Situational features is the extent to which the environmental context, previous ________ and third-party intervention
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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Separation is a mode of acculturation in which individuals prefer _________ of interaction with their host culture while maintaining a close connection with their native culture.
Correct Answer:
Low levels
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Reentry shock is the effects associated with the ________ of returning to one’s native culture after an extended stay in a foreign culture.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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Psychomotor components can translate cultural knowledge into verbal and nonverbal performance and role enactment.
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A mode of acculturation in which an individual chooses not to identify with his
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The extent of one’s awareness of another culture’s values and so forth; also, the extent to which one is cognitively simple, rigid, and ethnocentric is known as _______ .
Correct Answer:
Knowledge component
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Which of the correct statements about Intercultural willingness to communicate ?
Correct Answer:
Predisposition to initiate intercultural interaction with persons from different cultures, even when free to choose whether to communicate.
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Integration individuals develop a kind of bicultural orientation that successfully blends and synthesizes cultural dimensions from both groups .
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Culture shock is the effects associated with the tension and anxiety of entering a new culture, combined with the sensations of loss, confusion, and powerlessness .
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Cultural transmutation is the mode of acculturation in which the individual chooses to identify with a third cultural group .
Correct Answer:
Cultural transmutation
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Assimilation is the degree to which an individual takes on the _________ .
Correct Answer:
All of these
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The extent to which one experiences intercultural communication apprehension and one’s willingness to communicate is known as ________ .
Correct Answer:
Affective component
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Acculturative stress is the degree of physical and psychological stress persons experiences when they enter a culture .
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The process of cultural change that results from ongoing contact between two or more culturally different groups is known as _______ .
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The psychomotor component of intercultural communication is the actual enactment of the knowledge and affective components.
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The knowledge component of intercultural communication is the degree to which one approaches or avoids intercultural communication.
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The affective component of intercultural competence consists of how much one knows about the culture of the person with whom one is interacting.
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The initial stage of culture shock, usually called something like the tourist stage or honeymoon stage, is characterized by intense excitement and euphoria associated with being somewhere different and unusual.
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When individuals prefer low levels of interaction with the host culture while desiring a close connection with, and reaffirmation of, their native culture, the mode of acculturation is called integration.
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The mode of acculturation where the individual desires contact with the host culture while not necessarily maintaining an identity with his or her native culture is called assimilation.
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Acculturation is the process whereby one adapts to a new culture by adopting its values, attitudes, and practices.
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The affective component of intercultural competence consists of ______.
Correct Answer:
The degree to which one approaches or avoids interacting with a person from a different culture
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When people return home after an extended stay in a foreign culture, they experience another round of culture shock, this time in their native culture. This is called ______ shock.
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The knowledge component of intercultural competence consists of ______.
Correct Answer:
How much one knows about the culture of the person with whom one is interacting
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The stage of culture shock characterized by people actively seeking out effective problem-solving and conflict resolution strategies is called the ______ stage.
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The mode of acculturation in which the individual desires no contact with the host culture while not maintaining an identity with his or her native culture is called ______.
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The psychomotor component of intercultural competence consists of ______.
Correct Answer:
One’s role enactment during intercultural interaction
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The mode of acculturation in which the individual desires contact with the host culture while maintaining an identity with his or her native culture is called ______.
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