1. Developed in the 1950s, the magazine program featured _____.
Correct Answer:
News, talk, comedy, and music segments in one show
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2. Corporate ______ are rules and regulations that govern the corporation's internal management.
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3. The primary advantage of illustrations is _____.
Correct Answer:
They ensure audience interest
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4. Learners retain _______ by teaching others or by another immediate use of the learning.
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5. Political questions fall outside the power of the judicial system.
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6. Each court in the United States has a discrete area of jurisdiction that prevents multiple courts from having authority to hear the same case.
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7. “Stare decisis” means “let the decision stand.”
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8. Among the three branches of government, the executive branch is supreme.
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9. Statutes may be enacted by legislatures at the federal level only.
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10. An unsigned opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court is called a per curiam opinion.
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11. The key difference between primary and secondary legal sources is that ________.
Correct Answer:
Primary sources are the actual documents that make up the law
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12. Stare decisis describes the doctrine that ______.
Correct Answer:
Lower courts should follow precedents established by higher courts
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13. In equity law, judges ______.
Correct Answer:
Provide remedies and relief for a variety of harms
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14. Statutory construction is the term used to describe ______.
Correct Answer:
The role of the courts in determining the meaning and application of laws
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15. The two methods to amend the U.S. Constitution ______.
Correct Answer:
Are difficult and time-consuming
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16. The principle of federalism ______.
Correct Answer:
Makes the states and the federal government mutually independent
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17. All federal laws ______.
Correct Answer:
Supersede state laws
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18. The common law is ______.
Correct Answer:
Judge-made law
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19. Aristotle saw the law as ______.
Correct Answer:
A human invention
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20. Writ of certiorari is a petition for review by the Supreme Court of the certiorari means “to be informed of
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21. Voir dire is literally _____ the questioning of prospective jurors to assess their suitability.
Correct Answer:
Voir dire
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22. The locality of a lawsuit and of the court hearing the suit. Thus, a change of venue means a relocation of a trial is known as ______ .
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23. Venire term used for the location from which a court draws its pool of potential jurors .
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24. Laws that fail to define their terms or use language so general that it fails to inform citizens or judges with certainty what the laws permit or punish is known as _____ .
Correct Answer:
Vague laws
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25. Tort is a ______ wrong for which a court can provide remedy in the form of damages.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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26. Textualists who rely exclusively on a careful reading of legal texts to determine the meaning of the law.
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27. Supremacy Clause is the _____ establishes that federal law takes precedence over, or supersedes, state laws.
Correct Answer:
U.S. Constitution
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28. The resolution of a legal dispute without a full trial when a judge determines that undisputed evidence is legally sufficient to render judgment is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Summary judgment
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29. A command for someone to appear or testify in court or to turn over evidence, such as notes or recordings, with penalties for noncompliance is known as ______ .
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30. Liability without fault; liability for any and all harms, foreseeable or unforeseen, which result from a product or an action is known as _______ .
Correct Answer:
Strict liability
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31. Strict construction applied in interpreting the Constitution.
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32. Statutory law is written law formally enacted by _______ and federal legislative bodies.
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33. The doctrine that courts follow precedent; the basis of common law, literally means to stand by the previous decision is known as _______ .
Correct Answer:
Stare decisis
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34. Rule of law is the legal standards that guide the _______ creation and application of the law.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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35. To be sent back to the lower court for further action is known as ______
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36. Probable cause is the standard of evidence needed for an arrest or to issue a search warrant. More than mere suspicion .
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37. The outcome of a previous case that establishes a rule of law for courts within the same jurisdiction to follow to determine cases with similar issues,this statement is related to ______ .
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38. Questions not subject to judicial review because they fall into areas properly handled by another branch of government is known as______ .
Correct Answer:
Political questions
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39. The party who files a complaint; the one who sues is known as ______ .
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40. During jury selection, a challenge in which an attorney rejects a juror without showing a reason,this statement is related to ______ .
Correct Answer:
Peremptory challenge
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41. Per curiam opinion is an unsigned opinion by the Court as a whole.
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42. To reject the fundamental premise of a precedent, this statement is related to ______ .
Correct Answer:
Overturn precedent
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43. Overrule is to reverse the ruling of a lower court.
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44. A principle that directs courts to find laws unconstitutional if they restrict more legal activity than necessary is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Overbroad laws
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45. Define Originalists :
Correct Answer:
Supreme Court justices who interpret the Constitution according to the perceived intent of its framers.
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46. Original jurisdiction is the authority to consider a case at its inception, as contrasted with appellate jurisdiction.
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47. A request to a court to reject a complaint because it does not state a claim that can be remedied by law or is legally lacking in some other way is known as .
Correct Answer:
Motion to dismiss
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48. Moot is a term used to describe a case in which the issues presented are no longer.
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49. Modifying precedent is to change rather than follow or reject precedent.
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50. An order announcing the vote of the Supreme Court without providing an opinion is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Memorandum order
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51. Jurisdiction the ______ area of responsibility and authority of a court.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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52. Judicial review determines the meaning of the Constitution and to decide whether laws violate the Constitution.
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53. The decision or ruling of a court is known as _____ .
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54. Grand jury is a group summoned to hear the state’s evidence in criminal cases and decide.
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55. Forum shopping is a practice whereby the plaintiff chooses a court in which to sue because he or she believes the court will rule in the plaintiff’s favor.
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56. A principle according to which the states are related to yet independent of each other and are related to yet independent of the federal government is known as ______ .
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57. Facial meaning is the plain and straightforward meaning.
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58. Executive orders are orders from a government executive, such as the ______ , that have the force of law.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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59. Equity law decides cases based on fairness and ethics and also to determine the proper remedy.
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60. The judges of a circuit court of appeals will sit en banc to decide important or controversial cases,this statement is related to ______ .
Correct Answer:
En banc
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61. Which process is guaranteed by the Fifth and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution ?
Correct Answer:
Due process
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62. Doctrines judicial decision making .
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63. Distinguish from preceden used to justify an outcome in a case by asserting that differences between that ______ cases outweigh any similarities.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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64. Dissenting opinion is a separate opinion of a minority of the court or a single judge or justice disagreeing with the result reached by the majority .
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65. Discretion is the authority to determine the ______ .
Correct Answer:
Proper outcome.
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66. The pretrial process of gathering evidence and facts. The word also may refer to the specific items of evidence that are uncovered is known as _______ .
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67. _______ is a request that a court dismiss a case on the grounds that although the claims are true .
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68. Deference is the judicial practice of interpreting statutes and rules by relying heavily on the _______.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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69. The party accused of violating a law, or the party being sued in a civil lawsuit is known as ______ .
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70. The court may review the facts de novo rather than simply reviewing the legal posture and process of the case.This statement is related to ______ .
Correct Answer:
De novo
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71. Which process in which courts and administrative agencies determine the proper meaning and application of laws, rules and regulations ?
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72. The set of laws that establish the nature, functions and limits of government is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Constitutional law
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73. A separate opinion of a minority of the court or a single judge or justice agreeing,this statement is related to _____ .
Correct Answer:
Concurring opinion
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74. Common law is judge-made law composed of the ______ established through court rulings; precedent-based law.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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75. Black-letter law available in legal reporters or other documents.
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76. The party making the appeal; also called the ______ .
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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77. Amicus brief submission to the court from amicus curiae, or “friends of the court,” which are interested _______ that are parties in the case.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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78. Affirm is to ratify, uphold or approve a lower court ruling.
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79. The orders, rules and regulations promulgated by executive branch administrative agencies to carry out their delegated duties is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Administrative law
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