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Health Statistics MCQ

Health Statistics

1. The ________ is the earliest written record concerning public health.


Correct Answer: Code of Hammurabi

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2. Transmission of nerve impulses relies on the concentrations of ______ in the neuron.


Correct Answer: Sodium and potassium

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3. The presence of bacteria in the bloodstream is referred to as __________.


Correct Answer: Bacteremia

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4. The minimum detectable sound for normal hearing is arbitrarily set at _____ decibels.


Correct Answer: 0

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5. Ions that regulate metabolic processes are called _______.


Correct Answer: Electrolytes

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6. Inflammation or infection of the oviduct is called ________.


Correct Answer: Salpingitis

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7. Handwashing with regular soap is effective because __________.


Correct Answer: The hydrophobic end of the soap molecules breaks up oily deposits & the hydrophilic end of the molecule attracts water. This combination makes soap a good degerming agent

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8. Lumbar _______ is commonly called ""swayback.""


Correct Answer: Lordosis

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9. A bmi level of _______kg/m2 or more indicates obesity.


Correct Answer: 30

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10. You should consume no more than ___ of your calories from fat.


Correct Answer: 30%

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11. The location where a disease-causing organism is normally found is called the __________.


Correct Answer: Reservoir

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12. Acid-fast mycobacteria differ from non-acid-fast bacteria by the presence of __________.


Correct Answer: Mycolic acid in the cell wall

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13. After you start your vehicle, ensure that the ___________ are off


Correct Answer: Warning lights

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14. __________ means that the payment is based on the payment locality.


Correct Answer: Conversion factor

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15. The healthcare professional who types reports for care providers is known as a/an ______________.


Correct Answer: Transcriptionist

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16. Yeasts, molds, and certain pathogenic agents are classified as __________.


Correct Answer: Fungi

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17. _______ doubles or triples the risk for developing congestive heart failure.


Correct Answer: Chronic hypertension

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18. A body system includes a number of related _______ that work together to perform a task.


Correct Answer: Muscles and bones

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19. An example of active euthanasia is when _____.


Correct Answer: Someone turns off a patient's respirator

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20. Never drive when your body tells you_____.


Correct Answer: It is tired.

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21. Supporting one another in friendship means that you __________.


Correct Answer: Share trust with your friend and stand by one another in good and challenging times

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22. Research shows a child may need to be exposed to a food __________ times before accepting it.


Correct Answer: 12

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23. Negative peer pressure can lead to __________.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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24. Select the best answer to the following: "a decision is only as good as __________."


Correct Answer: The person who made it

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25. All of the following except _____ are examples of unstructured data.


Correct Answer: Patient's gender

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26. A typical teenage girl should consume approximately ____ calories each day.


Correct Answer: ​2,200

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27. Ppe works by creating a barrier between the healthcare worker and the ______.


Correct Answer: Infectious material

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28. Protective equipment is important because __________.


Correct Answer: It keeps activities safe for the participants by reducing injury risk

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29. Stimulants can generate a__________


Correct Answer: False sense of well being

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30. Smaller dot pitch indicates _____


Correct Answer: A sharper image

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31. The _________ contain(s) about 75% of the brain's total volume.


Correct Answer: Cerebrum

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32. Social networking tends to ___________ your true personality.


Correct Answer: Reveal

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33. Mixtures, fuels, solvents, paints, and dusts are all considered to be _____ materials.


Correct Answer: Hazardous

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34. Children between the ages of 2 and 5 ________


Correct Answer: All of the above

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35. The united states began its tradition of the ______ during the early eighteenth century.


Correct Answer: Two-party system

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36. The real advantage to hydrostatic weighing is that it __________


Correct Answer: Gives one of the most accurate measurements of body fat

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37. During his brief stay in france, gershwin wrote _____.


Correct Answer: An American in Paris

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38. You should always allow _______ for muscles to recover between training workouts.


Correct Answer: 48 hours.

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39. To be effective, an exercise program must be __________.


Correct Answer: Uniquely tailored to every person

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40. The __________ of exercise determines the health and fitness benefit of the exercise.


Correct Answer: Type

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41. The amount of subcutaneous body fat in females is about ________ of total body weight.


Correct Answer: 8-12 percent

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42. The _______ is between the padding and the margin.


Correct Answer: Border

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43. The techniques used during a physical examination include all of the following except ________.


