Which of the following starts with observations and then crafts a theory out of them?
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Grounded theory
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Triangulation is similar to convergent validity.
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Which form of observation involves no interference on the part of the researcher?
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Covert observation
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Archival data are a type of physical trace.
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Which of the following is NOT included in archival research?
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Journal articles that describe original research
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The ability to prove your hypothesis false is called falsifiability.
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What is the term for the removal of the subjectivity of the experimenter from the research process?
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Reflexivity is a form of subject role in which participants react without thinking to what is asked of them in the study.
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In which of the following would the researcher have the most involvement?
Correct Answer:
Case studies
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In which of the following would the researcher have the most involvement?
Correct Answer:
Case studies
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Qualitative research may involve some quantitative evaluation.
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Which of the following designs allows you to infer causality?
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The problem of directionality occurs when a third variable interferes with the interpretation of results.
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In a taste test, the first group of students tasting pizza receive feedback and the pizza is still hot. The second group of students does not receive feedback and the pizza is cold by the time they participate. Feedback is the independent variable and temperature is not studied. Temperature of the pizza is called which of the following?
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Confound variable
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Which of the following is an example of a confounding variable?
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A third variable
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Correlational research involves the use of Pearson’s r.
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Computer-Assisted Qualitative DataAnalysis Software (CAQDAS) is Software program developed to analyze linguistic responses such as text
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Nomothetic Approach is research approach with the goal of developing laws of ____ that would apply generally
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Research approach that focuses on the individual and individual _____ is called Ideographic
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Record of information about a person’s medical or psychological history is known as Case Histories
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Interviewer Effects is responses of interviewees that are related to demographic qualities of the interviewer, including race, gender, and ethnicity. These effects are considered a source of error
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Formal set of questions to be asked in an interview is called
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Interview Schedule
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Interview that has a plan, but no specifically devised set of questions in an interview schedule; open-ended questions typically used is known as
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Unstructured Interview
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Set of questions or interview guide with room for follow-up and introduction of related topics as appropriate is known as
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Semi Structured Interview
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Set of questions or interview guide with room for follow-up and introduction of related topics as appropriate is known as
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Structured Interview
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Approach to learning that frees students and teachers from hierarchical roles is known as Emancipatory Pedagogy.
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Qualitative approach to investigation that emphasizes consciousness and ________ experience is called Phenomenology
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Inductive methodology in which theory emerges out of systematic research (i.e., bottom up) is called
Correct Answer:
Grounded theory
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Triangulation is approach to convergent validity in which the researcher gathers multiple sources of information (e.g., from interviews and observations) to see whether there is a consistent pattern
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Study of people and cultures in a systematic manner is called Ethnography
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Approach to observation in which the people being observed are not informed about the purpose of the ______ is called Covert Observation
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Measure of inter-rater agreement with nominal data that includes a correction for guessing and, hence, is superior to a calculation based on percent agreement is cohen's kappa
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Measures the degree of association between variables that are measured on ordinal, interval, or ratio scales is intraclass correlation
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Degree of agreement between observers, calculated as the number of agreements between observers divided by the number of events observed is percent agreement
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Calculation of the extent of agreement between raters is inter rater reliability
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In behavioral observation, recording how long a behavior lasts is called
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Count of the number of times an event or characteristic occurs in a study is called
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For a dataset, checking the number of times values appear for a given variable is frequency analysis
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Spatial record of the behaviors and location of participants in the setting is behaviour map
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Observing in a setting while concealed; a form of passive deception is concealed observer
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Measurement before and after some intervention; can include a control group (preferred) or not is pre post design
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Behavior coding scheme is approach to observational research in which there is a checklist to code targeted behaviors
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Categories of behavior, usually predetermined, used to guide the recording of observed behavior are behavioral categories.
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Observing individuals in their natural settings, without any kind of intervention or manipulation is naturalistic observation
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De-identified data in which personally identifying information has been removed; typically involves research with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) data
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What people refer to as the scientific method in which hypotheses are formulated that can be tested in a potentially falsifiable manner is hypothetico deductive method
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____ method is approach to research that typically combines quantitative and qualitative approaches
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Philosophical approach to science that stresses information gained through the senses (direct experience) is called
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Aspect of qualitative research in which researchers reflect on their experience as part of the research process is called
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Research approach for in-depth exploration of an event, program, process, or of one or more individuals is called
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Case study
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Form of qualitative research in which people are asked their views on a target issue is called
Correct Answer:
Focus group
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Form of qualitative research in which people are asked their views on a target issue is focus groups
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Qualitative research approach in which questions are asked of an individual; types are unstructured, semistructured, and structured is called
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Observing participants without taking part in the activities is non participating observation
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Section of your Method in which you describe the “who” of your study is known as ____
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Leftover physical elements (e.g., trash) in the environment that can be used as sources of data for research is physical traces
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Research based on existing records that can be evaluated is called
Correct Answer:
Archival research
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Tests association between two ranked variables, or between a ranked variable and a measurement variable; equivalent to a correlation but for a nonparametric situation is known as Spearman’s Rank Order (rho)
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Tests association between two ranked variables, or between a ranked variable and a measurement variable; equivalent to a correlation but for a nonparametric situation is known as Spearman’s Rank Order (rho)
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Statistical test that tests for differences between two or more means is known as
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Analysis of Variance
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_____ chi-square that tests the difference between the actual sample and the hypothesized distribution is called Goodness of Fit
Correct Answer:
One Dimensional
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Coefficient (B) that employs the units associated with the particular measures is known as Unstandardized Regression Coefficient
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Beta (β) employs a common unit across measures with different units (i.e., it standardizes them) is known as
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Standardized Regression Weight
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Outcome measure of interest is called criterion
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In _____ the variable being used to predict the criterion (outcome) is called predictor
Correct Answer:
Regression Analysis
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Estimates the ability of a no between two variables is known as
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Regression Analysis
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Statistical approach that assesses the relationship between two variables, typically interval scale is known as
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Correlation Analysis
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Extraneous variable that is associated with both the independent and the dependent variable and undermines the researcher’s ability to pinpoint causality is known as Confounding variable
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Directionality is to limits _____ access to the publication without a paid subscription
Correct Answer:
Internet users
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Research in which there is no manipulation of variables or random assignment is called
Correct Answer:
Nonexperimental Research
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In-depth investigation of topics using techniques such as focus groups, interviews, and case studies; emphasis on nonquantitative assessment is called
Correct Answer:
Qualitative Research
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