1. Is true Experiments group designs that are used to test the causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables. These designs enable the researcher to show that the independent variable occurs prior to the change in the dependent variable, that there is a statistical association, and that other explanations (internal validity) can be ruled out?
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2. _____ is known as when the comparison group in an experiment receives the intervention that is normally given
Correct Answer:
Treatment as Usual
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3. _____ is defined as people experience cyclical or episodic changes that result in different scores with repeated measurement
Correct Answer:
Statistical Regression
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4. _____ is people experience cyclical or episodic changes that result in different scores with repeated measurement
Correct Answer:
Statistical Regression
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5. Is selection Bias the lack of similarity between groups may offer an alternative explanation for an experiment’s findings as opposed to the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable?
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6. _____ is known as a type of contamination in true experimental and quasi-experimental designs that occurs when broader social or economic trends impact the findings of a study
Correct Answer:
Secular Drift
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7. _____ is defined as a type of contamination in true experimental and quasi-experimental designs that occurs when broader social or economic trends impact the findings of a study
Correct Answer:
Secular Drift
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8. _____ is this problem for experimental designs occurs when comparison group members perform worse than they otherwise might have because they feel that they have been left out of a valuable treatment
Correct Answer:
Resentful Demoralization
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9. Is reactivity changes in an individual or group behavior due to the nature of the experimental conditions or process of measurement?
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10. _____ is known as placing participants into an experimental or control group using some chance method such as by the toss of a coin
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11. _____ is defined as a research design in which there is a comparison group that is comparable with the experimental group in critical ways, but participants are not randomly assigned to the comparison and experimental groups
Correct Answer:
Quasi-Experimental Design
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12. _____ is in experimental research, the measurement of an outcome (dependent variable) after an experimental intervention or after a presumed independent variable has changed for some other reason
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13. Is posttest in experimental research, the measurement of an outcome (dependent variable) after an experimental intervention or after a presumed independent variable has changed for some other reason?
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14. _____ is known as a source of treatment misidentification that can occur when subjects who receive a treatment that they consider likely to be beneficial improve because of that expectation rather than because of the treatment itself
Correct Answer:
Placebo Effect
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15. _____ is defined as the quantitative analysis of findings from multiple studies
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16. _____ is a threat to internal validity; changes that naturally occur with the passage of time
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17. Is instrumentation a problem that occurs in experimental designs when the measurement methods are not stable or equivalent?
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18. _____ is known as a source of causal invalidity that occurs when something other than the treatment influences outcome scores; also called an effect of external events
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19. _____ is defined as see cross-population generalizability
Correct Answer:
External Validity
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20. _____ is in an experiment, the group of subjects that receives the treatment or experimental manipulation
Correct Answer:
Experimental Group
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21. Is double-Blind Procedures an experimental method in which neither the subjects nor the staff delivering the experimental treatments know which subjects are getting the treatment and which are receiving a placebo?
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22. _____ is known as a type of contamination in experimental and quasi-experimental designs that occurs when treatment and comparison groups interact and the nature of the treatment becomes known to the comparison group
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Diffusion of Treatment
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23. _____ is a problem that occurs in experiments when comparison groups become different because subjects are more likely to drop out of one of the groups for various reasons
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Differential Attrition
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24. Is control Group in an experiment, a comparison group that receives no treatment?
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25. _____ is known as in an experiment, a comparison group that receives no treatment
Correct Answer:
Control Group
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26. _____ is defined as a source of causal invalidity that occurs when either the experimental or the compassion group is aware of the other group and is influenced in the posttest as a result
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27. _____ is a type of contamination in true experimental and quasi-experimental designs that occurs when control group members are aware that they are being denied some advantage and so increase their efforts by way of compensation
Correct Answer:
Compensatory Rivalry
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28. Is compensatory Equalization of Treatment a threat to internal validity. When staff providing a treatment to a comparison group feel that it is unfair that the group is not getting the experimental treatment, the staff may work harder or do more than if there were no experiment?
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29. _____ is known as in an experiment, a group that has been exposed to a different treatment (or value of the independent variable) than the experimental group
Correct Answer:
Comparison Group
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30. _____ is defined as a form of matching that groups individuals by their characteristics. Within each group, members are randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups
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Block Matching
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31. _____ is two or more groups, such as classes, are matched and then randomly assigned to the experimental and control conditions
Correct Answer:
Aggregate Matching
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32. When either the experimental group or the comparison group is aware of the other group and is influenced in the posttest as a result, it is called:
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33. This occurs when the experimental treatment has an effect only when the particular conditions created by the experiment occur.
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34. This occurs when natural developments in the subjects, independent of the experimental treatment, account for some or all of the observed change between a pretest and posttest.
Correct Answer:
Endogenous change
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35. This type of measurement is used when participants are grouped and the groups are randomly assigned to the experimental or comparison group.
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36. Broader social or economic trends may also impact on the findings of a study, creating a problem called:
Correct Answer:
Secular drift.
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37. Changes in outcome scores during experiments that involve lengthy treatment period may be due to:
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38. The nonequivalent control group design is exactly like the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design except that there is no random assignment for groups.
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39. Comparison groups, as opposed to control groups, are often used in social work research.
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40. Even when random assignment works as planned, the groups can become different over time because of mortality.
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41. Selection bias occurs whenever a comparison group and experimental group are initially different.
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