1. What is the significance of i,f,v,d... in function naming conventions found in OpenGL?
2. What two options can be provided to glShadeModel()?
3. Does OpenGL have an official camera?
4. What kind of vertex array is NOT provided by OpenGL?
5. What is the dimensions of a 3D transformation matrix?
6. Generally, what primitive polygon is used for creating a mesh to represent a complex object?
7. Does OpenGL use a client-server model and a state machine?
8. What kind of data is stored in a VBO?
9. What should be done to rotate around a point that is not the origin?
10. What kind of polygons work best in a VBO intended for modeling a solid?
11. In OpenGL, what is a "stencil buffer"?
12. What does Open GLSL stand for?
13. What is a transformation?
14. Are there some OpenGL routines that cannot be stored in a display list?
15. What components make up a light source in OpenGL?
16. If a coordinate system (CS1) is transformed to another coordinate system (CS2) using a matrix M, is it possible to go from CS2 to CS1 and how?
17. What are the valid operations provided to glStencilOp?
18. What does glMaterialf(...) do?
19. When animating, OpenGL provides:
20. Can you specify the location of a light source in OpenGL?
21. What is the difference between glColor3d and glColor3f?
22. If lighting is disabled, which function specifies the color of the vertex?
23. Which function call sets up the size of the output area?
24. What is an FBO?
25. Why are many functions deprecated in the OpenGL specification?
26. Does OpenGL support Rasterization?
27. OpenGL stands for:
28. glVertex is used to draw OpenGL primitives.
29. Is ambient light possible in OpenGL?
30. What are "texture coordinates" used for?
31. Opengl uses a 3D Cartesian Coordinate System.
32. What is a VBO?
33. Once a 2D or 3D rotation is performed, is it possible to reverse the rotation?
34. What is a "depth buffer" and what does it accumulate?
35. What kind of data is stored in a VAO?
36. What do the values "R", "G", "B" and "A" mean in the context of color in OpenGL?
37. What is a VA or VAO?
38. What happens to variables that aren't used in outputs of a GLSL fragment shader?
39. What is the use of a shared context?
40. Does OpenGL provide modeling primitives such as a cube, cone, pyramid?
41. What organization is currently responsible for OpenGL's standardization and development?
42. What are the "red" book, "blue" book and "orange" book?
43. What is the purpose of GL_REPEAT?
44. Why clear a buffer?
45. In order to obtain correct calculations for shading, what is the best length for normals of an object?
46. What are the four major types of shaders available in OpenGL 4.0?
48. What are X,Y,Z,S,T,U and V?
49. What is a "per-fragment" operation?
50. True or False: blending functions are NOT order dependent.
51. What are two types of shaders?
52. Does OpenGL provide physics, particle systems and other real-time procedural effects out of the box?
53. What does glViewport do?
54. What is the use of glGet?
55. In the best practice, what code should appear at the top of a GLSL shader?
56. What are the four types of clearable buffers?
57. What happens when an object to be drawn is not within the current viewport?
58. What function is required in every GLSL shader program?
59. Does OpenGL perform clipping for objects not within the current viewport?
60. What is "core" versus "compatibility" styles of writing OpenGL applications?
61. Fill in the blank to draw this triangle: glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); ....(blank).... glEnd();
62. What is the dimensions of a 2D transformation matrix?
63. What is glVertextPointer(...) used for?
64. What are the primitive types available to a glBegin statement? Note: this question is often flagged by test takers. Read carefully and choose wisely, there is only one correct answer.
65. When do you use glFlush and glFinish?
66. Does OpenGL raise an error if a new display list is given the same name of a previously defined display list?
67. Which is better to use for dynmic drawing?
68. What are EXT and ARB?
69. What do the letters "ARB" mean in the context of OpenGL?
70. How do you activate a shader program in OpenGL?
71. What kind of argument is expect in a function ending with a "v"?
72. The current version of OpenGL does support materials?
73. What happens in immediate mode?
74. What is the purpose of a MIPMAP?
75. Once shading is enabled, what happens to glColor() calls?
76. What kind of coordinates are used in order to represent a transformation as a matrix multiplication operation?
77. What purpose does the "Scissor Test" serve?
78. Is it possble to perform a reflection of an object across a specified axis?
79. Can OpenGL automatically generate texture coordinates?
80. What is glTexCoord*() used for?
81. What does the Blend Equation do?
82. How many texture units are there in OpenGL?
83. Will a PNG file directly uploaded to a GPU, using the fixed-function pipeline, render with the expected content?
84. Which is a function NOT used for rendering vertex arrays?
85. How many cycles does it theoretically take for a single OpenGL call?
86. True or False, OpenGL does NOT have its own data types for int, float, and double?
87. Does OpenGL use column-major order or row-major order when representing a transformation matrix?
88. Does function deprecation stop older applications from working with newer versions of OpenGL?
89. Does OpenGL support hierarchical modeling of drawn objects?
90. Which is better to use for static drawing?
91. What do you have to do to get "compatibility mode" in OpenGL?
92. Is a new coordinate system created with every transformation applied, e.g., translate or rotate?
93. What are "accumulation buffers"?
94. What happens in retained mode?
95. What is the purpose of calls to glLogicOp(GLenum opcode)?
96. What is the use of glOrtho?
97. What is "immediate mode"?
98. What are the native image formats supported by OpenGL?
99. Let us scale a striaght, horizontal line by a factor of 2 through using glScale(2.0f,0.0f,0.0f). This line consists of only 2 points, a left and right point. Which point(s) moves due to the scale transformation?
