1. Is it possible to integrate multiple domain with different store in single Magento installation?
2. What does ORM stand for in Magento?
3. When writing a Magento module which of these files are you likely to create first?
4. If you have mutliple people that need access to the Magento backend, how do you restrict access to specific users?
5. You can upload particular product on multiple website from one admin.
6. Correct way to add css and js in magento page?
7. If you're going to take credit cards directly in your Magento store, which items will you need?
8. Products URL can be created manually.
9. Paypal raised the cost of processing credit cards. Where do you go to remove Paypal as a payment choice?
10. How would you create a page about the magento store for customers to read?
11. A customer wants to know if there order went through. Where does an admin go to check on orders?
12. Magento has always used fallback logic in rendering themes.
13. Magento has a built in Contact us form. Where do you specify to whom those requests get sent?
14. The developer has told you that a theme is ready to use, where do you see what theme is currently in use?
15. Template contains the PHTML files that contain xHTML markups and any necessary PHP to create logic for visual presentation.
16. The store sells a t-shirt that comes in different colors. What product type is used?
17. Turns out FEDEX is cheaper for some of the products. Where do we add FEDEX as a choice during checkout?
18. Which is a good use case for a Configurable Product?
19. What is EAV in Magento?
20. What function of Magento that let's you reuse content in CMS Pages and Email Templates?
21. _________ are ways in which Magento distinguishes the array of functionalities in the system and creates a modular way to manage it from both a visual and functional standpoint.
22. Setting that determines that an attribute value will show on the product page?
23. Magento allows you to use multiple themes within the same layout and template.
24. Rule for working with Magento's base package?
25. Which code snippet is used to show products labeled as 'new' on your front page?
26. Purpose of a Grouped Product?
27. Difference between a simple product type and a virtual product type?
28. Customer emails and wants to cancel their order. Bummer. What are the 2 ways you can find the order?
29. Where can I find system.log and exception.log debugging?
30. Setting that determines that product will show on the search page and not on the category listing?
31. A new product still shows out-of-stock, even though it shows that there are 20 available. Which index should we rebuild?
32. The store offers a free shipping coupon for orders over $50. The owner wants to change it to order over $75. Where is that done?
33. When customers are using the poll feature, only one question will show up at a time.
34. The marketing guy wants to use a custom url for one of the products, just for a temporary time promotion. What do you use?
35. The design team wants to show what the t-shirts are made on the product page. What are 2 ways to accomplish this?
36. Which code snippet is used to show one category on your front page?
37. For items where inventory is not tracked, what is the setting to shut inventory management off?
38. When creating a new product, what is the first thing you must choose?
39. Which method is responsible for a full re-index in the abstract Magento indexer?
40. The store sells a e-book. What product type is used?
41. Where is the css and javascript file of your custom theme kept?
42. In Magento a Coupon is also known as?
43. 3 main reasons product won't show on Category page?
44. Where can you find the product page to edit the .phtml file?
45. How do you Embed a Static Block in a CMS page?
46. Best way to add xml settings for front of the store?
47. Which are frontend blocks with a predefined set of configuration options?
48. What is default value of cookie lifetime
49. When should you edit files in the base template?
50. If you have a product that comes in different sizes, Where do you add a new size for the configurable product?
51. How does Magento determine the visual representation of each building block of a page view?
52. Function of Layouts in Magento?
53. Where can you find the design configuration tab?
54. Magento is capable of changing the layout for a single product. What functionality do we employ to make that happen?
55. When is it acceptable to edit app/code/core/Mage files?
56. What are the three concepts and tools you need to learn to be a successful designer in Magento?
57. If an order has been created and is in pending state, what is the appropriate action that needs to be taken, for the to progress into the processing state?
58. When creating a new category to appear on the category navigation block, what are the first two steps?
59. How many fallback steps does Magento provide?
60. What is the purpose of PCI Compliance?
61. A Magento theme is stored in which directory in the Magento file system?
62. In order to be Refunded Online, what sales document must be attached?
63. From what page can an admin reset a customers password?
64. You can not add image in products description.
65. What actions are necessary to make that would enable the profiler.
66. In a fresh installation of native Magento, the email templates are stored in the
67. Select the correct handle for the Product View page.
68. In case you need to disable a Magento Extension, what path you need to follow?
69. Which is a possible return value type of Mage::getConfig()->getNode()?
70. Which will return an instance of a Block object?
71. Where are the Email Templates managed?
72. Because of the complex nature of the product data, there is a process that simplifies the data. What function controls this process?
