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2. Viability is an evolutionary need related to the motivation to survive .
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3. Features of language that reflect the closeness of a relationship, including word choice, forms of address, depth of disclosure, and relationship indicators is known as _______ .
Correct Answer:
Verbal immediacy
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4. Tangible aid provides physical assistance, ________ such as babysitting someone’s children or helping someone complete a task.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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5. Support behaviors giving someone _________ support.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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6. Social meaning model of nonverbal communication is a _________ behaviors that have strong consensual meanings across different contexts.
Correct Answer:
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7. Terms of exchanging resources and intimacy ,meeting each other’s needs .
Correct Answer:
Relational closeness
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8. Positive involvement behaviors show both ________ of involvement in an interaction.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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9. The amount of spatial proximity and physical contact people have is known as _______ .
Correct Answer:
Physical closeness
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10. Person-centered messages is a communication that _________ the feelings and concerns of a distressed person.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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11. Paradox of affection can ________ negative outcomes such as distress and relationship .dissolution
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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12. Eye behavior helps establish emotional closeness ,this process is known as _______ .
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13. Network support is directing someone to a ________ who can help them, often because they have had similar experiences .
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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14. Body movement including facial expressions and eye behavior is known as ______ .
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15. Invisible support phenomenon is the idea that attempts at support that go unnoticed by recipients are the most effective .
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16. The degree to which someone is considered attractive and rewarding is known as __________ .
Correct Answer:
Interpersonal valence
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17. Informational support giving specific advice, including _______ that might help someone solve a problem.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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18. Immediacy behaviors are actions that signal warmth, communicate availability, decrease ________ distance, and promote involvement between people.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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19. Idiomatic behaviors that have a specific meaning only to people within a particular relationship.
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20. The study of the use of touch, ranging from affectionate to violent touch is known as _______ .
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21. Expressive friendships involve using emotional nonverbal and verbal communication during conversations, showing ________ .
Correct Answer:
Nonverbal affection
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22. Esteem support is used to bolster someone’s self worth by making the person feel _________ .
Correct Answer:
All of these
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23. Emotional support is helping someone feel better without necessarily trying to solve the problem.
Correct Answer:
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24. Emotional closeness is a sense of shared _______ in a relationship.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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25. Direct emotional expression is ________ expressing feelings by using phrases such as “I love you” and “You make me happy” when expressing affection.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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26. Cognitive valence theory is a theory that predicts ________ people respond to increases in immediacy.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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27. Cognitive schemata is a _______structure that people use to help them evaluate behavior as appropriate or inappropriate, and welcome or unwelcome.
Correct Answer:
Both a & b
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28. The nonverbal use of time, such as showing up for a date early or late or waiting a long or short time for someone is known as _______ .
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29. Body synchrony is a _______ of coordinated movement between close friends or intimate couples.
Correct Answer:
High level
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30. Assurance is a maintenance behavior that involves making statements that show commitment to the relationship .
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31. Agentic friendships focus mostly on companionship and shared activities
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32. A theory that is based on the idea that affectionate communication is a biologically adaptive behavior is known as ________ .
Correct Answer:
Affection exchange theory
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33. When sex differences emerge, they tend to revolve around how men and women communicate closeness in their same-sex friendships. Females are more likely to have ______ that involve using emotionally charged nonverbal and verbal communication during conversations.
Correct Answer:
Expressive friendships
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34. One way to provide responsive, high-quality support is to use person-centered messages. Select the answer that best defines person-centered messages.
Correct Answer:
They acknowledge, elaborate on, and validate the feelings and concerns of a distressed person.
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35. Bolger, Zuckerman, and Kessler proposed the invisible support phenomenon. Which of the following is the best example of this?
Correct Answer:
Jerry often buys his wife ice cream when she has had a bad day or rubs her back after a long day. Mostly, these gestures go unnoticed by his wife, but they usually make her feel better.
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36. Which of the following examples best represents the supportive communication type of esteem?
Correct Answer:
Tim often compliments people and really makes them feel valued. Tim often tells his friends how much he admires them and reminds them how capable they are.
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37. Supportive communication has been identified as “verbal and nonverbal behavior produced with the intention of providing assistance to others perceived as needing that aid.” Several different types of supportive communication have been identified. Which of the following is not a type of supportive communication?
Correct Answer:
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38. ______ are short-term internal conditions that make individuals feel and react differently at various times.
Correct Answer:
Temporary states
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39. Christopher is generally seen as physically attractive, has a high social standing, possesses positive personality traits, and is regarded by others as highly rewarding. The degree to which others find Christopher to be attractive is known as ______.
Correct Answer:
Interpersonal valence
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40. Terry is usually a very private person who doesn't like people being too close to her. However, she allows her best friend Pat into the intimate zone from touching to about 18 in. away from her. This is an example of ______.
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41. ______ are actions that signal warmth, communicate availability, decrease psychological or physical distance, and promote involvement between people.
Correct Answer:
Immediacy behaviors
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42. According to Floyd and Morman (2001), there are two types of affectionate communication that are indirect and nonverbal expressions of affection, what are these two types?
Correct Answer:
Support behaviors and idiomatic behaviors
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43. This theory is based on the idea that affectionate communication is a biologically adaptive behavior that evolved because it helps people provide and obtain valuable resources necessary for survival.
Correct Answer:
Affection exchange
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44. Kaleb and Iris have gone on a couple of dates and things went okay. But on the third date, Kaleb told Iris he loved her, and that he hoped they would get married someday. Iris felt that Kaleb was expressing these things much too early in the relationship and decided it was best to push Kaleb away and not pursue the relationship any further. Choose which answer best applies to the example.
Correct Answer:
Paradox of affection
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45. Engaging in behaviors such as touching, sitting next to each other, and putting one’s head on another’s shoulder all indicate ______.
Correct Answer:
Physical closeness
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46. This chapter focuses on three specific types of communication that help foster and sustain closeness in relationships. Which of the following is not one of the communication types?
Correct Answer:
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