1. Working sessions are conference sessions where groups of scholars who have already read each other’s reports discuss the papers individually and/or collectively for continued development .
2. Webinars is an online, interactive broadcast of ________ development experiences .
3. Session chair is a person responsible for all logistics at a conference session.
4. Roundtables is a conference format in which groups of researchers sit around ________ .
5. A conference delivery format in which researchers prepare and exhibit large displays for other conference attendees to view is known as ______ .
6. A conference delivery format in which researchers share their studies’ findings orally, usually from prepared texts and media presentations is known as ______ .
7. Networking is a developing relationship with fellow scholars, publishers, and others in a field, possibly resulting in future ________ opportunities .
8. Discussant is a person responsible for leading a feedback session at the end of conference paper presentations .
9. Conference theme is an association’s ________ or focus during a gathering, with submissions and presentations often centered around the theme
10. Styles is a form of writing for ______ .
11. Significant trivia is a rich, small details of a social scene that embellish the written report .
12. Bibliographic information about sources cited within a narrative, with author’s name, title of work, publication year, publisher, etc ,this process is known as _______ .
13. Prewriting preliminary writing before the more formal writing stage of a study .
14. Point of view is the researcher’s perspective in writing .
15. Poetic writing uses the conventions of literary poetry to evocatively represent and present data .
16. Photovoice is a ________ style of research that combines original participant photography .
17. Literary narrative writing uses the power of narrative storytelling to recount the participants’ perceptions and experiences .
18. Jointly told tale is a reportage that brings the ________ together as coauthors of an account .
19. A level of insightful thinking and understanding in research reportage; transcendence is known as ________ .
20. Impressionist tales is the first-person writing that helps the reader relive the researcher’s field and/or personal experiences that are _________ rather than typical .
21. Front matter is the preliminary narrative of elements before the main findings and discussion in a written report .
22. A report cumulatively composed by two or more researchers who exchange ideas is known as _______ .
23. A play script that dramatizes the participants’ and/or researchers’ experiences in monologic and/or dialogic forms is known as ______ .
24. Descriptive and realistic writing is a factual storytelling of the participants’ daily lives and critical incidents with neutral and objective .
25. Critical and advocacy writing is a thoughtful inquiry that surveys the manifest and latent meanings of people’s discourse and the _______ .
26. Confessional tale is the researcher’s first-person account of the subjective experiences he encountered throughout the project .
27. A democratic process among participants to provide voice and agency to the research is known as ______ .
28. A central statement or key assertion about the study’s investigation is knonw as _________
29. Analytic and formal writing presents the patterned regularities of data through a sense of ordered management is known as _______ .
30. Research-based accounts of fieldwork in the form of a brief literary narrative is known as ________ .
31. Trustworthiness is the perceived _______ value of a qualitative study
32. A generalizable statement with five properties and an accompanying explanatory narrative is known as ________ .
33. Synoptic is a view of the ______ .
34. Sub Assertions is related to an assertion .
35. The sequential units of action contained within a plot is known as _______ .
36. Proverbs are a statement of folk wisdom passed through the generations.
37. The overall structure of a story is known as _______ .
38. Low-level inferences is a researcher's interpretation that ________ is happening within the particulars of the case or field site; the micro .
39. Key linkages are statements of ________ between main assertions and their sub assertions .
40. A central argument or all-encompassing interpretive claim about the researcher’s fieldwork and data analysis is known as ________ .
41. High-level inferences is a researcher's interpretations that extend beyond particulars to speculate on what they mean in the more general social scheme of things ________ .
42. The presentation of data that supports a study’s assertions is known as_______ .
43. Disconfirming evidence is a data that negate the ______ value of an assertion
44. Diagram is an active, visually illustrated representation of the participants’ experiences or the phenomenon under investigation .
45. Credibility is the audience’s belief that the __________ and outcomes of a qualitative study have generated findings .
46. CAQDAS is an acronym for computer assisted qualitative data analysis software .
47. Versus Coding is applied to data in which conflicts between and among participants are _______ .
48. Theoretical constructs are phrases that serve as category- like, abstract summations of a set of related themes .
49. Theme is an extended ________ that identifies and functions as a way to categorize .
50. The combination of different things in order to form a new whole is known as _______ .
51. Subcode is a primary code followed with a supplemental tag for detail .
52. A quantitative survey instrument that assesses participants’ responses in the affective domain toward a particular concept is known as _______ .