Correct Answer: Diagnosis

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44. The ________ is the oldest written document related to health care dating from around 1600 bc.


Correct Answer: Smith Papyri

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45. Most induced abortions occur _______________ weeks of gestation


Correct Answer: Within the first 9

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46. A moderate to brisk walking speed generally equates to _______ steps per minute.


Correct Answer: 80

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47. The diaphragm creates a ________ section between the thoracic and abdominal body cavities.


Correct Answer: Transverse (cross)

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48. Your maximum oxygen intake is a measurement of the ability __________.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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49. When the lymphatic structures of a limb are blocked due to tumors, the result is ________.


Correct Answer: Severe localized edema distal to the blockage

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50. When reviewing the contract for joining a fitness center, make sure that __________.


Correct Answer: The contract conditions meet your individual needs

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51. When beginning an exercise program, people with asthma should always __________.


Correct Answer: Plan a steady progression of exercise intensity

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52. Vitamins contain _______ kcal g


Correct Answer: 0

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53. Variety is important for an exercise program because it __________.


Correct Answer: Improves muscle flexibility

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54. Trending data is needed when evaluating fitness levels in order to __________.


Correct Answer: Correct inaccurate data

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55. The principal difference between isometric and isotonic exercises is the __________.


Correct Answer: Change in muscle length during exercise

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56. The principal benefit of speed loading is to increase __________.


Correct Answer: Natural movement speed

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57. The effects of alcohol are________.


Correct Answer: Unpredictable

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58. The amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is called_________.


Correct Answer: Blood Alcohol Concentration

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59. The actions of the internal obliques include __________.


Correct Answer: Compression of the abdomen to assist in forced expiration

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60. Teens who exercise regularly are also found to __________ than less active teens.


Correct Answer: Have higher GPAs

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61. Stretching before and after a workout allows for __________.


Correct Answer: All of above

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62. Nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are damaging effects on the ________ from alcohol abuse.


Correct Answer: Pancreas

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63. Drowsiness affects your senses, especially your __________.


Correct Answer: Vision

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64. Cocaine users are often stopped for __________.


Correct Answer: Speeding

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65. Because alcohol use can cause more aggressive behaviors, ______________.


Correct Answer: Both a and c

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66. Approximately____% of all alcohol consumed is metabolized by the liver.


Correct Answer: 90

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67. Americans over the age of two average _______ calories per day.


Correct Answer: 2157

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68. A person using cocaine has the illusion of being alert and stimulated, _______________.


Correct Answer: Although physical reactions are impaired

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69. A function of cholesterol that does not harm health is its role _____


Correct Answer: As a component of animal cell membranes

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70. The insertion of a needle or cannula into a vein for the purpose of withdrawing blood is ____.


Correct Answer: Phlebotomy

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71. The vastus medialis provides a _____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically.


Correct Answer: Superomedial

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72. Most epidemiologic studies are ______________________ and have little potential for harm.


Correct Answer: Observational

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73. Historically, inpatient care developed ________ outpatient care.


Correct Answer: Before

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74. __________ care relieves pain and other symptoms rather than prolonging life.


Correct Answer: Palliative

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75. Ballistic stretching is best performed __________.


Correct Answer: Never

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76. The ________ system compensates for metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.


Correct Answer: Respiratory

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77. Calculating health care statistics is commonly a function of the _____ department.


Correct Answer: Health information.

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78. The u.s. spends more _________ on health care (estimated at $10,345 in 2016) than any other nation.


Correct Answer: Per capita annually

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79. Sleepwalking and ________ occur only during nrem-3 sleep.


Correct Answer: Night terrors

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80. Nrem-2 sleep is to ________ as nrem-3 sleep is to ________.


Correct Answer: Subdued state; deep sleep

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81. Food such as hamburgers must be cooked to _____o f to kill e. coli o157:h7 bacteria and toxin.


Correct Answer: 160

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82. Currently in the united states, _____ of adults are overweight.


Correct Answer: 2/3

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83. Buying yourself time is a drug-resisting strategy that involves __________.


Correct Answer: All of these

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84. At least _________ people per year are seriously injured or killed in senseless traffic disputes.


Correct Answer: 1500

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85. An increase in _____ is associated with pruritus.


Correct Answer: Acetylcholine

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86. A spinal reflex requires the participation of each of the following, except __________.


Correct Answer: The cerebral cortex

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87. _________ of adults in the united states are obese.


Correct Answer: 36.5 %

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