73. How to add review list on product page of Magento ?
74. What is the best place to make extension changes for frontend?
75. What are the individual-colored blocks that make up a structural block and represent the true content of a store page?
76. To write a custom SQ: query in Magento is very easy, we just need to call:
77. When setData (' some', 'value') is called on an EAV entity and the entity is saved to the database,
78. Where are all the images admin uploads stored via the CMS Pages or CMS Blocks ?
79. What Magento function can we employ to give special product pricing to specific customer groups based on qty purchased?
80. When changes are made to more than one of a collection’s items using 'setData('some', 'value')', which methods will save the changes in the collection?
81. What is a Composite Product?
82. Which code snippet is used to show ALL products in your catalog on your front page?
83. You need to change an username permission access. How do you change it?
84. A custom frontend controller will extend which one of the following classes?
85. Inside a .phtml file, what does '$this' refer to?
86. A Backend controller extends which class ?
87. A ..... can hold products with full, partial, or no configuration.
88. Which does NOT return an instance of a helper object
89. Which is considered to be part of Magento's backend?
90. When an order is placed by Credit Card, when does the payment gateway capture the money?
91. Customer Orders can be created from the Magento Backend. What are the 2 paths an admin user can take to create an order for a customer?
92. By default Magento uses 4 main sales documents. What are they, in order of when they are created?
93. Changes made to the product option array will NOT be saved by the item.
94. In the context of a template file, which is the proper method of translating the following string: 'Buy a '.$product->getName().' today!'
95. Assume you have three models A, B and C. Both A and B extend C. Assume C contains a method that you are going to change in both A and B. How can you change the method using Magento class rewrites.
96. These are blocks created for the sole purpose of assigning visual structure to a store page such as header, left column, main column and footer.
97. How are themes grouped together into design packages?
98. How do you completely disable a module in Magento?
99. If you sell different products in a bundle, Where do you add a new options to a bundle product?
100. Difference in the effect of calling the invoice capture() method versus the invoice pay() method?
101. Define the last fall-back hierarchy
102. How will you add/remove content from core’s system.xml file?
103. What does Magento use to determine whether the automatically run upgrade scripts have been run yet?
104. For an attribute to be loaded on a catalog/product object, which two of the following conditions must be satisfied? A - The eav_attribute table must contain a row defining the attribute's properties and its entity type. B - The attribute must have a backend model configured in the XML config. C - The attribute must be part of the attribute set pertaining to the object being loaded. D - There must be a record of the attribute on the catalog_product_super_attribute table. E. There must be a column added to the catalog_product_entity table.
105. Which EAV attribute frontend_input types makes use of source models?
106. What class does an adminhtml grid directly extend?
107. You changed an attribute value in Backend, but you still see no changes in Frontend. What you need to do?
108. Applying a shopping cart promotional rule affects the quote item by setting the quote item's___________.
109. In which database table could you find the order state?
110. What are the steps to sending a newsletter?
111. How do you get the website's URL?
112. Which xpath can be read using Mage::getStoreConfig('some/value')?
113. Which will correctly translate the value of the label node?
114. When creating your own custom payment method, which module does it generally depend on and should be configured for correct module loading order?
115. Which is responsible for sending a remote request to the payment service when capturing an order?
116. When creating an attribute, which catalog input types can be used in layered navigation?
117. The ... holds the whole product configuration and is used as a compact record to move a product from one list to another.
118. Which block method is the best one to override when you need to customize how the block’s HTML is rendered?
119. Is it mandatory to give Namespace while creating custom module in Magento?
120. Which class is extended to render a dropdown in admin forms?
121. How many items will be added to the quote after adding a configurable product to the shopping cart?
122. What type of Magento class is an API resource?
123. You want to define a list of quote object attributes that are copied to the order object when an order is placed. Which statement is true?
