Hypothesis and Sample Testing MCQ

In the chi-square statistical formula, this is the number of sample observations that are in each cell of comparison is known as Observed frequency.


Correct Answer: True

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When being in one sample means that you are not in the second sample is known as Independent samples.


Correct Answer: True

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When two or more samples have similar variances across the sample is known as Homogeneity of variances.


Correct Answer: True

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When two or more samples have similar variances across the sample is known as Homogeneity of variances.


Correct Answer: True

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In the chi-square statistical formula, this is the approximate number of observations we would expect to see in each cell if the one variable was dependent, meaning unrelated is known as Expected frequency


Correct Answer: False

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_________ samples in which being in one sample or having specific sample characteristics is necessary (dependent) for being part of the second sample, such as in before/after experimental designs and matched samples.


Correct Answer: Dependent

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