1. Fanciful marks are the most distinctive of the trademark categories.
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2. A trademark and a copyright protect the same rights.
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3. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that companies enabling people to download copyrighted music from the Internet likely are violating federal copyright laws.
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4. The fair use factor usually carrying the most weight is the impact of the unauthorized use on the market for the copyrighted work.
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5. The 1976 Copyright Act protects unpublished and published works.
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6. Before a work’s creator may sue for copyright infringement, he or she ______.
Correct Answer:
Must register the work’s copyright
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7. Federal laws and court rulings ______.
Correct Answer:
Allow making copies of television programs and recordings for an individual’s personal use
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8. The U.S. Constitution ______.
Correct Answer:
Gives Congress the power to adopt copyright and patent laws
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9. Fair use is ______.
Correct Answer:
An exception that is part of the copyright law meant to allow society to learn about and comment upon copyrighted works
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10. Kim, a journalist during the day, writes a novel at night. Kim’s copyright on the novel will last ______.
Correct Answer:
His life plus 70 more years
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11. In the absence of a contract saying otherwise, the copyright for a news story written by a reporter regularly employed by a TV station belongs to ______.
Correct Answer:
The TV station because the story is a work made for hire
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12. Sam writes a short story. As soon as the story comes out of Sam’s printer, it is ______.
Correct Answer:
Fixed in original form
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13. Which of the following may be protected by copyright?
Correct Answer:
News stories published in newspapers
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14. A work is copyrighted when it is ______.
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15. The United States ______.
Correct Answer:
Agreed in the late 20th century to join the Berne Convention
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16. Vice products is the category includes alcohol, tobacco, firearms, sexually explicit materials and drugs.
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17. Support of a claim with objective data or evidence is known as _____
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18. Exaggerated but generally legal subjective advertising claims that no reasonable person would take literally,this statement is related to ______ .
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19. Native advertising is an advertisement designed to resemble the editorial content of the medium where they appear.
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20. A section permitting business competitors to sue one another for false advertising is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Lanham Act
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21. The Federal trade Commission is a federal agency created in ______ .
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22. Deceptive advertising material claims made in the promotion, advertising or marketing of ______ that are likely to deceive consumers.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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23. An advertiser to advertise or otherwise distribute information to correct false or misleading advertisement claims is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Corrective advertising
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24. The copyright in a work made for hire belongs to the ______ .
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25. The company has a financial interest in the infringement and the ability to control it is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Vicarious infringement
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26. Transmit Clause is a part of the ______ Copyright Act that says broadcast networks.
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27. Transformative use is the reuse of an original copyrighted work has transformed the work’s appearance
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28. Trademark is a _______ used to identify a company’s goods and distinguish them from similar products other companies make.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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29. Tarnishment is a poorly made or unsavory product using a mark similar to a famous trademark that could cause consumers to think less of the well-known product.
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30. Tacking allows a trademark owner to slightly alter a trademark without abandoning ownership of the original mark.
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31. A judge may award statutory damages even if a plaintiff is unable to prove actual damages, this statement is related to ______ .
Correct Answer:
Statutory damages
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32. The Statute of Anne is the first copyright law, adopted in ______ in 1710, protected authors’ works if the authors registered them with the government.
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33. To obtain secondary meaning, the public must associate a word with a product’s source or producer, not the product.
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34. Safe harbor is the takedown notification provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that protects _______ .
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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35. Red-flag knowledge is when an internet service provider or website is _______ that would make infringement obvious to a reasonable person.
Correct Answer:
Aware of facts
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36. Public domain refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws.
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37. The legal category includes copyright, trademark and patent law is known as _____ .
Correct Answer:
Intellectual property law
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38. Inducement is when a person or entity who does not _______ can be held liable for inducing others to infringe.
Correct Answer:
Directly infringe
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39. Infringement is the unauthorized manufacture, sale or distribution of an item protected by ______ .
Correct Answer:
All of these
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40. Once a copyright owner sells a copy of a work, the new owner may possess,this statement is related to _______ .
Correct Answer:
First-sale doctrine
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41. A test courts use to determine whether using another’s copyrighted material without permission is legal or an infringement is known as _____ .
Correct Answer:
Fair use
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42. Paraging marks are trademarks considered immoral, disparaging or deceptive under the Lanham Act. Recently, the _______ has ruled that the First Amendment protects immoral and disparaging marks.
Correct Answer:
U.S.Supreme Court
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43. Dilution using a famous trademark in a way that _______ the mark’s effectiveness in the market.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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44. A work that is obtained from or created in relation to an original work is known as _______ .
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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45. An exclusive legal right used to protect intellectual creations from unauthorized use is known as ______ .
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46. The participation in, or contribution to, the infringing acts of another person is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Contributory infringement
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47. Berne Convention is the primary international copyright treaty adopted by many countries in 1886 and by the _______ .
Correct Answer:
United States in 1988.
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