124. Which statement is true regarding Mage_Core_Block_Text_List?
125. Which of the following methods can be used to load an entity's data from its configured data table?
126. What is a Frontend Block?
127. How can you make a payment method store entire credit card numbers?
128. Which API method exists in Magento?
129. Inside the XML node config/global/blocks, what is the correct xpath for rewriting the catalog/product_view block?
130. Which allows you to save a single attribute value on an EAV entity?
131. Given an EAV-based data model, values for each of the object’s attributes are stored in
132. Which controller class could respond to this URL?: http://example.com/modulename/controller/index
133. Which is called to apply taxes on the product view page?
134. The final price for a product in the product view page is:
135. With which three kinds of product relations do Magento Catalog Target Rules deal?
136. What is particular in the 'helpers' ?
137. How is the sort order in which total models collect their values specified?
138. Difference between the base_grand_total and grand_total attributes of the order?
139. Name of the shopping cart item created from a recurring product?
140. Which method is called on a shipping carrier model to fetch a list of all available shipping methods, along with the rates associated with them, for a quote address?
141. Which actions will enable logging via calls to debugData() on a native Magento payment method model?
142. Which three of the following object types will have a parent class found in the Mage_Eav module for the purposes of EAV data storage in Magento?
143. Which table is used for calculating a new increment ID for an order?
144. Which class must you extend in order to implement a custom indexer?
145. What is the basic class/interface for every model observer class?
146. Which API call allows you to fetch the list of related products using the native Magento API?
147. Where can I find exception.log debugging log files?
148. Which information must be supplied when creating a new category for (a) product/s from the Magento backend?
149. Which Magento payment method allows the customers to make the payment without having a PayPal account?
150. From which locations can you access the completed Invoices in the Magento backend?
151. Which properties appear as navigation filters by default?
152. How do you set discounts based on the quantity of products purchased from the Magento backend?
153. Which is the official supported operating system of Magento?
154. Merchant can add tax rates to Magento only by importing a csv file.
155. Which property values must be supplied for all types of products without which the products will NOT function?
156. While configuring the Express Checkout Settings in Magento, suppose you set the 'Billing Agreement Signup' to 'Ask Customer' (marked as A in the image). What does this imply?
157. Which payment method is NOT available in Magento?
158. Which is NOT a valid payment action in the Magento backend while setting the PayPal payment method?
159. By Default, how many Product Tax Classes are included by Magento?
160. Suppose you want to effect changes to multiple products listed under Manage Products. You select the products and choose an action from the Action dropdown list. Which of the following are NOT valid actions?
161. Correct way to enter multiple keywords in the 'Default Keywords' field (marked as A in the image), while configuring the HTML Head Settings under the System > Configuration tab in the Magento backend?
162. Which property values must be supplied when creating a new Attribute Set in Magento?
163. Which must be selected from the 'Current Configuration Scope' if you want to import the Table Rates in Magento?
164. How many orders does each unique shipping address contain?
165. How are your products shown in the front-end's catalog pages when you set the List Mode property to List (Default)/Grid in the Magento backend?
166. By applying the Catalog Price Rule Actions, what will happen when you enter '5' in the field marked 'A' while defining the Shopping Cart Price Rule Actions under the Promotion tab in the Magento backend?
167. By applying the Catalog Price Rule Actions , what would the final price be, if a product costs $100, and a discount amount of 15 is applied 'To Percentage of the Original Price'?
168. Suppose you enter the code 'D' in the Tender field referring to the payment method you would accept through PayflowPro. Which payment method does code D refer to?
169. Which web browsers are supported by Magento?
170. What does Cost, marked as A in the image, refer to in the Prices Products Configuration setting under Manage Products in the Magento backend?
171. To how many categories can a product be assigned?
172. If the Flat Rate Shipping method is available to a customer, it means that the:
173. Tax rules are defined as a combination of _____________.
174. Which Shipping Method in Magento does NOT allow you to set a handling fee?
175. Which color denotes disabled categories under the Catalog > Manage Categories menu option in the Magento backend?
176. Why does the error, 'front controller reached 100 router match iterations', occur?
177. Which will sort products in the catalog by the date they were added?
178. Is it possible to trigger an event after an order has been set to 'processing'?
179. Which code samples will get all products sorted by 'position', assuming 'position' is of a numeric type?
180. Which statements are correct about Magento quotes?
181. Magento has the ability to run multiple stores from the same database. After adding the new store from System -> Manage Store, what is the correct code to add to the htaccess file to make Magento automatically load the new store?
