1. What does GRUB stand for?
2. uname -a will output...
3. With which userspace is Linux typically paired?
4. The netstat command give information on:
5. To start another shell under the current shell you use the command:
6. mknod can create special file (used for sending or receiving data) of type:
7. What does the pwd command do?
8. How do you activate the noclobber shell option?
9. Executing 'pwd' in shell will return:
10. Fedora Linux uses _____ packages.
11. _____ is a Linux desktop environment'.
12. Which firewall is most commonly used on Linux?
13. Which answer assists you in finding help on the whois command?
14. As a privileged user, you may set the hostname with the command:
15. On Red Hat Linux and its derivatives, which of the following commands will be appropriate to check whether a particular 'package' is installed or not?
16. To read one or more files and type them on standard output, you use:
17. What command can be used to delete a directory, recursively searching for files and other directories and deleting them?
18. /etc/resolv.conf is ...
19. To transfer files in an insecure way to and from a remote network site host, you use the command:
20. The command du -h ~
21. LVM is...
22. To access the value of an environment variable, we _____.
23. LILO is _____.
24. How to reveal detailed information about CPU?
25. What does 'chmod 755 file' accomplish?
26. Which of the following accurately describes a 'ping?'
27. If a host is called HHH, 'rstat HHH' will:
28. _____ command starts the default desktop environment.
29. True or false: The Linux OS is not affected by malware.
30. When does /tmp normally get cleaned out?
31. lsof command means:
32. You want to load the main kernel module for USB support. Which command would help you achieve this task?
33. What flag makes 'ls -l' print file sizes in human readable format (e.g. 1K, 231M, 2G, etc)?
34. Is it possible to increase SWAP space without rebooting?
35. What does the 'uname' command do?
36. modprobe...
37. To display contents of files on standard output, you could use the command:
38. How do you show all processes being run by a particular user?
39. GRUB stands for _____.
40. To create one or more directories with the mkdir command, which permissions in the directory's parent directory do you need?
41. Typing the 'cd' command at the shell prompt will take you to the _____.
42. SSH uses _____ to authenticate remote computers.
43. The mkraid command will:
44. What, according to bc, is 2^2?
45. Write a command to list all files with 5 characters in the name.
46. Executing the command 'init 6' will _____.
47. pwconv will...
48. Can I have swap partition and swap file activated at the same time?
49. Single User Mode equivalent to _____.
50. What is not part of the Linux Kernel?
51. 'mkdir -m 444 any' will:
52. If the system is not in runlevel 0 or 6, before performing a power-off operation, the poweroff command will execute:
53. 'Run Level Zero (0)' stands for _____.
54. Reset will...
55. Which of the following commands will correctly display the version of the Linux kernel running?
56. Which of the following commands can be used to change the run level?
57. What will 'cat /proc/mdstat' tell you?
58. 'mktemp -d' will:
59. What does permission 641 (octal) mean?
60. newaliases will:
61. How find the current system runlevel?
62. What is the expected output of the following command: unset x; test -z $x && echo 1
63. What is the purpose of the 'tset' command?
64. What is cgroups ?
65. What is the file /etc/nsswitch.conf?
66. /bin/true is a command whose exit status is always:
67. What is the maximum size of an ext3 file system?
68. In a file delimited by commas, what command will print the 3rd column of data:
69. The last privileged port (any port that can't be opened by anyone else but the root user) is:
70. In chgrp command, the letter you use to add a sticky bit (e.g., to prevent removal of files by non-owner from a directory) is:
71. Which of the following is not a text editor for Linux?
72. What is a daemon?
73. Which of the following options of the rm command will remove files and directories recursively without asking for confirmation?
74. What are the standard commands to install a program from source?
75. What does the command 'du -hcs *' do?
76. Which of the following utilities can you use to capture and analyze packets on an Ethernet network?
77. A sorting ____ is a field position within each line.
78. With most GNU commands, if an option is a word, what will it be preceded by?
79. When would this system cron job run its task? 0 22 * * 1-5
80. As root, you set execute permissions for user, group, and other on a directory. Now users can do what?
81. Using a systemd-based distribution, you want to restrict the cron service from running either automatically or manually. Which command would you run?
82. Which option would you choose to force grep to use a basic regular expression (BRE)?
83. To permanently add NAT to the default zone using firewalld, you would use which command string?
84. What is the difference between using = and == in a BASH double square bracket if conditional? n (==) checks equality.
85. Journald differs from traditional logging services such as rsyslogd and syslogd because its logs are _ by default.
86. Typing systemctl enable crond does what to the crond service?
87. What is the first step to integrate extended globs into your command-line workflow?
88. Which statement about default ACLs is true?
89. After performing a search, you can use the ____ key to return to a previously found match:
90. The ____ metacharacter indicates background command execution.
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