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Medical Terminology MCQ

Medical Terminology

1. The adjective peroneal refers to the ________.


Correct Answer: Fibula

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2. The combining forms quad and tetra, one latin and the other greek, are _____ terms meaning four.


Correct Answer: Cognate

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3. In the medical word scotoma the combining form means ________.


Correct Answer: Darkness

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4. The endocrine subsection of the cpt manual contains codes for ____ endocrine glands.


Correct Answer: 4

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5. In an autoimmune disorder, the body makes ________ against its own tissues.


Correct Answer: Antibodies

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6. Timothy suffered from recurring fever blisters around his mouth, known as herpetic ____itis.


Correct Answer: Stomat

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7. The term esophagogastroplasty is defined as the _____ the esophagus and the stomach.


Correct Answer: Surgical repair of

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8. The term rhabdomyolysis is defined as _____ of striated muscle.


Correct Answer: Dissolution

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9. A myelogram is used to record _______ information:


Correct Answer: Spinal cord/nerve tissue

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10. A "thallium - hot spot test" is used to detect _____ damage:


Correct Answer: Heart

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11. A "ekg or ecg" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.


Correct Answer: Heart

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12. _____is a severe, recurring, unilateral, vascular headache.


Correct Answer: A migraine

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13. _____ is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair shafts in areas with extensive sweat glands.


Correct Answer: Trichomycosis axillaris

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14. The primary accented syllable in melanocyte (meh-lan-oh-site) is ________.


Correct Answer: LAN

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15. The incision was made at the (pertaining to above) pole of the lesion or the _____ pole.


Correct Answer: Superior

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16. Trauma sustained beneath the eye (orbit/o) is _____orbital trauma.


Correct Answer: Infra

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17. The primary accented syllable in alopecia (al-oh-pee-sha) is ________.


Correct Answer: PEE

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18. Glue ear, a thick accumulation of secretions, is associated with ________.


Correct Answer: Otitis media

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19. The term gravida usually means ________, but literally means_________:


Correct Answer: Pregnant and heavy

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20. The term _____ describes the absence of urine formation by the kidneys.


Correct Answer: ​polyuria

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21. The patient is said to have a "trach" when ________.


Correct Answer: The patient is on a ventilator

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22. The passage of black and tarlike stools is known as _____.


Correct Answer: Melena

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23. The part of the esophagus that is farthest from its beginning at the throat is the ____ end.


Correct Answer: Distal

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24. The medical term for headache is ceph________.


Correct Answer: Algia

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25. If the physician wants to say apex of both lungs, the plural for of apex would be ________.


Correct Answer: Apices

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26. Hyperthyroidism is known to cause the eyes to bulge outwardly, resulting in ________.


Correct Answer: Exophthalmos

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27. Hepatitis "___" may be dormant in the body for years before the signs and symptoms appear.


Correct Answer: C

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28. An________ means being insensitive to pain.


Correct Answer: Algesic

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29. A/an _________________ manipulates data, doing arithmetic or logical operations on it.


Correct Answer: Processing unit

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30. A/an _____ is a benign skin growth that has a waxy or pasted-on look.


Correct Answer: Keratosis

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31. A suffix is added to the ______ of a word to alter its meaning.


Correct Answer: End

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32. _______ is when an organ, such as the uterus, slides or sags downward or forward.


Correct Answer: Prolapse

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33. Using the ______ system, it is easy to locate misfiled charts with a quick glance.


Correct Answer: Color coding

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34. When reporting a craniectomy/craniotomy procedure, it is common that additional ____ is required.


Correct Answer: Grafting

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35. The first true vaccine protected against disease caused by a(n) ________ pathogen.


Correct Answer: Virus

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36. The medical assistant always works as an agent of the ________.


Correct Answer: Physician

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37. Most patients who die of anaphylaxis do so within the first __________ following exposure.


Correct Answer: Minutes.

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38. The medical term myoptic (adj.) literally means_____ and actually means____:


Correct Answer: Nearsightedness or shortsighted

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39. Extremely rapid and irregular contractions of the heart muscle are called _________.


