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Agile Project Management MCQ

 Agile Project Management MCQ

1. Refers to short iterations or sprints in Agile PM that are characterized by frequent meetings and close communication is known as:


Correct Answer: Scrum

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2. Velocity is used in Agile project management to denote the average number of complexity points completed per ____________ .


Correct Answer: Both

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3. Story Points is a term used in Agile PM to define the relative cost and complexity of each task; also known as __________ .


Correct Answer: Complexity points

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4. Story is a term used in Agile PM for a brief explanation of function in terms of _____________ .


Correct Answer: Both

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5. __________ is a specified time interval in Agile PM; also referred to as an iteration.


Correct Answer: Sprint

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6. A term generally used in Agile PM that refers to a specified time interval; also referred to as a sprint is called ___________ .


Correct Answer: Iteration

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7. Function Point Analysis is a technique that breaks an IT task into a series of elemental units and assigns a point to each unit.


Correct Answer: True

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8. _________ ia an Agile concept in which the iterations are extremely short, so each iteration only contains a few tasks and feedback from product owners is rapid and frequent


Correct Answer: Extreme Programming (XP)

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9. Generally used in Agile PM to indicate the number of story or complexity points completed during a sprint or iteration (related to earned value in EVA).


Correct Answer: Burndown Chart

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10. Agile project management is a methodology that divides a project into a number of discrete iterations or sprints where each iteration represents a part of the overall project.


Correct Answer: True

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