MCQs > Languages & Communication > Communication (Relationships) MCQs > Relational Transgressions Encounter MCQs

Relational Transgressions Encounter MCQ

Violent communication is threats and actual violence, such as __________ harm that occur in response to jealousy.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Which situation involves a would-be lover who wants to initiate or intensify a romantic relationship and a rejecter who does not ?


Correct Answer: Unrequited love

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A form of deception that involves downplaying aspects of the truth is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Understatement

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The expectation that others will be honest is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Truth bias

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Transgression-minimizing messages focus on downplaying the severity of the transgression by using strategies .


Correct Answer: True

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Transgression-maximizing messages are messages that highlight the _________ of the transgression as well as the partner’s role in causing that negativity.


Correct Answer: Negative aspects

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Surveillance is also a type of communicative response to jealousy.


Correct Answer: True

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Stalking is a ________ contact that is threatening and/or fear-provoking.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Silence, as a communicative response to jealousy,_______ often by getting quiet and not talking as much as usual, when feeling jealous.


Correct Answer: Decreasing communication

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Signs of possession is a public display designed to show people that one’s partner is taken, such as holding the partner’s hand.


Correct Answer: True

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Shift in motivation is a relational pursuit theory, the shift that occurs when someone’s motives change from wanting a relationship with someone who does not want them


Correct Answer: True

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Sexual activity with someone other than one’s ________ partner.


Correct Answer: Long-term

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Self-efficacy is the belief that you will be effective and successful in a ________ .


Correct Answer: Specific situation

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Secondary appraisals are Evaluations about the causes and consequences of one’s feelings.


Correct Answer: True

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Rumination is repeated mulling over certain _________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Romantic jealousy is when people believe that a third party threatens the ________ of their primary love relationship.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Which of the correct statements about Rivalry?


Correct Answer: When people believe that a third party threatens the existence or quality of their primary love relationship.

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A communicative response to jealousy that involves direct communication with a potential rival by a jealous person is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Rival contacts

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Repeated common couple violence is the physical aggression that occurs intermittently in a relationship when conflicts get especially heated.


Correct Answer: True

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Relational transgressions are the actions that violate ________ relational rules .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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_______ is a theory built on the idea that people expend energy to develop or reinitiate relationships to the extent .


Correct Answer: Relational transgressions

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The cognitive process of being able to justify your actions, even if they are inappropriate is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Rationalization

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Primary appraisals are initial evaluations about whether feelings are good or bad .


Correct Answer: True

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Online infidelity is a ________ facilitated by Internet use that is considered to violate relationship rules regarding faithfulness.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Obsessive relational intrusion used for the purpose of trying to get close to someone.


Correct Answer: True

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_______ communication that reflects negativity,.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Lies are also called falsifications or fabrications.


Correct Answer: True

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Jealousy is a _______ about losing something you value, such as a good relationship, due to interference from a rival.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Isolated common couple violence is an Inappropriate _________ that occurs on rare occasions in a relationship when conflicts become especially heated.


Correct Answer: Physical aggression

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Invulnerable responses involve acting _______ by something, such as acting like a hurtful remark did not bother you.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Invulnerable responses involve acting _______ by something, such as acting like a hurtful remark did not bother you.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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A form of deception that involves stretching the truth, often to make oneself look better or to spice up a story is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Exaggeration

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In evolutionary hypothesis for infidelity men should get more upset over sexual infidelity than emotional infidelity,


Correct Answer: True

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A deceptive form of communication that involves making an indirect ambiguous statement is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Equivocation

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Envy is wanting something you value that someone else has.


Correct Answer: True

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Emotional infidelity involves another person to the extent that emotional resources such as ________ .


Correct Answer: All of these

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An alternative explanation for why men get more upset in response to sexual infidelity and women get more upset in response to emotional infidelity ,this statement is related to ______ .


Correct Answer: Double-shot hypothesis

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Devaluation is a feeling of being _________ , leading to hurt feelings.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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A communicative response to jealousy designed to cast the rival in a bad light, such as making mean comments about a rival is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Derogating competitors

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Pretending not to be jealous or falsely denying feeling jealous is known as _____ .


Correct Answer: Denial, as a communicative response to jealousy

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Cultural scripts communication routines that arise from cultural practices and are typically done automatically without thought.


Correct Answer: True

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A communicative response to jealousy that involves taking action to make the partner feel jealous too, such as flirting with someone else is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Counter-jealousy induction

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A form of deception that involves omitting information one knows is important or relevant to a given context is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Concealment

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A constructive communicative response to jealousy aimed at improving is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Compensatory restoration

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Engaging in sexual activity with a third party to communicate a message to one’s partner is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Communicative infidelity

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Behavioral familiarity having ______ of the partner’s typical communication style.


Correct Answer: Knowledge

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Affective flooding an overwhelming flood of emotions when thinking about a person, such as, _________ which keeps you focused on a person.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Active verbal responses focus on confronting the partner about her or his hurtful remarks; they can be ________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Acquiescent responses that involve giving in and acknowledging that the partner hurt you.


Correct Answer: True

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Linda and Brett report that they experience relational violence and turmoil rarely and it usually only occurs when a conflict gets especially emotional and aggressive. This describes ______.


Correct Answer: Isolated common couple violence

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What are two avoidant responses that could be used when responding to jealousy?


Correct Answer: Silence and denial

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ORI includes ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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What is one of the reasons that some people are often portrayed as “playing hard to get?”


Correct Answer: Cultural scripts

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Beyond fear and anger, other aversive emotions such as sadness, guilt, hurt, and envy often mark ______.


Correct Answer: Jealousy

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Which of the following scenarios describes unrequited love?


Correct Answer: Christian has romantic feelings for Adrian, but Adrian does not return them.

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Which of the following best describes passive rejection?


Correct Answer: The partner becomes more inconsiderate or inattentive than usual.

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What are the five primary types of deception?


Correct Answer: Lies, equivocations, concealments, exaggerations, and understatements

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One reason that close relational partners might have trouble detecting deception is that the deceiver may exert ______.


Correct Answer: Behavioral control

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Identify the difference between transgression-maximizing messages and transgression-minimizing messages.


Correct Answer: Transgression-maximizing messages highlight the negative aspects of the transgression, while transgression-minimizing messages attempt to downplay the severity of the transgression by using strategies such as saying that the partner’s behavior was unintentional.

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When going into a job interview, Avery tells the manager that he has worked in the foodservice industry before, but doesn’t go into any details. This is an example of ______.


Correct Answer: Understatement

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Relational transgressions occur when people violate implicit or explicit relational rules.


Correct Answer: True

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Research has examined three general ways people respond to hurtful messages. Which of the following describes an acquiescent response?


Correct Answer: Giving in and acknowledging the partner’s ability to inflict hurt

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The most intense hurt feelings arise when a partner’s words or actions communicate ______, which involves feeling unappreciated and unimportant.


Correct Answer: Devaluation

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______ refer(s) to words that elicit psychological pain.


Correct Answer: Hurtful messages

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