Search Engine Marketing MCQ Questions Answers Search Engine Marketing MCQ Questions Answers

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Search Engine Marketing multiple choice questions List

What is Search Engine Marketing or Search Marketing?

SEM is the process of using online advertising to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM can involve paid ads on Google, Bing, and other search engine or engines, as well as organic search engine optimization (SEO) or search engine optimum.

What do you mean by search engine optimization?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of web pages or a particular web page on search engines. If a website is highly ranked it will be available in the top results of a search engine. SEO involves optimizing a website’s content, structure, and on-page factors such as titles, metatags, and anchor text. It also involves developing off-page factors such as inbound links, social media engagement, and citation flow.

What do you know about website's search engine saturation?

When you're evaluating how well your website is ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), it's important to consider the site's saturation. Saturation is a measure of how many times a given keyword or phrase appears on a website. The higher the saturation, the more likely it is that your site will rank for that keyword or phrase. There are plenty of Search Engines available you can choose your particular search engine, the most popular of them all is Google.

What are outbound links?

The term ‘outbound link’ is used to describe a hyperlink on a website that points to another page or resource on the same site or same page. For example, if you have a blog and want to promote your latest post, you can create an outbound link in the form of a text link that leads readers to your post. This will help increase traffic to your site because search engines like Google will see this as a vote for your content.

What is Inbound Link?

Inbound link or inbound links are the most important part of a website’s ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). A quality backlink or inbound link will rank your sites for relevant keywords and phrases. Backlinks help to improve your SEO by increasing your domain authority (DA) which means that Google considers your site as an authoritative source of information about your topic and your website gets more chances to be in the top google search results.

What is an Internal Link?

Internal Links (also known as Inbound Links) are a way to link from one page on your website to another. The most common use of this type of link is for navigation purposes, but they can also be used to increase the authority and credibility of your site.

What is a meta description?

A Meta description or Meta descriptions are the short snippets of text that appear below your title in search results, and it’s one of the most important elements for SEO success. It should be between 40-160 characters long, with no more than 70% of it being searched keywords. The rest can contain links to other pages on your site, or offer additional information about what you sell.

Meta Keywords Tag:

Meta keyword tags are used to describe your page in search engines and help them understand what your site is about. They’re also a great way for you to optimize your content so that it stands out from the crowd.

What are indexed pages?

A Web page or web pages indexed by the search engines are “indexed pages”. In order to be indexed, it must meet certain criteria:

The page should have been published on the internet.

It should be accessible via a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). This means that you can type in the address of your website into any browser or device and get there. 

What are unindexed pages?

The term “unindexed” is used to describe web pages that aren’t indexed by search engines, and therefore don’t appear in the results of a Google or Bing search. They can be found on any website – from personal blogs to corporate websites or websites pages, there are many reasons why they might not be indexed.

Why are Search Engines Vying About?

The reason for search engines vying is because Internet has become a very popular place to get information and products. It’s also becoming an increasingly important marketing tool for businesses, especially those that sell online or have a web presence. The internet is the number one way people find out about new products and services. In fact, according to a recent study by Google, more than half of all searches are done on a computer or mobile device. This means that if you don’t have a website, you are missing out on a lot of potential customers.

What do you mean by the term "keyword density"?

The term “keyword density” refers to the number of times a particular word appears in a given piece of text, usually on a web page or blog post. This can be an important factor when determining how search engines rank your site and whether you will get more traffic from them.

What is SEO site content?

SEO content is any written piece of text that has been optimized for search engines. This includes blog posts, product descriptions, articles, press releases, etc. It also refers to specific words or phrases that have been selected and used to describe your products or services.

What is Page Description?

It is a small snippet of information that shows up when internet users click on your website from their search engine result pages (SERPs). This is usually displayed below the title of the web page.

It can be a very important part of your site’s content because it helps searchers understand what they will find if they click through to your site. The page description should include keywords related to the topic of your site.

What are Alternative Links and why do I need them?

Alternative links are hyperlinks that point to your website from another website, blog, or forum. The purpose of this type of link is to help increase the number of visitors to your site by directing traffic from other websites. It’s like having someone else tell their friends about you!

What are FFA pages?

The FFA link pages are used to direct traffic from search engines to the official website of an organization or individual, according to The links can be placed on other websites and blogs as well as in e-mail messages.

What is anchor text?

Anchor text is the visible part of a link that tells search engines what the link is about. It’s a very important factor in SEO, and it’s something you should be aware of when building your own backlinks.

Google PageRank:

The Google Pagerank tool is a free online service that helps you to see how popular your website is on the internet. The higher the number, the more visitors your site receives from search engines and other web users.

What are Natural Links?

These are the links that appear in the search results of a Google or Bing search and are not paid for by you. These links are organic, meaning they come from other websites that have been found to be relevant to your website’s content. They also tend to be more trusted than paid links, as they are not being paid for by you.

What are Buying Links?

Buying links are basically paid-for advertising on websites. You pay for each link pointing back to your site from another website. The more links you buy, the better chance your site has of ranking high in search results.

What are link farms?

Link farms are when someone creates multiple websites with the same content and then links them together so that all the sites appear as one big website on Google. This can be done manually or through software. The idea is that if you create enough websites with the same content, you will rank well for certain keywords.

What Is Keyword Stuffing and why should I avoid it?

The basic idea behind keyword stuffing is that if you write lots of words with the same meaning, then you are increasing the chances of getting a higher rank on the search engine results page (SERP).

There are two main reasons why you shouldn't do stuffing:

  • It makes your content look spammy.
  • It doesn't work now.

Define title tag?

The title of your web page is the most important part of it, and you should always make sure that it contains all the keywords that describe your site’s content. The title tag is what appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) when people type in a query for your business or website. It is also one of the first things visitors see on your site.

What are Crawled Pages?

A crawl page is the first page of your site that Googlebot will see when it starts crawling your website. This means that any links on this page will be included in the search results for your keywords, and if you have good content on these pages, they can help boost your rankings.

Quizack's Toil in Search Engine Marketing:

The Search Engine Marketing multiple choice questions were carefully developed by Quizack's experts so that you may learn Search Engine Marketing fast and efficiently. Quizack upholds its high standards by offering the most current and best Search Engine Marketing MCQ. Quizack also features the most powerful interactive engines on the market, allowing you to learn uninterrupted.

To evaluate your knowledge, Quizack also offers an online Search Engine Marketing MCQ test. You can always take our online Search Engine Marketing quiz.

Quizack has also created a Search Engine Marketing questionnaire pdf so that you may keep learning without having to worry about your internet or network connection. It's especially handy for people who are always on the go.  Quizack's Search Engine Marketing MCQ pdf is available for your ease.