Correct Answer: Fibrillation

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40. An abnormal, downward curvature of the penis during an erection is known as ________.


Correct Answer: Chordee

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41. Unrealistic expectations are a type of _______________ stressor.


Correct Answer: Stressors

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42. The two _____ are connected at the lower midpoint by the corpus callosum.


Correct Answer: Cerebral hemispheres

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43. The term _____ means an injection made into the middle layers of the skin.


Correct Answer: Intradermal

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44. The smaller the gauge number of the venipuncture needle, the ________ the hole within.


Correct Answer: Larger

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45. The root word bi(o)- means:____________


Correct Answer: Life

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46. The major division of the cardiovascular subsection is whether a procedure involved a ____ vessel.


Correct Answer: Coronary or noncoronary

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47. Shin splints is a term that describes pain in the ________ of the lower leg.


Correct Answer: Front

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48. Nec and nos are ____used in icd-10-cm book.


Correct Answer: NCHS and CMS

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49. Some __________ are used for physician-assisted suicide and for execution by lethal injection.


Correct Answer: Barbiturates

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50. The medical term for an abnormally rapid heartbeat is _____.


Correct Answer: Diabetes insipidus.

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51. A radiation oncologist may use ___ to kill tumor cells using radiation.


Correct Answer: Radiotherapy

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52. A phlebo/tom/ist is a person who specializes in cutting or puncturing _____ to take blood samples.


Correct Answer: Veins

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53. A patient having both ovaries removed would be scheduled for a _____ oophorectomy.


Correct Answer: Bilateral

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54. ______ wraps the body in a physical barrier to prevent invading organisms from entering the body.


Correct Answer: ​Intact skin

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55. The duties and responsibilities of pharmacists _____ filling prescriptions and dispensing drugs


Correct Answer: Have progressed well beyond

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56. A ____ is the procedure that frees a kidney from adhesions.


Correct Answer: Nephrolysis

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57. Carpal tunnel syndrome develops as a result of inflammation and swelling of _____ in the wrist.


Correct Answer: Tendon sheaths

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58. Technetium-99m, xenon-133, and gallium-67 are radiopharmaceutical drugs that ________.


Correct Answer: Emit gamma rays

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59. An in ________ test traces the amount of radioactive substances inside a living organism.


Correct Answer: Vivo

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60. Inpatients admitted to critical access hospitals are restricted to stays of ____ hours.


Correct Answer: 96

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61. Ppos differentiated themselves by offering _____ option to enrollees.


Correct Answer: Open panel

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62. Adjectives usually modify a noun (thing named) denoting quality, quantity, extent, or _____ .


Correct Answer: Distinction of the object from something else

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63. An inflammation of the synovial membrane is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Synovitis

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64. The hickman, broviac, and groshong are ________.


Correct Answer: Central venous catheters

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65. A trephine would be used to remove ___.


Correct Answer: Bone

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66. The frontal plane divides the body into _________________ and _________________ portions.


Correct Answer: Anterior and posterior

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67. The rumbling noise caused by the movement of gas in the intestine is known as _____.


Correct Answer: Borborygmus

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68. The border where the white, opaque sclera becomes the transparent cornea is the ________.


Correct Answer: Limbus

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69. ________ectomy is the excision of fatty deposits from the innermost lining of an artery.


Correct Answer: Endarter

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70. Tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins involves ________ bonds.


Correct Answer: Ionic, hydrogen, polar, and nonpolar covalent

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71. A/an _____ relieves inflammation and pain without affecting consciousness.


Correct Answer: Anti-inflammatory

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72. In _____________, a radiopharmaceutical is given intravenously to obtain a lung scan.


Correct Answer: Perfusion studies

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73. The attempted realignment of a bone involved in a fracture or joint dislocation is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Closed reduction

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74. Antipsychotic drugs are the major tranquilizers, which include all of the following except _______.


Correct Answer: Diazepam

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75. The education section of a r sum? should list schools in order from _____.


Correct Answer: Most to least recent

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76. Antiviral medications are a common treatment for __________.


Correct Answer: Influenza.

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77. A ureterostomy (or urostomy for short): ______________.


