Persuasion of Communication MCQ

What route to persuasion relies on the receiver’s emotional involvement with the persuasive appeal?


Correct Answer: Peripheral

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Joan loves watching infomercials. One recent infomercial claimed that “viewers should act fast because only 100 products are available.” Joan was persuaded to buy using which type of cue?


Correct Answer: Scarcity

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Which of the following persuasion theories suggests that persuasion can occur when a target is provided with a weakened version of a contrary argument?


Correct Answer: Inoculation theory

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The elaboration likelihood model contains two routes to persuasion. What are they?


Correct Answer: Central and peripheral

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Jasmine recently saw a texting and driving PSA. She was not persuaded to stop texting because she felt the characters were not believable. This PSA likely has a problem with ______.


Correct Answer: Characterological coherence

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Which of the following theories adds to the theory of reasoned action by including perceived behavioral control?


Correct Answer: Theory of reasoned action

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Peter recently saw an anti-smoking PSA. In the PSA, the narrator tells a story about how lung cancer affected his life. Which persuasion theory uses storytelling as a means of persuasion?


Correct Answer: Narrative paradigm

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What two factors predict a behavioral intention?


Correct Answer: Attitudes and belief strength

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Characterological Coherence is a Part of narrative fidelity where the credibility or believability of the story’s “characters” is assessed.


Correct Answer: True

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A forewarning of a potential persuasive attack on beliefs is known as__________.


Correct Answer: Threat

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The degree to which a ______has a logical structure and flow is structural coherence.


Correct Answer: Narrative

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Persuasive messages that focus on peer pressure is called ______Proof.


Correct Answer: Social

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An individual’s belief that she or he can't perform a behavior is self efficiency.


Correct Answer: False

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A peripheral persuasive message that preys on people’s worry of missing out on somethingis called ____________.


Correct Answer: Scercity

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A counter persuasive effort that involves raising specific challenges is called ________.


Correct Answer: Refutational preemption

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Reciprocity is Influence of efforts that emphasize a give-and-take relationship


Correct Answer: True

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Persussion is the human communication that is designed to influence others by modifying their _____________.


Correct Answer: All

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A route for processing persuasive messages when motivation or ability is missing is term as______.


Correct Answer: Peripheral route

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Components of perceived behavioral control are


Correct Answer: Both

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Aristotelian focus on emotion as a means of persuasion is pathos.


Correct Answer: True

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Perceptions about what others in your social network expect you to do is called___________.


Correct Answer: Normative belief

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A logical method of reasoning by which a person can determine how believable another’s narrative is_________.


Correct Answer: Narrative rationality

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A narrative that appears truthful and congruent with our own experiences is called


Correct Answer: Narrative fidelity

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A narrative that appears to flow smoothly, make sense, and be believable is called___________.


Correct Answer: Narrative coherence

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The symbolic words and actions people use to assign meaning is called ________.


Correct Answer: Narrative

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Mythos is collection of stories expressing ideas that are verified.


Correct Answer: False

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Material coherence is the extent to which a narrative is ______with other stories already accepted by the receiver


Correct Answer: Consistent

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The Aristotelian focus on logic as the foundation for persuasion is term as _______.


Correct Answer: Logos

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A method of preventing persuasion is known as ________.


Correct Answer: Inoculation

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––––––––which influence us to accept a narrativ.


Correct Answer: Good

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Elaborated Argument is designed to be processed in the central route.


Correct Answer: True

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__________ is extent to which a given action is within the actor’s contro


Correct Answer: Controllability

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The use of uneven points of comparison in a persuasive effort is called_______


Correct Answer: Contrast

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Commitment is reliance on a person’s dedication to a product, _____,_____ or political party to craft a persuasive effort.


Correct Answer: Both

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–––––– route is an elaborated route for persuasion.


Correct Answer: Central

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–––––––– intention is a plan to act a particular way.


Correct Answer: Behavioral

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Authority use the perception of power.


Correct Answer: True

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A relatively enduring predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably toward something called–––––––––.


Correct Answer: Attitude

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