Product Design and Development MCQ

What is the term for what the consumer wants or needs?


Correct Answer: Consumer Needs

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What does the term Opportunity mean?


Correct Answer: Literally an opportunity to deliver value with a product

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What can companies target?


Correct Answer: Mass market

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Who can target multiple segments, single or niche segments, and individuals?


Correct Answer: Companies

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What can be done to segment consumers based on how much they use your product?


Correct Answer: Heavy users

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What does the term 'Price-Sensitivity' mean?


Correct Answer: How sensitive consumers are to pricing

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Consumers are more sensitive to pricing than what?


Correct Answer: Price-Sensitivity

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What type of study is ethnography?


Correct Answer: The study of people and cultures

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What is the study of cultures?


Correct Answer: Ethnography

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What are customer's attitudes related to?


Correct Answer: Purchasing behavior, preference

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Customer's attitudes might be related to what?


Correct Answer: Purchasing behavior

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What type of variables are studied in behavioral variables?


Correct Answer: The study of people’s attitudes, interests, and opinions

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Demographics - what are quantifiable data about a particular population of people?


Correct Answer: Ages, income, etc

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What is the purpose of demographics?


Correct Answer: Quantifiable data about a particular a particular population of people

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What are two examples of segmentation?


Correct Answer: Users age 40–45 with an income over $100k/yr; "a large, identifiable group within a market"

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Over what income level do segments come into the market?


Correct Answer: $100k/yr

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What is a sub-group of consumers in a market?


Correct Answer: Segment

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What is an example of a Market Condition?


Correct Answer: Anything describing the state of the market into which the product is launching

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How many buyers or sellers might be present at a given market?


Correct Answer: All

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What is the total of all buyers and sellers?


Correct Answer: Market

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In what discipline is it important to do projects right?


Correct Answer: Product planning

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What is the common way of breaking down product planning and project execution?


Correct Answer: Doing Projects Right

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What does "cadence" mean?


Correct Answer: Rhythm with which something is developed

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What is the term that refers to the rhythm with which something is developed?


Correct Answer: Cadence

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What does continuous discovery mean to Apple?


Correct Answer: Having a continual "always on" process

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What is the process of identifying new products and new product features called?


Correct Answer: Continuous Discovery

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Discovery Track and Delivery Track are both what?


Correct Answer: Dual-track Development

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What are the necessary components of a business case?


Correct Answer: Financial analysis, market research, costs, timelines, risks, and financial projections

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What is a platform in the context of product planning?


Correct Answer: Shared technology or production methods

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What strategy involves planning a series of products based on the same platform?


Correct Answer: Product Platform Planning

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What is a product plan made up of?


Correct Answer: Products

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What is the term that a company may use to describe its multi-year plan?


Correct Answer: Product Plan

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What animal is the symbol of good at doing one thing well?


Correct Answer: Hedgehog

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What book helped popularize the concept of hedgehogs and foxes?


Correct Answer: Good to Great

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What can a company gain by building the products that best align with their core competency?


Correct Answer: A specific ability, strength, or strategic advantage

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What is a core competency?


Correct Answer: A specific ability, strength, or strategic advantage of a company

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A company's financial and market standpoint are known as its what?


Correct Answer: Case

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Strategic Arenas was mentioned in what book?


Correct Answer: Winning at New Products

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How many activities are in the value chain?


Correct Answer: Set of activities that a firm performs

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What book written by Collins and Porras includes the Big Hairy Audacious Goal?


Correct Answer: Built To Last

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What is the acronym P.E.S.T.L.E.?


Correct Answer: Another framework for analyzing markets and industries: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental

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What is another name for the framework of analyzing markets and industries?


Correct Answer: P.E.S.T.L.E.

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What are the activities which align company resources with a company's strategy?


Correct Answer: Strategic Pipeline Management

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A company's SWOT is based on what?


Correct Answer: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

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Strategy is about doing a different set of activities than other companies, or doing the same activities differently. Operational effectiveness is about how well you do a particular activity; it is more related to efficiency than to strategy. Strategy versus Effectiveness — Effectiveness is compared to Strategy in what article?


Correct Answer: Michael Porter ’s

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Strategy is about doing a different set of activities than other companies, or doing the same activities differently. What is operational effectiveness about?


Correct Answer: How well you do a particular activity

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Who wrote about effectiveness versus strategy?


Correct Answer: Michael Porter

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What are the 4 Ps of Marketing?


Correct Answer: Product placement promotion and pricing

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What is the name of the set of Marketing activities undertaken by a firm?


Correct Answer: Marketing Strategy

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What are essential to strategy because you cannot be everything to everyone?


Correct Answer: Trade-offs

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To make sure that there are no trade-offs, what is needed?