Correct Answer: Is a surgically created opening in the ureter, redirects the ureter to the outside of the body

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78. The word pyelonephritis can be separated into these types of word parts ________.


Correct Answer: Combining form, combining form, suffix

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79. The procedural term dermatoplasty includes ___________ surgery.


Correct Answer: Face lifts

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80. The plural of glomerulus is ________.


Correct Answer: Glomeruli

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81. The drugs donepezil (aricept) and tacrine (cognex) are used to treat ________.


Correct Answer: Alzheimer's disease.

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82. When using an unlisted code a(n) ____ must accompany the claim.


Correct Answer: Special report

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83. A cysto/scopic exam refers to 'looking at' the ________:


Correct Answer: Urinary bladder inspection

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84. The diagnostic term scurvy literally means __________ and is the lack of vitamin c in the diet.


Correct Answer: Inflammation of the stomach, intestines,

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85. The singular form of the word spermatozoa is ________.


Correct Answer: Spermatozoon

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86. The major division of the cardiovascular subsection is by how a procedure involved a ____ vessel.


Correct Answer: Coronary or noncoronary.

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87. A(n) "_______" is a noninvasive roentgeno/graph/y diagnostic technique.


Correct Answer: Computerized Axial Tomography.

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88. A(n) ____ is a mass of undissolved matter that is present in blood and is transported by the blood.


Correct Answer: Embolus

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89. The term nettles, hives, or ______________ refers to a rash that may be characterized by wheals.


Correct Answer: Urticaria

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90. An "ekg or ecg" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.


Correct Answer: Heart.

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91. Formed in red bone marrow, _____ are the most common type of white blood cells.


Correct Answer: Neutrophils

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92. The word part that completes the medical term meaning excision of an ovary, _______/ectomy, is:


Correct Answer: Oophor

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93. The word lateral pertains to the ________ of a structure.


Correct Answer: Side

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94. The term _____ means any pathologic change or disease in a muscle.


Correct Answer: Myelopathy

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95. The term _____ means abnormally increased carbon dioxide in the blood.


Correct Answer: ​hypercapnia

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96. The term _____ describes the congenital absence of a normal body opening.


Correct Answer: Atresia

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97. The resulting film created by angiography is known as a/an _____.


Correct Answer: Angiogram

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98. The patient complained of pain inferior to the umbilical region or in the _____ region.


Correct Answer: Hypogastric

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99. The medical language definition of the word ________ means "pertaining to (the) bladder"?


Correct Answer: Vesical

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100. The inside of a person's thigh is also known as its ________ aspect.


Correct Answer: Medial

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101. The condition known as _____ is characterized by hypertension, edema, and proteinuria.


Correct Answer: Preeclampsia

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102. The combining form that means infection is _____.


Correct Answer: Septic/o

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103. The 12 pairs of _____ originate from the undersurface of the brain.


Correct Answer: Cranial nerves

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104. Pelvic __________ is the surgical removal of pelvic organs.


Correct Answer: Pelvic Exenteration

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105. The combining form systol/o- means ________.


Correct Answer: Contracting

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106. Form refers to ________, and function refers to ________.


Correct Answer: Anatomical structure; physiological actions

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107. The visceral pericardium is ________ to the parietal pericardium.


Correct Answer: Deep

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108. The hiv retrovirus is particularly deadly because _____.


Correct Answer: It attacks the body's immune system

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109. The suffix in the term peritoneal is _____, which means ________.


Correct Answer: Al, pertaining to

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110. To set your intensity level, you need to __________.


Correct Answer: Use your maximum heart rate, which is determined by subtracting age from 220

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111. Exhaustion occurs if stress continues and _____ is not successful


Correct Answer: Adaptation

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112. A bone process or eye membrane disease term that means resembling a wing is ________:


Correct Answer: Pterygoid

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113. The last stage of labor is __________.


Correct Answer: Transition

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114. An object lodged in the airway can cause a mild or severe ________.


Correct Answer: Airway Obstruction

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115. A/an _____ is a surgical incision into the colon.


Correct Answer: ​colotomy

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116. A/an _____ is a somewhat independent part of the body that performs a specific function.


