Aircraft Maintenance MCQ

What are Z transform used to describe in the complex frequency domain?


Correct Answer: Avionics systems

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What is a specific application of the Z-plane?


Correct Answer: Control systems engineering in the design of control laws

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What is the symbol for the vertical flight director cue?


Correct Answer: Gamma sub VERT

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What term is used to describe the control on an airplane that is operated by pushing and pulling?


Correct Answer: Yoke

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What is the symbol used to represent an aircraft coordinate frame and sign convention?


Correct Answer: XYZ

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What can you do with a wrap test?


Correct Answer: Send data to a device

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What is a test that sends data to a device and unaltered data back?


Correct Answer: Wrap test

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What type of plane uses the lateral flight director?


Correct Answer: Fixed-wing

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What indication would indicate whether the aircraft is airborne or on the ground?


Correct Answer: Weight on wheels

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What does the term wash-out filter mean?


Correct Answer: To smooth a transition due to change of input source

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What is the name of the law parameter that is generated by the longitudinal guidance modes?


Correct Answer: Velocity error scale factor

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What is the scale factor given to velocity?


Correct Answer: Velocity error

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What is a basic guidance mode that provides vertical guidance?


Correct Answer: Vertical speed hold

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What direction does aircraft velocity measure?


Correct Answer: True east

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What is the symbol used to represent Aircraft velocity in true east direction?


Correct Answer: V sub E

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What is a standard test case in control systems engineering?


Correct Answer: Unit impulse

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What are the primary unit functions of interest in avionics?


Correct Answer: Unit impulse, the unit step, and the unit ramp

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What is a collection of functions used as standard test cases in control systems engineering?


Correct Answer: The primary unit functions of interest in avionics

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What does ADF stand for?


Correct Answer: Automatic Direction Finding

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What type of ADF does not require manual input of coordinates?


Correct Answer: UHF/VHF

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What type of guidance does a taut line provide?


Correct Answer: Vertical

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What is a common name for a track handle?


Correct Answer: Cursor

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What is a basic guidance mode that provides lateral guidance to a TACAN station?


Correct Answer: Tactical Air Navigation

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What is the acronym for Tactical Air Navigation?


Correct Answer: TACAN

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What is the range and bearing of a TCNP?


Correct Answer: Specified

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A measure of angle, 1 semi-circle = pi rad = how many deg?


Correct Answer: 180

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What is the process of choosing the "best" parameter from multiple copies of that parameter?


Correct Answer: Selecting

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What does the VTH define for the pattern type?


Correct Answer: Expanding square search pattern

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What is the rate of a periodic process?


Correct Answer: 1/T

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What type of process is sampled at a rate of 1/T?


Correct Answer: Periodic

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What type of error probability is used to specify test cases for one-dimension measurements?


Correct Answer: Radial

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What term is used to describe one-dimensional sensor errors?


Correct Answer: Radial error probability

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How long is an airplane's radar altitude?


Correct Answer: Ft

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What is the name of the radar altimeter?


Correct Answer: RADALT

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What is used to measure height above terrain?


Correct Answer: Radar altimeter

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What type of angle measurement represents attitude?


Correct Answer: Quaternions

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What are PBIT tests?


Correct Answer: Periodic built-in-test

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Where are the pedals on an aircraft automatically controlled?


Correct Answer: In modern aircraft

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What type of parameter is INTVAL?


Correct Answer: Guidance control law

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What is the units of INTLIM?


Correct Answer: Rad

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What is the name for the parameter generated by the lateral guidance modes?


Correct Answer: Integral limit

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What term describes a receiver that provides position information?


Correct Answer: OMEGA

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What is one example of an obstacle that an OA flight may avoid?


Correct Answer: Terrain

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What kind of function restrict input to a specific range?


Correct Answer: Normalizer

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What is a second-order filter?


Correct Answer: Omega sub n

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What is the typical name for the unit of frequency?


Correct Answer: Rad/s,Hz

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What is the goal of a nap-of-the-earth flight?


Correct Answer: Remain close to the earth

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What is the term used to describe flights that stay low to the ground?


Correct Answer: Nap-of-the-earth flight

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Where is the center of the glideslope?


Correct Answer: 200ft above the runway

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What is the symbol for the Meridian radius of curvature?


Correct Answer: Rho sub M

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What is MSL?


Correct Answer: Mean sea level

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What kind of beacons are MB?


Correct Answer: Marker beacon

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What type of heading does the aircraft have?


Correct Answer: Magnetic

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What are the symbols for the Magnetic Heading Sensor?