182. Which will save a custom session variable in Magento?
183. Which will get information ('customer_referrer_id') from a currently logged-in admin user?
184. Which will display a product's thumbnail?
185. Consider the following code: What is the meaning of A/B?
186. Which code samples will display a list of both active and inactive sub-categories of the current category?
187. Which will return a visitor's UserAgent information?
188. How can account navigation links be changed?
189. Which will correctly add a custom event in Magento?
190. Which XML file(s) should be checked when the following Magento error occurs during installation? 'PHP Extensions '0' must be loaded'
191. Which will set a template only if a particular module is disabled in Magento?
192. Which XML files will remove an item from Magento's admin panel navigation?
193. Which will get active store information (such as the store's name) in Magento?
194. Best way to store session values in Magento?
195. The 'Suspected Fraud' Order status is grouped under which state?
196. Which needs to be edited to input and display the order attributes in Magento?
197. When using a custom Magento logo as the default logo for transactional emails; Correct way for the logo to be maintained even after Magento system upgrades?
198. When does the following error occur? 'Not all products are available in the requested quantity'
199. Which will change the order of existing blocks via XML?
200. Minimum memory requirement for running a Magento site?
How can the checkout process be skipped for downloadable products in Magento?
202. Which conditions must be met in order to successfully run a Magento install script?
203. When migrating a Magento store to a new server, after moving the files and the database, where must the database access details be configured for the new server?
204. Best way to create global variables which can be used everywhere in Magento?
205. The browser is ignoring the file referred on the code below: Assume that this is a PHP file that is used as a stylesheet in a Magento extension. Which choices will make the browser apply the stylesheet?
206. Recommended way to override/extend Magento core functionality?
207. Difference between 'Flush Magento Cache' and 'Flush Cache Storage' in the Magento Cache Management System?
208. Which will get a list of products belonging to a specific category within a view file?
209. Which will call a static block inside one of Magento's template files?
210. Which objects will be created during checkout?
211. Assuming the following choices are to be added to a custom theme layout's local.xml file; which of the following will move the 'related products' box in the 'product details page' to the bottom center column?
212. Correct method to add an external JavaScript file to Magento's local.xml file?
213. Which will check whether the currently logged-in customer ever placed an order at the Magento store?
214. Which will get the order increment ID in Magento?
215. Which will get the tax amount on a page in Magento?
216. Which will retrieve a list of all shipping methods in Magento?
217. Which will list all products from a particular category?
218. By default, Magento allows 3 themes to be loaded at any time. In what order are they loaded? (1 being first and 3 being last)
219. Correct method for calling a single product inside a static block?
220. Which code samples will link a configurable product's images to its constituent simple products, in the product details page?
221. Which will add a new custom block on the product details page after the media block, using a custom module?
222. Which method can be used add a new attribute to all products?
223. Difference between the isSaleable() and isAvailable() functions?
224. Which Magento class should be used for adding custom duties/taxes to a quote during the checkout process?
225. Which will display a customer's TAX/VAT number?
226. Select which conditions can be checked to track down a product that is not showing in a category page
227. How can programmatically added bundle products be shown in Magento's front-end?
228. Correct method to use to check if custom options were added to a product?
229. Which Events are triggered when the payment has been confirmed?
230. Which statements are true regarding custom options for products in Magento?
231. Which will get a specific product attribute from its product ID without loading the whole product?
232. Which will display only 'configurable' products in a page?
233. Which will return the absolute path for a product image in Magento?
234. Assuming that a column needs to be added under Catalog >> Manage Products in Magento, which file will need to be edited?
235. Select the correct sequence of methods to use to create a bundle product in Magento.
236. Which code sample will display products from a certain category in random order?
237. Assuming that product images need to be imported from a product import file, which folder should the images be uploaded to, before running the import profile routine?
