MCQs > Languages & Communication > Communication (Relationships) MCQs > Dominance and Power Plays in Relationships MCQs

Dominance and Power Plays in Relationships MCQ

Dominance and Power Plays in Relationships MCQ

1. Passive aggression is Indirect way of communicating hostility, such as giving a partner the silent treatment, withholding affection, or rolling one’s eyes.


Correct Answer: True

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2. A function of the time spent looking while speaking divided by the time spent looking while listening is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Visual dominance ratio

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3. Visual centrality is people who are perceived as powerful are also looked at more by others due to their _________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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4. When a one-up or one-down message is paired with a one-across message is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Transition

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5. Transact is a pair of utterances.


Correct Answer: True

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6. Traditional marriages are ________ ave clearly specialized roles based on gender stereotypes.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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7. During dyadic interaction, when both people in a relationship use the same verbal or nonverbal behavior is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Symmetrical

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8. Suggesting implying something without ever coming out and stating it. It is also called indirect requests or hinting.


Correct Answer: True

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9. Suggesting implying something without ever coming out and stating it. It is also called indirect _______ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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10. Submissive symmetry when both people repeatedly use one-down moves in conversation.


Correct Answer: True

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11. Simple request directly asking for something.


Correct Answer: True

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12. In self-assurance confidence that emanates from a person’s focus, drive, and leadership qualities.


Correct Answer: True

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13. The notion that hard-to-get resources are especially desirable is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Scarcity hypothesis

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14. One person’s level of power in comparison to someone else’s level of power this statement is related to _________ .


Correct Answer: Relative power

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15. In quality of alternatives how one’s relationship compares to the kinds of outcomes a person thinks he or she could have by exploring other options .


Correct Answer: True

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16. Psychological reactance is a theory that maintains that influence attempts may ________ thereby cause resistance to the request.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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17. Proxemics is the way people use space, including conversational ________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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18. Which of the correct statements about the Principle of least interest ?


Correct Answer: The idea that when a difference exists in the intensity of positive feelings between partners .

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19. Principle of elevation is the principle that states that height or vertical position is associated with power.


Correct Answer: True

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20. Prerogative principle is that powerful people can ________ without as much penalty as powerless people.


Correct Answer: All of these

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21. Pregiving involves someone doing a favor for another person prior to asking for a return favor.


Correct Answer: True

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22. Powerless speech is a weak form of speech in which people use ________ to qualify what they are saying.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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23. Powerful speech dominates conversations, redirect the conversation away from topics others are discussing, and interrupt others.


Correct Answer: True

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24. Power is an ability to ______ as well as to resist the influence attempts of others.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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25. In positive moral appeals telling someone that a ________ would comply with a certain request.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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26. Positive altercasting is a compliance-gaining strategy that suggests a good person would behave in a _______ .


Correct Answer: Particular way

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27. Which of the correct statements about Peer marriage ?


Correct Answer: Both spouses are employed, both are actively involved in parenting, and both share in the responsibilities and duties of the household.

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28. The study of the voice, including voice qualities like pitch, volume, rate, and accent is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Paralinguistics

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29. Panache is an elusive quality that some people have that commands attention, draws others in, and makes them memorable.


Correct Answer: True

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30. One-up messages are _______ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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31. One-down message is a _______ .


Correct Answer: All of these

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32. One-across messages are neutral messages that are neither dominant nor submissive.


Correct Answer: True

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33. The authority associated with tangible factors such as position, strength, weaponry, and wealth is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Objective power

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34. When both partners exchange one-across messages in conversation is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Neutral symmetry

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35. Negative moral appeals is the suggestion that only _______ people would fail to comply.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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36. Negative altercasting is a negative compliance-gaining strategy where one person’s positive motivations are questioned.


Correct Answer: True

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37. Negative affect strategy involves whining, ________ crying, or acting angry to get one’s way.


Correct Answer: All of these

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38. A set of strategies used to get one’s way by doing things such as making the partner feel guilty, ashamed, or jealous is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Manipulation

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39. Ingratiation is an excessive kindness or doing favors for someone to gain popularity or get one’s way.


Correct Answer: True

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40. Influence strategies is a _______ that people use to try to get others to think and/or act in certain ways.


Correct Answer: Specific behavior

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41. The ability to persuade others to think and act in certain ways is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Influence

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42. Indirect requests involve suggesting or hinting without ever making a direct request.


