possible is known as .


Correct Answer: Robotics

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One of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that has a known genetic cause and occurs only in girls are known as


Correct Answer: Rett syndrome

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The amount and degree of vision a person has functional use of despite a visual problem is known as ?


Correct Answer: Residual vision

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Timeframe before a seizure is known as


Correct Answer: Preictal stage

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An AS; the category used when not all three ASD characteristics (problems with communication, social interaction, and repetitive or mannerist behaviors) are present or when they are mild is known as ?


Correct Answer: Pervasive developmental disorder

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The outer area of a person’s visual field is known as ?


Correct Answer: Peripheral vision

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Other health impairments also known as ______.


Correct Answer: Special healthcare needs

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Orthopedic impairments is the term used in IDEA ______for physical disabilities or physical impairments


Correct Answer: 2004

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Orientation and mobility is a related services provider who teaches individuals who are blind or have high vision techniques to move safely and independently at school and in the community


Correct Answer: False

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______ is a term used to describe the status of individuals with health disabilities


Correct Answer: Medically fragile

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Loss of a physical appendage (e.g., foot, arm) is known as Limb loss


Correct Answer: True

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Significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance is known as


Correct Answer: Intellectual

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Common education services delivered to the student’s home, usually as a origin of the student’s fragile health is known as Home-bound


Correct Answer: False

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Sign language for generals with deaf-blindness wherein signs are conveyed through touch is known as Hand over hand.


Correct Answer: False

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Community-based living arrangements in which a large number of adults with disabilities live together and receive supports they need for independence is known as Group homes.


Correct Answer: False

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The repetition of a word or phrase by an individual who has little or no understanding of what is being said to be ?


Correct Answer: Echolalia

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Severe disabilities that often combine intellectual and physical problems; often used interchangeably with single-severe Developmental disabilities.


Correct Answer: False

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A condition that occurs with children who are less developed mentally or physically than their agemates are known as Developmental delay


Correct Answer: True

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Cognitive disability characterized by impaired intellectual functioning, limited adaptive behavior, need for supports, and initial occurrence before_______; intellectual disabilities


Correct Answer: Age 18

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Illnesses that last for an imprudence period of time is known as Chronic illnesses


Correct Answer: False

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One of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) wherein the individual has typical development until about the age of 7 to 8 is known as Childhood disintegrative disorder


Correct Answer: False

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A system of reading and writing that uses dot codes embossed on paper; tactile reading. In _______, Louis Braille created a precursor to the method used today is known as brallie


Correct Answer: 1824

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A signal of an outgoing seizure is known as aura


Correct Answer: False

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AAC are the Methods for communicating, such as _____.


Correct Answer: All of these

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_______ is a grid or graph used to record a person’s hearing abilities


Correct Answer: Audiogram

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ADHD is a condition characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention; included in the “other health impairments” category in____.


Correct Answer: DSM-IV-TR

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_______ is a refractive error, that is, a problem with how the eye focuses light


Correct Answer: Astigmatism

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The most common chronic health condition among children, resulting in difficulty breathing is known as ?


Correct Answer: Asthma

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One of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) wherein cognition is usually in the average or above average range is known as Asperger’s syndrome


Correct Answer: False

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