1. A synonym for tasks or activities that represent the basic unit of work used to develop the project schedule is called Work Package.
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2. Amount of work that must be performed to complete the task is known as:
Correct Answer:
Work Content
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3. A hierarchical description of the project work content that begins with the major deliverables and shows the work associated with the delivery of these end product(s)/service(s) subdivided into elemental work packages or tasks is called ___________.
Correct Answer:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
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4. Time-Dependent costs is a project-related cost that varies directly with the duration of the project.
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5. _____________ is a process whose behavior is described by some probability distribution.
Correct Answer:
Stochastic Process
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6. Any expense directly associated with performing a specific task or activity; also known as direct costs is known as:
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Resource Costs
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7. A standardized set of parameters for projects are called ___________ .
Correct Answer:
Project Template
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8. Precedence relationships Constraints on the order in which tasks must be performed.
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9. Parametric is an estimation approach that identifies the causal factors that determine work content and builds a mathematical model relating which estimation factors:
Correct Answer:
ALL of these
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10. Individuals who are managers and technical experts drawn from the relevant areas of the business brought together to come to a consensus on estimates
Correct Answer:
Panel of Experts
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11. ________ is the cost and duration of a task when the direct resource costs are minimized.
Correct Answer:
Normal Point
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12. Any payment made as a result of completing a project before or after a stated due date is known as :
Correct Answer:
Incentive Payment
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13. Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) the amount of work effort associated with a full-time resource.
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14. _____________ individual perceptions and beliefs that cause individuals to over- or underestimate forecasted values.
Correct Answer:
Estimation bias
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15. Deterministic means refer to an assumption that the values of a forecasted metric are known with complete certainty.
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16. Delphi method is an estimation approach in which a panel of experts anonymously submit contributions and then assess the contributions as a whole is called ______________ .
Correct Answer:
Delphi Method
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17. Indicates the minimum possible duration of a task or project and the associated costs is known as:
Correct Answer:
Crash Point
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18. Composite estimate is an estimate gathered from a panel of experts, then averaged into a composite estimate.
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19. Bounded distribution is a distribution with __________ .
Correct Answer:
Limiting values
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20. Activities are the set of elemental tasks that are the basis for ___________ the project.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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