Neural Networks MCQ

What kind of connection carries input information?


Correct Answer: Input connections

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A negative connection weight reduces what?


Correct Answer: Activity

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An inhibitory connection acts as what to reduce the activity of its input neurons?


Correct Answer: A negative connection weight

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What is the effect of a negative connection weight on the summed activity of a neuron receiving activity?


Correct Answer: Reducing that activity

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What does Bopfield mean?


Correct Answer: A network with symmetric connection weights

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What type of connection weights does the Bopfield network have?


Correct Answer: Symmetric

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What do the outputs of the neurons in the Bidden layer only go to?


Correct Answer: Other neurons

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What does the activity of an input neuron modify in the Bebb learning law?


Correct Answer: Connection weight

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What learning is based on modification of connection weights?


Correct Answer: Bebb learning law

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What type of modification do gradient descent have?


Correct Answer: Connection weights

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What is the modification of connection weights called?


Correct Answer: Gradient descent

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What type of function could have a minimum?


Correct Answer: Energy or error

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What type of response does a neural network give when it has never been exposed to its input?


Correct Answer: Correct

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Neural networks can give a correct response to what they have been exposed to previously?


Correct Answer: Inputs

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What does the term "approximation" mean to a neural network?


Correct Answer: The ability of a neural network to approximate a given function

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What is the name of the ability of a neural network to approximate a given function?


Correct Answer: Approximation

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What is the ability of a neural network to approximate?


Correct Answer: A given function

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How are simplified models of real neurons different from real neurons?


Correct Answer: Formal neurons: simplified models of real neurons

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What are simplified models of real neurons called?


Correct Answer: Formal neurons

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A vector composed of what?


Correct Answer: A set of features

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What is the name of the vector composed of features produced by a layer of feature detecting neurons?


Correct Answer: Feature vector

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What do detection neurons do?


Correct Answer: Detect significant aspects of the input

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What are neurons trained to detect?


Correct Answer: Significant aspects of the input

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What type of neurons are trained to detect significant aspects of the input?


Correct Answer: Feature detection neurons

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What is an example of an excitatory connection?


Correct Answer: The effect a positive connection weight has on the summed activity of a neuron

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What property of excitatory connections increases the summed activity of a neuron?


Correct Answer: Positive connection weight

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What kind of weight is added to excitatory inputs so that the summed activity of the neuron increases?


Correct Answer: Positive

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In the space of connection weights, what is the error surface?


Correct Answer: The surface

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What is the error surface called?


Correct Answer: The surface in the space of connection weights

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What does "the numerical assignment of a quantity indicating the stability of a neural net state" mean?


Correct Answer: Energy function

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What is a neural net state?


Correct Answer: The numerical assignment of a quantity indicating the stability of a neural

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What is the storage of information in neural networks dependent on?


Correct Answer: Distribution of connection weights across the net

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What is the storage of information in a neural network in a manner that depends on the distribution of connection weights across the net?


Correct Answer: Distributed storage

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What process allow for an increase in a neuron's surface area?


Correct Answer: Dendrites

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What is the rule where weights are changed proportionally to the difference between actual output and desired output?


Correct Answer: Delta rule

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What is the name of the parameter that is used to give more or less importance to an input coming from another?


Correct Answer: Connection weight

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Learning to an input means increasing the input of which neuron?


Correct Answer: Most active

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What is it called when training the neurons in a certain order?


Correct Answer: Competitive learning

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What is one example of a neural net that can be trained to learn digits or letters?


Correct Answer: Character recognition

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What is a "Boltzmann machine" an algorithm for learning?


Correct Answer: The probability distribution on a set of

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What is the algorithm used to learn the probability distribution on a set of inputs by means of weight changes using noisy responses?


Correct Answer: Boltzmann machine

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If a neuron has a bipolar vector, what does it mean?


Correct Answer: Either -1 (inactive) or + 1 (active)

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If the output of a neuron is active, what is the value of a bipolar vector if the neuron is not in a circuit?


Correct Answer: + 1

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What does a thresholded neuron's binary output indicate?


Correct Answer: Either 0 (inactive) or 1 (active)

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What is the output of a thresholded neuron if it is active?


Correct Answer: 1

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What does a binary decision neuron respond to?


Correct Answer: Its total activity

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What line allows for identification of the neuron threshold as the weight on a special constant input?


Correct Answer: Bias line

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A bias line is a term that allows for what?


Correct Answer: Identification of the neuron threshold

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What kind of error could be propagated through the network?


Correct Answer: Back-error

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What is the process of allowing the error between output and desired output to be carried back through a feedforward net so as to allow updating of weights on hidden neurons?