Correct Answer: Strategy

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Who wrote "Competitive Advantage"?


Correct Answer: Michael Porter

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What is the name of the framework for analyzing competition?


Correct Answer: 5 Forces

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What book is Michael Porter's Competitive Strategy?


Correct Answer: 10lb

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Strategy sets the firm apart from the competition by creating what?


Correct Answer: Sustainable advantage

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What is the term for a set of choices that uniquely positions a firm in its industry?


Correct Answer: Strategy

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Who wrote about competitive strategy?


Correct Answer: Michael Porter

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What are commodities interchangeable with?


Correct Answer: Products

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What can be unique in the experience economy?


Correct Answer: Experiences

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What is an example of an augmented product?


Correct Answer: Warranties

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What other value-adding sources are included in an augmented product?


Correct Answer: Warranties, service, etc

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What do the products and services of an ecosystem share?


Correct Answer: Some relationship to one another

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What is an example of an ancillary product?


Correct Answer: IPhone case

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What type of product is a new smaller version of a Prius?


Correct Answer: Derivative Product

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What is the definition of a derivative product?


Correct Answer: A new product which falls into an existing Product Platform

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A new smaller version of what vehicle falls into the existing product platform?


Correct Answer: Prius

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What type of project involves upgrading or enhancing features but not eliminating previous generations?


Correct Answer: Incremental Product

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What are the components which are shared across a product family?


Correct Answer: Technologies or components

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What is a term used to describe New Product ventures that are less risky than Foundational?


Correct Answer: Fundamental

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What is the term for a radically new product that likely uses an entirely new technology or addresses a new or unfamiliar market?


Correct Answer: Fundamentally New Product

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What is a self-contained unit of economic value?


Correct Answer: Product

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What type of unit is a product?


Correct Answer: Self-contained

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What is another term for "product"?


Correct Answer: Unit of economic value

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What is Prototype?


Correct Answer: An incomplete or unrefined preliminary version of the final product

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What is the term for an incomplete or unrefined preliminary version of the final product?


Correct Answer: Prototype

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What type of research is more commercially and pragmatically focused?


Correct Answer: Applied Research

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What is the goal of Applied Research?


Correct Answer: Solving a real-world problem

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What is the first type of scientific research?


Correct Answer: Fundamental Research

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What are the goals of research?


Correct Answer: Facts, insights and conclusions

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What is the general meaning of the term "technology"?


Correct Answer: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry

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Industrial applications of science are known as what?


Correct Answer: Technology

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What is the process of creating and delivering new customer value?


Correct Answer: Innovation

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Innovation is the process of creating and delie-ving what kind of value in the marketplace?


Correct Answer: New customer value

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What is the name of the book that contains the definition of product?


Correct Answer: The Personal MBA

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Who is responsible for the operation of the production and product delivery?


Correct Answer: Operations

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What kind of problem do good product managers try to solve?


Correct Answer: Market

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Industrial Design is often considered to be encompassing product designers besides what?


Correct Answer: Engineering

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Industrial Design is sometimes referred to as what?


Correct Answer: Product Design

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Who uses CAD software?


Correct Answer: CAD team or CAD specialist

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What does DFM stand for?


Correct Answer: Design for Manufacturing

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Design for manufacturing is the practice of what?


Correct Answer: Manufacturing friendly

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What are the engineers known as in school?


Correct Answer: The technical team

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What kind of people are in the technical team?


Correct Answer: The nerds

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What does the research and development team typically do?


Correct Answer: Identifying new technology, performance, or value

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In a product company, the team tasked with identifying new technology, performance, or value and applying these to products is known as what?


Correct Answer: Research and Development

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What is the primary function of marketing?


Correct Answer: To understand the market and customers

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Who has strategic decision-making authority in the Strategy department?


Correct Answer: The Product Development Team

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What is strategy about?


Correct Answer: Making specific choices

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Who abuses the term "Lean"?


Correct Answer: This term is abused in the product world

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What term is abused in the product world?


Correct Answer: Lean

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What is the name of the methodology that's used in Silicon Valley to develop new products?


Correct Answer: Lean Startup

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What type of values does Agile emphasize?


Correct Answer: Being adaptive, responsive, iterative, incremental, cross-functional

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What is the name of the methodology that is primarily defined by the values it emphasizes?


Correct Answer: Agile

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What are the phases called in a Stage-Gate development methodology?


Correct Answer: Stages

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What is a product development methodology that is mostly non-iterative?


Correct Answer: Waterfall

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What does Cooper believe in the stage-gate methodology?


Correct Answer: Flawed approach

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What kind of structure is Wheelwright and Clark's book about?


Correct Answer: Team

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