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T Test for Independent Groups MCQ

A test to determine whether there are significant differences between two independent groups’ means on the same dependent variable is known as _____


Correct Answer: T test

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Robustness is characteristic of statistical tests that indicates_____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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The power of a test is estimated by _____


Correct Answer: 1 – β

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The standard for minimum power in psychological research is_____


Correct Answer: 0.80

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Power is the probability that the null hypothesis will be _____


Correct Answer: Rejected correctly

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The _____ t test formula contains the pooled variance estimate.


Correct Answer: Denominator of independent

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A significant value of F in Levene’s test indicates that the two groups’ variances are significantly different from each other.


Correct Answer: True

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Independent Groups t Test is a statistical procedure designed to evaluate the difference between two groups’ means on a _____ variable.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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In situ Design occurs often in t-test designs and ANOVAs where the participants are randomly assigned to the groups.


Correct Answer: False

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An assumption in the independent groups t test and ANOVA that the two groups or more groups have equal or approximately equal variances is known as_____


Correct Answer: Homogeneity of variance

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Heterogeneity of Variance is a violation of the assumption that two groups have _____ variances in the independent groups t test.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Effect sizes are typically reported as_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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In Controlled Experiment, placebo is given to_____


Correct Answer: Controlled group

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In Controlled Experiment an experimental group that receives some treatment is _____ variable


Correct Answer: Independent

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The value of Cohen’s d can be _____


Correct Answer: Greater than 1.00

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Correlation coefficient of effect size yields estimates that is _____ if used with large sample sizes.


Correct Answer: Smaller than Cohen’s d

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