238. Which code samples will detect if the account being checked on the front-end is an admin account?
239. Which will add an external JavaScript file to a Magento page?
240. Which magento features are related to CRM?
241. Which are true regarding passing data between a controller and a block in Magento?
242. How magento contact form can be shown on a CMS page?
243. Which will check if the current request is for a backend page or a frontend page?
244. Which of the following statements are correct to store Contact form data in database of magento? A. By default Magento store the Contact form data in database B. Need to create a custom module which store data in database by override the core contacts module
245. What does the Capture method do in the Magento Purchase and Order Processing flow?
246. Which file needs to change to update database when transfer a local Magento install onto live server?
247. Which attributes are the data member of magento Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber Class?
248. Which will not increase the performance of a Magento site?
249. Which will correctly display the current theme name in Magento?
250. Which will get all active CMS pages in Magento?
251. What causes the error 'headers already sent' in Magento?
252. Select which method will register observers/hooks to events in Magento:
253. An observer in Magento is defined as a:
254. Which will return the current page title in Magento?
255. Which will add a static block on the site's home page in Magento?
256. Correct method for injecting a custom block into Magento via layout.xml?
257. Assuming that trees must have categories as parents and products as children, and that there are no sub-categories under main categories, which code samples will get the full catalog tree?
258. Which methods will allow access to a Magento session from other sites on different subdomains?
259. For data security and privacy reasons, Magento uses two cookies for frontend session. All I know is that one of them is being set in Mage_Core_Model_Cookie::set(..) and the other one in Zend_Session::expireSessionCookie(). Why does Magento use the Zend_Session::expireSessionCookie()?
260. Assuming a left column is going to be added, which are possible values of the block type in the code below?
261. How can a new column be added in sales_flat_order to save a custom value in Magento?
262. Which will sort any collection in Magento?
263. Which will programmatically create a shopping cart price rule in Magento?
264. What input language(s) can Magento's static blocks use, to store information?
265. Magento's core files runs on prototype.js; when using jQuery, what steps must be taken to avoid possible conflicts between the two libraries?
266. Which statement is incorrect about Magento 2?
267. Magento generates the HTML for a page to display to a user from a tree of view elements.
268. What is EAV?
269. Customers can rate and review products on an individual basis. Administrators have the ability to edit and remove each review.
270. Which is the entry area for Magento Admin?
271. CRUD stands for the four basic types of database operations , , _____, and delete?
272. Which code to get the Total Price of items currently in the Cart?
273. Which step is going to instantiate a product collection?
274. Which PHP extensions are required for installing Magento?
275. Using the following command you can reset for Magento file and Directory permissions?
276. A SOAP request is basically an HTTP POST request containing a SOAP ... a .... and a .... ?
277. Factories are special objects that have only purpose?
278. Which code to include CMS block in template file(.phtml)?
279. Which route defines the HTTP route for the web API method?
280. What is XML-RPC?
281. On which stage(s) does config.xml loads?
282. Difference between subtotal price and base subtotal?
283. Which command you can use to clear the directories?
284. Page layout files are useful in ___ front pages of Magento.
285. Polls are used to get customer's .... and preferences?
286. Which is correct regarding Theme's registration.php file?
287. The data model is based on the Entity-attribute-value _____ that stores data objects in tree structures?
288. Which is not true about service contract?
289. Which aspects to the define RESTful API?
290. How to create custom adminhtml theme magento.
291. Who ordered what in Magento webshop with a query on db?
292. How do place Magento theme blocks?
293. Which code to specify JavaScript resources mapping?
294. How many types of codepool Magento has?
295. Static __ is silent function of a class, which is stored in the memory space of a class (not objects)
296. Magento Redirect all .htaccess keeping administration.
297. To creating our base grid block we need defined to following function called?
298. Many webhosts provide automatic installations. This allows you to install Magento with a few simple clicks. While it is important to understand the installation process, an automatic installation can save time. Contact your web site host to find out if they support automatic installations. If they do not, Magento must be installed manually.
299. Which piece of code can be used to get Magento clients by payment method?
300. How to redirect all admin pages in Magento to another domain and subdirectory?
301. What happens when you edit an existing order using the order management page?
302. Which is required for installing Magento?
303. Magento looks for configuration information for each module in that module’s /etc directory. Depending on the needs of your module, you might have the following configuration files at the top level of your module’s /etc directory?
304. How to Optimize Magento Configuration?
305. Which files are required for all components?
306. How do you setup a Magento multilingual store?
307. Installing Magento Extensions on a Custom Theme.
308. Which statement correctly describes order state and order status?
309. Which can be used to get shipping price outside Magento?
310. Can we disable magento extension for particular page.
311. How to get Magento theme directory?
312. Adding Text and fields to the order fulfillment/invoice email or forwarding customer-facing email.
313. Which inventory API allows you to retrieve the list of stock data by product IDs?
314. Is it possible to install magento in a local server and access it in to another system in the same network.
315. What database can Magento use?
316. Add another attribute to Magento products.
317. Which one by exposing core modules. For the core Magento API gives us the ability to manage products, categories, attributes, orders, and invoices?