Correct Answer: Organ

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117. A/an ____ is a carcinoma derived from glandular tissue.


Correct Answer: Adenocarcinoma

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118. A specialist in the study of outbreaks of disease within a population group is known as a/an _____.


Correct Answer: Epidemiologist

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119. A small bacterium that lives in lice, fleas, ticks, and mites is known as ____.


Correct Answer: Rickettsia

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120. A _____ is the surgical repair of parts of the nasal septum.


Correct Answer: ​septoplasty

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121. _____ is inflammation of the tendons caused by excessive or unusual use of the joint.


Correct Answer: Tendinitis

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122. _____ is a surgical puncture of the joint space to remove synovial fluid.


Correct Answer: ​Arthrocentesis

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123. _____ is a form of treatment that disrupts the blood supply to the tumor.


Correct Answer: Antiangiogenesis

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124. The _________ contain(s) about 75% of the brain's total volume.


Correct Answer: Cerebrum

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125. Cervical means pertaining to the _______.


Correct Answer: Neck

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126. Antero_____ means from the front to the back of the body.


Correct Answer: Posterior

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127. A kub is a type of ________.


Correct Answer: X-Ray without contrast media

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128. The _____physis pubis is the joint formed by the fusion of the two pubic bones.


Correct Answer: Sym

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129. Inferior to the hypochondriac region is the _____ region.


Correct Answer: Lumbar

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130. Body “x-rays” produce pictures of _____body tissue and bones:


Correct Answer: Transparent

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131. Another name for a seminoma is ________.


Correct Answer: Testicular cancer

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132. A peptide bond _____.


Correct Answer: Forms the primary structure of proteins

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133. The word part _____ refers to the renal pelvis, which is part of the kidney.


Correct Answer: Pyel/o

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134. Atrial depolarization causes the ________.


Correct Answer: P wave.

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135. Over-the-counter drugs ______________________.


Correct Answer: Are those available without prescription

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136. Evidence-based medicine proposes to incorporate _____ in medical care delivery.


Correct Answer: Best practices

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137. Intrapleural pressure __________ during expiration.


Correct Answer: Pleural pressure

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138. The combining form phag/o- means ________.


Correct Answer: Eating; swallowing

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139. When the glucose transport maximum is reached, _______.


Correct Answer: Glucose is excreted in the urine and not all of the glucose is reabsorbed

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140. Biomedical therapies are provided by _____.


Correct Answer: Psychiatrists and other medical professionals

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141. Among shamans medicine power is considered spiritually __________


Correct Answer: Neutral

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142. The prefix ab- means ________.


Correct Answer: Away from, ad-

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143. The problem of infertility related to sperm cells may include all of the following except ________.


Correct Answer: Poor sleeping habits

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144. Stimulants can generate a__________


Correct Answer: False sense of well being

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145. Postpartum hemorrhage is due to hyposecretion of ________.


Correct Answer: Hypophysis

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146. Medication for psychological disorders is generally prescribed by _____, who have _____ degrees.


Correct Answer: Psychiatrists; MD

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147. Many fear responses are acquired through the process of _______ conditioning.


Correct Answer: Classical

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148. In myasthenia gravis, antibodies destroy _____ or its receptors.


Correct Answer: Acetylcholine

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149. Humanistic psychologists believed that ____.


Correct Answer: People only behave badly when corrupted by society

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150. Client-centered therapy _____.


Correct Answer: All of these

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151. Cephalo_____ means from the head to the feet.


Correct Answer: Caudal

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152. An inactive substance administered only for its suggestive effects is called a _____.


Correct Answer: Placebo

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153. A/an _____ is a band of fibrous tissues that holds structures together abnormally.


Correct Answer: Adhesion

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154. A(n) ________ is an unexpected drug effect in a particularly sensitive person.


Correct Answer: Idiosyncrasy

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155. A_____ means condition of no growth.


Correct Answer: Trophy

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156. A _______tomy is a surgical incision of the chest wall.


Correct Answer: Thoraco

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157. A _____ is a sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles.


Correct Answer: Spasm

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