Correct Answer: True

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43. When a person acts nice merely to gain compliance is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Illicit ingratiation

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44. An influence strategy, also called an indirect request, that involves implying a request without ever coming out and stating it is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Hinting

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45. Emotional insensitivity is when a person fails to tune in to the _________ of other people.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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46. A relationship where both spouses are employed, both are actively involved in parenting, and both share in the responsibilities and duties of the household is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Egalitarian marriage

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47. The idea that most dominance is displayed by people in equal power positions as they deal with conflict and struggle for control is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Dyadic power theory

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48. Dominance is the _______ of power through behavior.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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49. In distributive strategies people attempt to ________ , or berate their partner in an effort to gain compliance or win an argument.


Correct Answer: All of these

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50. Direct request is simply asking for something.


Correct Answer: True

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51. Dependent power relies on a relationship or partner for power, with people who are ________ for power having lower status than people who are not.


Correct Answer: Dependent on their relationship

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52. When one person wants to engage in conflict or demands change, whereas the other partner wants to avoid the topic ,this process is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Demand-withdrawal pattern

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53. Conversational control is an ability to ________ a conversation by doing things such as regulating who talks and how long the interaction will last.


Correct Answer: Manage

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54. Compliance-gaining strategies influence others to comply with a request.


Correct Answer: True

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55. When two people possess different or opposite traits that work together well is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Complementary

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56. When two people repeatedly use one-up power moves in conversation is known as _________ .


Correct Answer: Competitive symmetry

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57. Chilling effect Occurs when a less powerful person stays silent on an _________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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58. Bullying is baming, hurting, insulting, ridiculing, or berating another person.


Correct Answer: True

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59. Which of the correct statements about Boomerang effects ?


Correct Answer: Boomerang effects

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60. Agreeing to do something for someone if the person does something in return is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Bargaining strategy

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61. Aversive stimulation is also called negative affect strategy, involves whining, pouting, sulking, complaining, crying, or acting angry to get one’s way.


Correct Answer: True

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62. Communication that attempts to blame, hurt, insult, or berate a partner in an effort to gain compliance is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Antagonistic strategies

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63. Agency is an empowering aspect of experience where a person is able to freely control the surrounding environment, including ________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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64. Because of ______, we are able to study how the use of space reflects and creates power.


Correct Answer: Proxemics

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65. The content of spoken words is the subject of verbal communication, but voice tones and intonations are in the realm of nonverbal communication, called vocalics or ______.


Correct Answer: Paralinguistics

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66. Hoffman’s work identified two similar styles of parenting: ______.


Correct Answer: Power assertion and induction

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67. Martha often gets suspended from school and gets into trouble with her friends. When her parents discipline her, they believe that it is crucial that they provide Martha with reasons for their disciplinary actions. What approach are Martha’s parents using?


Correct Answer: Inductive philosophy

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68. In dating and cohabiting relationships, men usually initiate sex, though in marital relationships the woman may suggest or request sex more.


Correct Answer: True

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69. The principle described in the book as the partner with more power can make and break the rules is ______.


Correct Answer: Prerogative principle

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70. A teenager who wants a later curfew might tell her parents that all her friends get to stay out past midnight, when few of them actually do. This is an example of the compliance-gaining strategy, ______.


Correct Answer: Deception

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71. Power can be disabling when it leads to destructive patterns of communication. There are three patterns described in the book, which of the following is not one of them?


Correct Answer: Quality of alternatives

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72. Authoritarian parents are ______.


Correct Answer: Demanding, directive, and nonresponsive

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73. What does dependence power refer to?


Correct Answer: People who are reliant on their relationship or partner are less powerful, especially if they know their partner has low commitment and might leave.

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74. One partner agrees to not watch football on Sunday if the other gives up smoking; then each partner is giving up something in return for a concession. What is this an example of?


Correct Answer: Bargaining

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75. Teresa is the CEO of a large company and has a very high net worth. From this information, we could conclude that Teresa has ______.


Correct Answer: Objective power

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76. Research suggests that both prosocial and coercive control strategies may not actually enhance personal emotional well-being and physical health and may have evolved to disable people from having better personal control and social positioning.


Correct Answer: False

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77. Power is so prevalent in relationships that scholars have labelled ______ and ______ as a basic, core dimension of social relationships and interpersonal communication.


Correct Answer: Dominance; submission

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78. ______ refers to an individual’s ability to control or influence others to do what the individual wants as well as a person’s ability to resist influence.


Correct Answer: Power

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