318. Get custom configuration into email template.
319. Once you’ve got the blank the downloaded into your store, you’ll need to assign it to a store. To do this, login to your administrative interface and navigate to the System ____ section. Click on design from the left-hand menu and then themes when that page loads. Type blank into the Templates, Skin (Images/CSS), and Layout and Default fields. This will assign the blank theme to your store. Make sure you click the save config button in the upper-right hand corner
320. How do you change an order status to complete?
321. Magento Override Shipping Methods.
322. What programming language does Magento use?
323. Magento Product Attribute Get Value.
324. Name the product types that are available in Magento?
325. Magento theme version 1.9 can be installed over magento 2.0.2.
326. Where dynamic view files are located in a theme directory?
327. Layered navigation gives users customized browsing options when viewing products by categories. Users can now _____ products by price, size, color, and other customizable attributes.
328. Under which directory does composer places the Magento themes?
329. Which layer holds the business logic layer of a Magento module?
330. Can community modules be overridden?
331. If module A declares a dependency upon Module B, which is not valid to declare such dependency?
332. Dependencies between the modules of the application layer should be built only by the service contract or the service provider interface (SPI).
333. Difference between Mage::getSingleton() and Mage::getModel() in Magento?
334. Which is not TRUE?
335. Which is not a Magento cache type?
336. Magento URLs are not unique enough to allow caching by URL only.
337. The term static view file refers to the following:
338. Which file does Magento uses to detect maintenance mode?
339. Which products do not have a physical presence, and are typically used for such things as services, warranties and subscriptions?
340. How many code pools does Magento has?
341. Who uses the presentation layer?
342. Which is not valid for service layer?
343. How many tables are created when a new EAV module is created?
344. Which is not a Magento product type?
345. Magento command to display the current deployment mode?
346. Which command runs Magento cron jobs?
347. Which tasks can be performed by Command Line Interface?
348. Which resource model would you implement If you expect to return multiple items from a database query?
349. There are two types of module dependencies: hard and soft dependencies.
350. Which are inappropriate dependencies?
351. Which GET parameter is used for 'not equal to' filtering?
352. Which endpoint is used for user authorization(Customer)?
353. Which is not true about flat catalog?
Which of the following is not a Magento area type?
355. Which theme file defines the location information in Magento 2.0?
356. Every product in a catalog must be assigned to at least one category.
357. Existing entities in Magento EAV?
358. How to migrate a Magento Installation to localhost.
359. Which type of interface is not provided by service contracts?
360. Which file specifies the PHP class to use for the interface Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface?
361. Which is not a Magento module?
362. How to disable a Magento Extension if you don't have access to admin section?
363. Domain layer code in one module can also plug itself into another module by:
364. A gift registry will hold the following informations?
365. What actions are performed in this code? $model = Mage::getModel('your_module/model'); $model->load($id); $model->setData('name', 'value'); $model->load($id); $model->save();
366. What function is the equal of the php’s unset to a Varien_Object?
367. File format for a data upgrade script?
368. Which PHP framework does Magento uses?
369. Which functions you can use to get the image Width and Height?
370. Features of Magento?
371. Which snippet of codes can be used to get the latest n products?
372. Which relationship is not possible between two modules?
373. Advantages of Magento?
374. What model property is responsible for the naming of this event: 'catalog_product_after_load'?
375. You want to check if the model’s property was changed, what method are you going to use? isChanged($field);
376. Purpose of the FLAG_NO_REDIRECT_URL controller flag?
377. What function renders a Magento block?
378. Is it possible to retrieve all the models' ids based on collection filters without loading the collection itself?
379. What function fits in this code snippet? class Namespace_Module_Block_Content extends Mage_Core_Block_Template { protected function _construct() { parent::_construct(); $this->[function] ('namespace/module/content.phtml'); } }
380. The controller action ..... method is called each time before calling the action method itself?
381. Following tag means in module's config.xml file? 0
382. How do you forward to a specific external URL outside Magento from your controller?
383. When you want to change the behavior of the Magento core modules, which method is acceptable?
384. You need to create a new product attribute that should be retrieved from order item on order view page. What you are going to do to make it possible?