Correct Answer: Back-error propagation

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What does a network provide the completion of?


Correct Answer: Noisy input pattern

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What can process one part of an input?


Correct Answer: Attentional neurocomputers

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What type of neurocomputers are not entirely focused on one part of an input?


Correct Answer: Attentional

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What is a possible result of an associative network's output for a given input?


Correct Answer: A certain output

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What is a property of associative networks?


Correct Answer: One which gives a certain output for a given input

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What is a network that gives a certain output for a given input?


Correct Answer: Associative network

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What does the word architecture mean?


Correct Answer: The manner of connection of neurons to make a specific neural network

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What is the manner of connection of neurons to make a specific neural network?


Correct Answer: Architecture

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What is a common example of an adaptive network?


Correct Answer: Separating visual patterns into two or more classes

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What is the name of a type of network that can be trained to solve a given task?


Correct Answer: Adaptive network

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What are adaptive coefficients called?


Correct Answer: Weights which can be modified by one of a range oflearning rules

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What is the amount of electric potential arriving at a neuron?


Correct Answer: The net amount

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How do you activate a neuron?


Correct Answer: To cause a neuron to respond

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What do neurons respond to?


Correct Answer: Activate

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At which time does a network absorb the absorbing state?


Correct Answer: Large time

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What term did we not even discuss?


Correct Answer: Loss function

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What is another term for convolutional neural networks?


Correct Answer: Convolutions

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What is a type of neural network that has many different names?


Correct Answer: Convolutional neural networks

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What do batches divide our examples into?


Correct Answer: Sixteen

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How many examples can be divided into sixteen batches of 64 elements?


Correct Answer: Thousand

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What is the name of the parameter used to adjust the rate at which the algorithm updates weights during training?


Correct Answer: Learning rate

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Learning rate is often a parameter of the what?


Correct Answer: Optimizer

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What 95% of the time is used by people?


Correct Answer: Adam

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What percentage of the time do people use Adam?


Correct Answer: 95%

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The complete version of backpropagation has the added complexity that each layer has its own what?


Correct Answer: Gradient

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How long do epochs typically last?


Correct Answer: Tens to hundreds

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What do we typically train our model for?


Correct Answer: Tens to hundreds of epochs

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What does "∇L" indicate?


Correct Answer: How the loss changes as θ changes

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What is a function that measures the "wrongness" of a model?


Correct Answer: Loss

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What term describes the actual process of learning itself?


Correct Answer: Training

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What does a model define as an operation?


Correct Answer: Weights

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How many layers can be created by feeding a dense layer into another?


Correct Answer: Two

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What is a type of math that can be performed on input from many perceptrons at once?


Correct Answer: Dense layer

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In what year was the perceptron created?


Correct Answer: 1958

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Who created the perceptron model?


Correct Answer: Frank Rosenblatt

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What is the purpose of non-linearities?


Correct Answer: Glue that creates a powerful model out of ordinary parts

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What is a ReLu function defined as?


Correct Answer: ReLU(x) = max(0, x)

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Short of what is defined as ReLU(x) = max(0, x)?


Correct Answer: Rectified Linear Unity

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What does the word "activation" mean?


Correct Answer: Function

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What is a system that is non-linear?


Correct Answer: A complex whole

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Why is a system non-linear?


Correct Answer: When its parts are intertwined as a complex whole

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A linear system is easy to what?


Correct Answer: Study

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What is dense layer called?


Correct Answer: Is the layer that receives a vector (input) and multiplies it by a matrix (parameters), producing another vector (outputs).

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What is the layer that receives a vector and multiplies it by a matrix?


Correct Answer: Dense Layer

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What does a layer do?


Correct Answer: Defines an operation that takes some inputs, some parameters, and produces a set of outputs

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What does NN stand for?


Correct Answer: Artificial Neural Network

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What term usually refers to exploratory analysis?


Correct Answer: Analytics

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What is another common misconception about data science?


Correct Answer: That DL and DS are the same things

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What is the study of data?


Correct Answer: Data Science

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Learning to read full sentences is an example of what type of learning?


Correct Answer: Deep learning

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What steps are involved between letters and fluency?


Correct Answer: Several

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What is the task of showing the inputs and outputs of a problem to an algorithm?


Correct Answer: Machine Learning

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What are AI systems that react and (appear to) reason about themselves and the world around them called?


Correct Answer: Artificial Intelligence

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What has science been trying to do for decades?


Correct Answer: Mimic intelligence

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What are some of the fields that the debate on intelligence spans?


Correct Answer: Philosophy, psychology, sociology

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