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Cardiovascular System MCQ

When fibrin levels increase, thrombin production is inhibited. this is an example of a __________.


Correct Answer: Negative feedback loop

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A ___________________ drug increases the force of contraction of the heart.


Correct Answer: Positive inotropic

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A rapid, irregular heartbeat is a symptom of __________.


Correct Answer: Heart failure

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__________ of the population of the united states is obese.


Correct Answer: 33%

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The net pressure gradient in the cardiovascular system is created by _____.


Correct Answer: The pumping action of the heart.

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At rest, the _____________ receive(s) about 50% of cardiac output.


Correct Answer: Liver and kidneys

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The respiratory pump facilitates the return of blood to the heart by ________.


Correct Answer: Raising the pressure gradient between abdominal and thoracic veins during inspiration

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Heart murmurs caused by a stenotic mitral valve ______


Correct Answer: Are detected while blood flow into the left ventricle is reduced

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