1. The __________ reflex protects an infant from strong stimulation.
2. In early childhood, __________ aggression __________.
3. All of the following are environmental factors that affect human development except __________.
4. After accepting the certainty of death, a period of _____ or preparatory grief may appear.
5. A ____ is best described as any unlearned response triggered by a specific form of stimulation.
6. Object permanence is not just a test of knowledge of the properties of objects, but also of ____.
7. Some form of domestic violence occurs in _____% of all marriages in the u.s.
8. According to robert sternberg, empty love develops when only __________ is present.
9. Of all the behavioral states, newborns spend the most time each day in the ____ state.
10. Locations near the equator _____
11. The sensory capabilities of young infants are measured using the _____ paradigm.
12. To act on emotions or emotional intelligence, people must make ______ judgments.
13. "jocks" who are good at sports or "druggies" who take drugs are examples of _____.
14. A formula-fed baby is more likely to _____ than a breast-fed baby.
15. A frown is a _____ manifestation of an emotion.
16. According to sternberg, ____ ability is most heavily focused on problem analysis.
17. According to vygotsky, ____ speech is another term for thought.
18. Adolescent _____ is the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents.
19. Adult learners list __________ as the most common reason for not completing their degrees.
20. Among college-educated young adults, kohlberg's stage _____ reasoning is the typical response.
21. An adolescent who thinks about the injustice of a situation is in piaget's _____ period.
22. Anorexia nervosa is about _____ likely to occur in females than males.
23. Around the age of ____, children begin to get reinforced about gender from their peers.
24. Before differentiation begins, the first cells of the zygote are called _____ cells.
25. Between early and later childhood, schemes tend to have more ____ properties.
26. Boys' brains are about _____ percent larger than the brains of girls.
27. Bulimia nervosa is clinically present in _____ percent of young women in the united states.
28. By 24 months, most children are about ____ percent of their adult height.
29. Compared to older adults, adults in their 20s and 30s have __________________.
30. Following fertilization, a one-celled ________ multiplies and forms a ____________.
31. For erikson, delinquency is an attempt to establish _____, even if it is a negative one.
32. Freud emphasized the importance of _____ in determining behavior.
33. Girls usually develop emotional regulation _____ boys.
34. Richard believes he is gay. this orientation is part of richard's _____ identity.
35. Slightly less than _____ percent of american girls develop anorexia nervosa.
36. The _____ portions of the brain often die sooner than the _____ portions.
37. The idea that intelligence can be directly increased by effort is referred to as _____ theory.
38. The peak rate of pubertal change occurs at _____ years for girls and _____ years for boys.
39. The use of _______ has contributed to a sharp increase in ______.
40. When diet and health are adequate, __________ is largely influenced by heredity.
41. The physical or psychological mistreatment or neglect of elderly individuals is called __________.
42. Female friendships involve more _____ than male friendships.
43. In 20092010, _____ percent of u.s. 6- to 11-year-olds were classified as obese.
44. In 2010, _____ percent of older adults were cohabiting.
45. In 2010, by 40 years of age, _____ percent of individuals had ever been married.
46. Humans allocate approximately 70% of their annual freshwater use for ________.
47. Research has found that cohabitation prior to marriage _____.
48. Research indicates that babies are first able to use their sense of taste _____ birth.
49. Sensory memory improves until about age _____ and then remains adequate until late adulthood.
50. The psychometric approach to studying cognitive development analyzes intelligence using _____.
51. While literacy and numeracy are valued in every school, curriculum specifics _____.
52. When the effects of genes add up to make the phenotype, they are called _____ genes.
53. For some married couples, retirement alters the longstanding distribution of __________.
54. Romantic love emphasizes _____, while affectionate love emphasizes
55. The ____ growth trend means center-out.
56. Unlike jean piaget, lev vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a __________ process.
57. According to noam chomsky, all children have a __________ device that contains a universal grammar.
58. Almost all social networking engaged in by adolescents is between adolescents _____.
59. As people age, their friendships tend to _____.
60. Children are considered overweight when they have bmis above the _____ percentile.
61. Common ways to be generative include caregiving, employment, and _____.
62. Fatal disease is _____ worldwide during emerging adulthood.
63. Fats absorbed from the small intestine are transported to the bloodstream via ________.
64. Flashing lights on stopped school buses are an example of _____ prevention.
65. Friends _____ mental health and _____ physical health.
66. Research on younger and older adolescents' analytic thinking indicated that _____.
67. Studies indicate that sexual orientation is __________.
68. William was an early-maturing boy in the 1930s. william would have been predicated to _____.
69. Hannah's bmi is in the 79th percentile, which is associated with being _____.
70. Hans is a 21-year-old american. according to the text, hans is in the developmental stage of _____.
71. Siegler has studied the details of children's cognition in math. he has found that children _____.
72. The use of medication to treat adhd (and many other disorders) in children _____.