Factors that may affect the outcome of a given study or characteristics that are central to the topic about which the researcher wishes to draw conclusions is known as ?
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Triangulation is the process of relating ________sources of data in order to establish their trustworthiness; used with qualitative research methods.
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Source of answers to questions; based on past behaviors is known as ?
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Processes highlighted by teachers collecting their own data in order to help them make decisions about their own students and classrooms are known as _____.
Correct Answer:
Teacher empowerment
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______ is evaluative decision making that occurs following the completion of a project.
Correct Answer:
Summative evaluation
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Decision made from the results of _______ procedures that enable researchers to conclude that the findings of a given study are large enough in the sample studied in order to represent a meaningful difference or relationship in the population from which the sample was drawn.
Correct Answer:
Inferential statistical
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Systematic, sudden method for investigating questions and resolving problems is known as Scientific method
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______ are the Refers to the quality, validity, accuracy, and credibility of action research and its findings.
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The fundamental question inherent in the research topic under investigation is known as ?
Correct Answer:
Research questions
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________ is the specific type of plan that will be used to carry out a research study.
Correct Answer:
Research design
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The act of critically exploring what you are doing, why you decided to do it, and what its effects have been is known as_________.
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Prolonged engagement is an Idea that the more time you spend in the field, the more you are able to develop trust with and get to know your participants
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_______ is type of action research focused on addressing a specific problem or need in a classroom, school, or similar community by stressing the “how-to” process of actually conducting action research.
Correct Answer:
Practical action research
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Population is the group of people of primary interest in a research study, although not necessarily studied in its entirety.
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_______ is a type of qualitative study that engages the researcher in a long process of data collection in order to fully understand a phenomenon.
Correct Answer:
Phenomenological studies
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_______ is a type of action research that focuses on the quality of the lives of individuals who make up organizations, communities, and families by empowering individuals and groups to improve their lives and to bring about social change.
Correct Answer:
Participatory action research
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Type of research design where the researcher has no control over any variable in the study, either because the outcome has already occurred or because it is not possible to influence it is known as ______.
Correct Answer:
Nonexperimental research
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Concurrent study that do not combines both quantitative and qualitative research designs and data is known as Mixed-methods research designs
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Thought process used to analyze qualitative data that uses logic to make sense of patterns and trends in data is known as _____.
Correct Answer:
Logico-inductive analysis
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Statistical techniques that allow researchers to test the statistical significance of the difference between two or more groups or to test the degree of relationship between two variables are known as _____
Correct Answer:
Inferential statistics
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______ is a bottom-up approach to reasoning, working from the specific to the more general.
Correct Answer:
Inductive reasoning
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The variable in an experimental study over which the researcher has control; assumed to be the cause of something else is known as ?
Correct Answer:
Independent variables
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_____ is a tentative but intelligent and informed guess about the findings of a given study, made before the study begins.
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Grounded theory is a type of qualitative study, attempting to discover a theory that relates to a particular environment.
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_____ is evaluative decision making that occurs during the implementation of a project.
Correct Answer:
Formative evaluation
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A treatment group is the group of participants in an _______that is exposed to a new or an innovative treatment or another type of condition.
Correct Answer:
Experimental study
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Ethnographic studies is a type of _______that attempts to describe social interactions between people in group settings.
Correct Answer:
Qualitative study
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_____ is application of the scientific method to educational topics, phenomena, or questions in search of answers.
Correct Answer:
Educational research
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______ is statistical techniques that allow researchers to summarize, organize, and simplify data.
Correct Answer:
Descriptive statistics
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_____ is the ultimate or outcome variable of interest in a given study.
Correct Answer:
Dependent variable
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Top-down approach to reasoning, working from the general to the more specific is known as ?
Correct Answer:
Deductive reasoning
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_________ is a type of action research conducted in community settings to study disadvantaged populations in efforts to promote social justice.
Correct Answer:
Critical action research
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_________is the group of participants in an experimental study that receives the “standard” treatment.
Correct Answer:
Control group
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_______ is the use of human reasoning as a basis for decisions.
Correct Answer:
Common sense
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__________ Action research that is designed and implemented .
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_________ is In-depth qualitative research study of an individual program, activity, person, or group.
Correct Answer:
Case studies
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Source of answers to questions; based on opinions of experts are known as ________.
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Any systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, counselors, or others with a vested interest in the teaching and learning process is known as ?
Correct Answer:
Action research
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Which of the following statements is false about collaborative action research (CAR)?
Correct Answer:
CAR is conducted using a single set of resources and perspectives.
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Action research can be used effectively to address all of the following issues, EXCEPT ______
Correct Answer:
Finding conclusive answers to broad educational problems
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Which of the following nonexperimental research designs builds on descriptive studies by comparing two or more groups on that which is measured?
Correct Answer:
Comparative studies
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Which of the following qualitative research designs is used to discover a theory that relates to a particular environment?
Correct Answer:
Grounded theory research
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Suppose a reading teacher wanted to determine whether students performed better when taught using a phonics approach versus a whole language approach. He randomly assigns half of his classes to be taught using phonics and the other half to be taught using whole language. The independent variable would be which of the following?
Correct Answer:
The type of instruction
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Which of the following is an example of experimental research?
Correct Answer:
Involves only studies in which the researcher has control over one or more of the variables included in the study that may somehow influence (or cause) the participants’ behavior.
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Which of the following is true about quantitative research methodologies?
Correct Answer:
Utilizes a deductive approach to reasoning when attempting to find answers to research questions
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Which of the following is true about qualitative research methods?
Correct Answer:
It employs inductive reasoning.
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Which of the following statements is true about traditional research in education?
Correct Answer:
Uses a quantitative or a qualitative research method
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Which of the following does action research describe?
Correct Answer:
It is a systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, counselors, or others with a vested interest in the teaching and learning process.
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The main goal of action research is to address problems of practice, which are broad and applicable to a wide variety of professional educators’ classrooms.
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Many models of action research share the common steps of planning, acting, and reflecting.
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Triangulation is a process of relating multiple sources of data in order to establish their trustworthiness or verification of the consistency of the facts trying to account for their inherent biases.
Correct Answer:
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Pseudoscience uses beliefs and the scientific method for inquiry to determine perceived reality.
Correct Answer:
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The main problem with using tradition, authority, and common sense as sources of information is that they have a tendency to provide information that is unreliable and often biased.
Correct Answer:
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The specific procedures for conducting action research are the same as those for conducting traditional educational research.
Correct Answer:
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