385. You want to display your custom attribute value on the product list, which actions should you perform to make it possible?
386. What function do we use to filter a product collection?
387. Which code snippet changes the position of the compare products block in the right column?
388. Methods of PayPal Payment Gateways?
389. Which one will log current collection’s SQL query?
390. We need to make the following actions, In order to create a module with one payment method that will accept credit card information Authorize it when an order is submitted Save the transaction ID in order payment record
391. You can extend Bundle updates product listing using the grid UI component located? Magento/BundleStaging/product/adminhtml/ui_component/bundle_update_product_listing.xml
What is stored in the var directory?
393. Correct XML path for setting a module’s setup connection?
394. What step during the layout loading is the node processed?
395. Components of a Magneto module?
396. How to get Magento extension to run javascript when item added to cart?
397. Who accesses the service layer?
398. Suppose your site uses only the Table Rates Shipping method. Shipping table rates of your site are as shown in the given image. Your customer buys a product weighing 0.5. from the USA. What is the shipping rate for this product?
399. What function does the icon marked as A in the image perform in the Magento front-end?
400. Which statements are correct for a grouped product?
401. Which is NOT a must to install Magento on a web server?
402. The group price can be used on which of the following product types?
403. Which value of the Search result List Mode field be used to show products search result in Grid view (default). but can be toggled to List view?
404. Which is used in product listings on the category and search results pages?
405. Which statement is NOT correct for a downloadable product?
406. if a merchant applies the Shopping Cart Price Rules and the Catalog Price Rules to a product, which price rules will get priority when the customer checks out?
407. Which are correct regarding the use of PayPal gateways solution in Magento 1.9?
408. in which methods would you log event names?
409. Maximum number of orders that a merchant can display on the 'Orders' page while managing orders in the Magento backend?
410. Which tools/customizations are available in Magento?
411. Which validation checks for the data entered in a field are available?
412. Which field is used to identify countries from which you accept the orders?
413. Which characters are NOT valid for the 'Attribute Code' property when you add a new attribute for a product?
414. Which xpath is correct for replacing Mage_Customer_Model_Address via Mage::helper ('customer/address')?
415. Which product pricing fields is used to offer a quantity discount on the catalog list and the product detail pages, and the discount can be applied to a specific store view or a customer group?
416. Which HTML Head field is used to display a small graphic image in the address bar and tab of the browser?
417. Which is used if you need to move your data to another Magento CE site?
418. In which order are translations loaded? 1. Module translation files under app/local/[locale]/‘xml 2. Translations stored in the DB table core_translate 3. Theme translations in the translate csv file located in the theme locale/[localejv’ directory
419. Suppose an invoice is paid online. The drop-down list contains three options (see image). What does the option marked as A indicate?
420. For any product. what should be the ideal length of meta description?
421. How do you upload an image for a product in the Magento Backend?
422. Suppose you create a new product under the Catalog tab of Manage Products in the Magento backend and set the Attribute Set to 'T-shirt' as shown in the image. After defining the Attribute Set, you realize that you want to keep the newly created product under the 'Default' Attribute Set. How will you change the Attribute Set for the newly created product?
423. Which image types can you upload your own product image placeholder?
424. How do you get Current time zone in magento website?
426. Which shipping carriers are available in Magento?
427. Suppose you add tier prices in the Magento backend, defining 6 tier for the quantity 10 and one for the quantity 15. The customer adds 10 items to the shopping cart. What discount will the customer get as soon as the customer adds the 15th item to the shopping cart?
428. Default value of the cache lifetime field when you configure the new product list?
429. Which operation is most impacted (in time required) by a large number of products and stores?
430. What happens when you define two tax rules with the same priority in the Magento backend?
431. Which configuration option should be set for the product under Manage Products if it is to be made available in the web store?
432. Which is NOT the correct way to set up Table Rates in the Magento backend?
433. Which solutions and gateways are available in Magento?
434. Which page is displayed when a page is not found?
435. Which is the official supported operating system of Magento 1.9?
436. Which must be selected from the 'Current Configuration Scope' if you want to import the Table Rates in Magento?
437. When applying the Catalog Price Rule. if you set the value of the Apply field to 'To Percentage of the Original Price' and enter '10.00
438. When applying the 'Catalog Price Rule'. if you set the value of the 'Apply' field to 'By Percentage of the Original Price' and enter '10.00' in the 'Discount Amount' field (see image), what final price will you get?