100. What is the non-official name for glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE)?
101. What is the "workshop" name for the type of geometry and texture effects used in commercial gaming as part of OpenGL (and DirectX)?
102. Which coordinate system is NOT used during texture mapping?
103. When considering lighting, are the effects different when there is one object versus multiple objects?
104. What is "multisampling" and how is it used?
105. What is "pixel unpacking"?
106. How many dimensions are supported when performing texture mapping?
107. What kind of polygons can OpenGL draw?
108. What is the difference between glBlendFunc and glBlendFuncSeparate()?
109. What is the non-official name for glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO)?
110. What is "pixel packing"?
111. After a glRenderMode (GL_SELECT), no fragment are produced.
112. what will be drawn on the screen when the following drawing code is entered?
113. Which one is typically applied to the modelview matrix stack?
114. Difference between glLoadTransposeMatrix and glLoadMatrix?
115. Is there any non-structured flow of control like 'goto' in GLSL?
116. What will be drawn by the following code?
117. Which color is defined by the following call?
118. When glMultMatrix takes a matrix, how should it be ordered?
119. Is the following a valid drawing function?
120. What will be the first transformation from a geometric point of view?
121. Which function should be used to upload a 2D texture to OpenGL?
122. What does glClear do?
123. Which one is not a valid argument to glBegin ()?
124. On what language is GLSL syntax based?
125. What is gl_Vertex in a vertex shader?
126. Can glNormal be called between glBegin and glEnd ?
127. What will happen if you do the following?
128. Which values can be used with glTexParameter and GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER parameter names?
129. When a matrix has been popped from the stack, is it possible to read it again?
130. What does glGetMinmax do?
131. Is the following code correct?
132. OpenGL can draw convex polygons. Can it draw non-convex ones?
133. What will be the size of the quad drawn by the following code on the screen?
134. Which function has an unsigned byte variant? (taking GLubyte as arguments)
135. Does gluProject use the current matrix stack?
136. What does glPassThrough() do?
137. In which version of OpenGL, GLSL was introduced as a core feature?
138. Is gluBeginPolygon the same as glBegin(GL_POLYGON)?
139. Which one might be used to draw VBOs?
140. What is a proxy texture?
141. What is the common size of OpenGL matrices?
142. What is true of the following code?
143. How can you access the current modelview matrix?
144. What is a display list?
145. Which are valid picking methods?
146. What image format does OpenGL understand?
147. Which function should be used to specify the coordinates of a point?
148. Who created OpenGL?
149. glOrtho is used to define a _________ matrix.
150. What does glFrustum do?
151. Which of the following is faster?
152. What does glActiveTexture do?
153. What should be added to make this drawing function valid?
154. What is true of OpenGL?
155. Which color is defined by the following call?
156. What is the first argument of glRotate?
157. What is the difference between statements A and B?
158. Is the following code valid?
159. Which function should be used to specify the value of a sampler1D?
160. What should be the render mode to use glLoadName ()?
161. What is usually the best texture format for upload?
162. Which primitives may be used to draw a circle?
163. In Windows, what API will you use to get an OpenGL context?
164. In Linux, what API will you use to get an OpenGL context?
165. What is vsync?
166. What does glBitmap do?
167. What is a varying variable?
168. What is blending?
169. With depth test enabled, will the following drawing code work for depth testing?
170. Which one is not a valid argument to glMatrixMode ?
171. How do you initialize the name stack?
172. Purpose of glTexCoord?
173. What does gluOrtho2D do?
174. On which matrix stack should gluOrtho2D be used?
175. Which buffer type is supported in OpenGL?
176. What is the default parameter qualifier?
177. What is the primary language of OpenGL?
178. The matrix, after the following calls, will be the identity matrix?
179. Which one is not an OpenGL primitive?
180. What will happen if a null pointer is used with glTexImage2D()? (In OpenGL >1.1)
181. What is/are the return type/s of glGetx () ?
182. Is glFinish blocking?
183. On which matrix stack should gluLookAt be used?
184. OpenGL has some windows manipulation functions.
185. Can you read a uniform value from the C code?
186. Can 'discard' be used in a vertex shader?
187. What will be drawn by the following code?
188. Which color is defined by the following call?
189. glLoadIdentity () is the preferred way to load the identity matrix onto the matrix stack.