Correct Answer: Psi sub M

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What is the name of the position on earth north or south of the equator?


Correct Answer: Latitude

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What is the major output from Longitudinal Guidance?


Correct Answer: Speed error

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What is an example of a lateral related to latitude?


Correct Answer: Aircraft

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What kind of sensor provides warnings for long thin objects?


Correct Answer: Laser obstacle avoidance / terrain avoidance sensor

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What type of function can be modeled with a Laplace transform?


Correct Answer: Continuous

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What is the name of the mathematical relationship used to model a continuous function in the complex frequency domain?


Correct Answer: Laplace transforms

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Which type of filter combines multiple sources better than a single source?


Correct Answer: Kalman filter

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The rate of change of acceleration is called?


Correct Answer: Jerk

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What is an inertial navigation system?


Correct Answer: A self-contained Inertial Navigation System

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What is the name of the self contained navigation that is found in an inertial navigation unit?


Correct Answer: Inertial Navigation System

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What are two components of an INS?


Correct Answer: Gyroscopes and accelerometers

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What type of navigation system provides lateral, longitudinal, and vertical guidance?


Correct Answer: ILS

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What is the name of the course that is operated in the opposite direction of an airport's runway?


Correct Answer: ILS Back Course

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What does the SYM stand for?


Correct Answer: Hover hold

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What is provided by the Hover hold mode?


Correct Answer: Lateral guidance and longitudinal guidance

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What type of filter allows frequencies above a cutoff frequency to pass?


Correct Answer: High-pass filter

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What is the term for true north?


Correct Answer: Magnetic north

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What is the symbol for direction?


Correct Answer: Psi

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What is acceleration caused by the force of gravity?


Correct Answer: Gravitational acceleration

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What is the force that causes gravitational acceleration?


Correct Answer: The force of gravity

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What are the devices mounted to the platform to maintain a fixed attitude?


Correct Answer: Servomotors

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What is the name of the earth radius for the best fitting sphere at a given position?


Correct Answer: Gaussian radius of curvature

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What is another term for earth radius?


Correct Answer: Best sphere

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What is a flux valve used to measure?


Correct Answer: Magnetic flux

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What type of document gives information about an airplane's position?


Correct Answer: Position update

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What is the angle in the vertical plane of an airspeed vector and a groundspeed vector?


Correct Answer: Air-mass flight path angle

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What are the three cues used by a system to generate stick position cues?


Correct Answer: Pitch, roll, and throttle

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What is a FCS?


Correct Answer: A primary flight control system or an automatic flight control system

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What is often implemented in software as a difference equation of period T?


Correct Answer: First-order filter

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What is the earth's longitude referred to as?


Correct Answer: Latitude

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What are body coordinates?


Correct Answer: Stability coordinates

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What is the term for an angle in the vertical plane?


Correct Answer: Elevation

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What is the symbol for the earth's radius?


Correct Answer: Rho

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What is another name for DME?


Correct Answer: Distance Measuring Equipment

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On a digital map, data for what are provided by?


Correct Answer: Defense Mapping Agency

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DSO is the common interface for each variation of what?


Correct Answer: A particular device

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What does DSO stand for?


Correct Answer: Data Source Object

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What is the symbol for an underdamped second-order filter?


Correct Answer: Omega

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What is the name of the guidance control law parameter that limits the intercept angle of the flight path with a desired course?


Correct Answer: Cut Limit

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What are the limits of a CCLIM?


Correct Answer: 45deg

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What is the term for attaining an objective?


Correct Answer: Capture

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What could be a capture criterion?


Correct Answer: Radial

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CAS is used to indicate what?


Correct Answer: Airspeed

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BPF stands for what?


Correct Answer: Band-Pass Filter

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What is the unit used to measure barometric pressure?


Correct Answer: In HG,mbar

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What is the term for the amount of air that is in a given space?


Correct Answer: Pressure

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What is the height above mean sea level of a barometric pressure measurement?


Correct Answer: Feet above

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What is the primary function of the BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE SELECT mode?


Correct Answer: Vertical guidance

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Which basic guidance mode provides vertical guidance to a selected barometric altitude?


Correct Answer: Barometric Altitude Select

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What type of data are related to the atmosphere at some point of interest?


Correct Answer: Environmental

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What is the abbreviation for Above Sea Level?


Correct Answer: ASL

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What altitude is considered ASL?


Correct Answer: Sea Level

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What is the distance of the aircraft above ground that is the same as radar altitude?


Correct Answer: Above Ground Level

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What does radar altitude mean?


Correct Answer: Distance of the aircraft above the ground

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