439. How many invoices can be created for a single order?
440. Assuming a setup class of Mage_Sales_Model_Mysql4_Setup, which of the following will correctly add an attribute to the sales/order entity?
441. Which are true with regard to System Attributes in the Magento backend?
442. By applying the 'Catalog Price Rule Actions', what will happen when you enter
443. Purpose of the icon marked as A in the image. when defining the ‘Catalog Price Rule Conditions
444. Active subcategories created under a hidden category does not appear in the navigation menu but are included in the layered navigation.
445. Which test credit-card numbers belongs to Visa?
446. Characters used to indicate all states or all zip/post-codes when defining a New Tax Zone and Rate in the Magento backend?
447. Which is a part of the shopping tools provided in Magento?
448. You can cancel an invoiced order in Magento.
449. Which payment methods are available in Magento?
450. A customer adds a product to the shopping cart. hits the back browser button. and then adds two pieces of the same product to the shopping cart. How many total products would the cart now have?
451. Which value can be specified for the scope attribute property?
452. Which is a critical task that must be performed before upgrading Magento?
453. Attribute Sets can be assigned to .
454. Tax rules are defined as a combination of .
455. Which is NOT a valid value for the catalog input type for store owner attribute while creating a new attribute for a product in magento?
456. Suppose that in the 'Sales Order' tab (see image), you select the 'Print Packing slips' option from the drop-down list for the order whose status reads 'Closed'. Which scenarios follows from this action?
457. Which are a type of Widget?
458. in Magento 1.9, the mini shopping cart widget can only be used with responsive web design themes.
459. You can close an order if its status is
460. Which custom category design page layout options allows you to define your own page layout?
461. Which General information section values must be supplied when creating a new category for (a) product/s from the Magento back-end?
462. How do you reset a customer's account?
463. Does Magento send order confirmation emails to the store owner by default?
464. Which databases does Magento support?
465. When specifying a custom connection resource for a module that handles the DB reads. which is a possible resource name?
466. During Magento 1.9 installation, which is a required field/are required fields in the Web Access options section?
467. in the Magento backend, one product can belong to only one category.
468. Which shipping method is NOT available in Magento?
469. Which statements are correct regarding 'Manage Categories‘?
470. in Magento 1.9, which states are correct regarding flat catalog?
471. In the Magento admin section, any disabled or hidden categories are grayed out.
472. Which information pertaining to your web store is NOT displayed on the Dashboard?
473. Which option is used to make it easy to find products based on category, price range, or any other available attributes?
474. Which product types are available in Magento 1.9?
475. Which are correct regarding a configurable product?
476. You want your customers to sign-up for price alert. Where can you allow it?
477. Which condition does NOT allow a merchant to reorder an item from the web store, using the Magento backend?
478. Features supported by Magento 1.9?
479. What happens if you set the Backorders value to 'Allow Qty Below 0' from the Backorders dropdown list [see image) while managing the products under the Inventory Configuration option?
480. By applying the Catalog Price Rule Actions, what will the final price be. If a product costs $100 and a discount amount of15 is applied ”To Percentage of the Original Price"?
481. Product type to show products on a shopping cart page for a possible impulse purchase?
482. Correct syntax to define a custom variable?
483. Which discount options is/are available under 'Shopping Cart Price Rules‘?
484. How to allow the guest checkout for downloadable products?
485. Which page is displayed when the server is unavailable?
486. What does the icon marked as A in the image indicate, when creating an attribute set in the Magento backend?
487. which properties appear(s) as navigation filters by default?
488. What happens to the item in the shopping cart (see image). when you check the icons marked as A and click the
489. When creating a new order for a customer from the Magento backend. which of the following actions can you take on the item from the drop-down marked as A in the image?
490. Which set of required fields must be provided before the simple product record can be stored?
491. How do you display the content for the 'Quick Overview' (marked as A in the image) for a product, from the Magento backend?
492. How can you create a category layered navigation for an active category from the Magentc backend?
493. What does it mean if 'Type' is set to 'Per Item'. as shown in the image. while configuring the Flat Rate Shipping Methods in the Magento backend?