53. Relevant text analysis that are _________ to the research questions of interest .
54. Qua is a Latin for “in the role of”
55. A predictive statement, usually with two primary elements, that proposes a conditional event is known as ________ .
56. Precoding is a preparatory formatting of data into stanzas with tentative _______ for further analysis .
57. Poetic inquiry investigates human experiences through poetic representation .
58. Outliers is a discrepan ________ that vary from the typical or majority
59. The consequences of antecedent conditions and mediating variables in causation is known as ______ .
60. Mediating variables is a context and actions that _______ antecedent conditions, leading to specific outcomes .
61. A tabular display that summarizes and arranges data from a larger corpus by factors is known as_______ .
62. The qualitative paradigm for the positivist cause-and-effect of quantitative research is known as _______ .
63. Interpretive ranking of qualitative data from most to least, strongest to weakest is known as ________ .
64. Found poetry is a poetic work whose words originate from participant interview_______ .
65. Eyeballing is a visual overview of data to collect first-impression readings and to detect initial patterns .
66. Dramaturgical Coding applies the basic conventions of dramatic character analysis onto naturalistic social interaction or onto a participant’s stories contained in an interview .
67. Descriptive Coding is a Summarizing in a ______ most often as a noun—the basic topic of a passage of qualitative data .
68. Concept is a ______ that symbolically represents a suggested meaning or idea broader than a single observable item or action .
69. Causation is explanation of or attribution to _______ describing .
70. Category is a label in the form of a word or phrase applied to a grouped pattern of comparable ________ .
71. Antecedent conditions are a ________ contexts and actions that are influenced and affected by mediating variables .
72. A priori determined beforehand, such as _________ formulated before fieldwork and data analysis .
73. The interpersonal and preferably positive relationship between a researcher and participant is known as ______ .
74. Protocols are specific _________ for the conduct of a study or interview .
75. Principal investigator is the lead researcher of a study, designated as the “PI” on an IRB application .
76. Mandated reporters are Individuals with a legal obligation to report any suspicious or criminal activity to officials .
77. Courtesy information for participants about the nature of and procedures for a research study; an IRB might require them ,this process is known as ________ .
78. The Institutional Review Board involves human subjects to ensure legal and ethical compliance .
79. Full review is an IRB status for a research study proposal that cannot be _______ full board review .
80. Expedited involves minimal risk for participants when selected criteria are met .
81. Exempt is an IRB status for a research _______ that does not require institutional review or approval .
82. Deception is a deliberate action by a researcher to ________ information from a study’s participants, usually for covert investigation .
83. Confidentiality is keeping information private, such as participants’ identities and their related data .
84. An amalgam of different yet related participant quotes or other data into a single representative passage is known as _______ .
85. Belmont Report is a 1979 report published by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare prescribing ethical guidelines and procedures .
86. Assent is an agreement to participate, usually oral; minors assent to participate in a study .
87. Anonymity is a Keeping the actual ________ of a participant or other entity unknown in a data corpus and research report .
88. A collective, composite representation of various data that have been brought together is known as _______ .
89. Utility is the usefulness and pragmatic value of research for other applications .
90. Scope of inquiry is the ________ of a specific qualitative study, including assumptions of transferability to other contexts .
91. The overall framework and provisional plan for initiating and conducting a research study is known as _______ .
92. Related research questions is a recommended ________ of five questions derived from the central research question that drive specific lines of inquiry .
93. A narrative overview of the professional and personal motives driving the study is known as _______ .
94. Purpose statement focusing framework for an investigation that sums up in one sentence the study’s primary research goal .
95. A qualitative analysis and integration of the major findings and themes from a number of comparable qualitative studies is known as ________ .
96. Metasummary is a qualitative analysis of the _________ from a number of comparable qualitative studies .
97. Meta-ethnography is an analysis of the major findings and themes from a number of comparable ethnographic studies .
98. A systematic analysis of statistical data pooled from comparable quantitative studies is known as _______ .
99. A list of terms that identify and summarize the core subjects and contents of a research study is known as _______ .
100. A set of theoretical, methodological, and epistemological premises for guidance throughout a research study is known as ______ .
Research (Practicle, Real-World)
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Research Methods (Statistics and Applications)
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