Developing a Research Plan MCQ

Procedure involving the sharing of interview transcripts, analytical thoughts (such as observational notes with observer’s comments), and drafts with the participants of the study in order to help ensure the quality of data is known as ?


Correct Answer: Member checking

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Hypothesis that not only states that an effect (or a difference or relationship) will be found but also specifies the direction or nature of that effect is known as directional research hypothesis


Correct Answer: True

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Mixed-methods research design where both quantitative and qualitative data are collected at about the same time and are not given equal emphasis is known as Triangulation mixed-methods design.


Correct Answer: Fasle

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__________, descriptive design involving the acquisition of information from individuals representing one or more groups—perhaps about their opinions, attitudes, or characteristics—by specifically asking them questions and then tabulating their responses is known as Survey research


Correct Answer: Quantitative

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Closest relative to true experimental designs, the only difference being that there is no random assignment of participants to groups.


Correct Answer: Quasi Experimental designs

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Hose methodologies that require the collection of and analysis of numerical data; utilize a deductive approach to reasoning is known as _________.research methodologies


Correct Answer: Quantitative

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________research methodologies are those research methodologies that require the collection and analysis of narrative data; utilize an inductive approach to reasoning.


Correct Answer: Qualitative

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________ is the rule of research ethics indicating that the findings of research should somehow be likely to contribute to human knowledge or be useful elsewhere in the field of education.


Correct Answer: Principle of importance

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Rule of research ethics stating that honesty should be exhibited throughout the entire research process is known as ?


Correct Answer: Principle of honesty

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Rule of research ethics that states that research should be done in order to acquire knowledge about human beings and the educational process in order to benefit someone or a group is known as ?


Correct Answer: Principle of beneficence

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Rule of research ethics that states that participants should be informed accurately about the purpose of the research and specifically what they will be asked to do as participants is known as the Principle of accurate disclosure.


Correct Answer: True

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Quasi Experimental design similar to the two-group pretest-posttest design but including the addition of a control group for comparison purposes is known as Pretest-posttest control group design


Correct Answer: False

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Pre Experimental designs are __________research designs that are seen as precursors to true experimental designs in that they lack several key elements.


Correct Answer: Quantitative

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Correlation coefficient whose value is greater than more , indicating that as the scores or values on one variable decrease , the values on the other variable also decrease is known as Positive correlation


Correct Answer: False

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The most common measure of the relationship between three variables; symbolized by r is known as Pearson correlation coefficient.


Correct Answer: False

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_______observation is the act of observing as a researcher but also participating in the group or setting as an equal, active member of that group or setting.


Correct Answer: Participant

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________ is right of center on the participant-observer continuum (between observer-as-participant and full participant), where the researcher continues to observe but also has considerable opportunity to interact with the participants in the study.


Correct Answer: Participant-as-observer

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Describes the nature of a given research study, as well as the level of involvement of minors who will be participating is known as Parental consent form


Correct Answer: False

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Very primitive type of _________design; involves a single group, which is exposed to some sort of experimental treatment and then post tested after the passage of time is known as One-shot case study


Correct Answer: Experimental

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Pre Experimental design involving only one group of participants who are pretested, exposed to different treatment conditions, and then post tested is known as One-group pretest-posttest design.


Correct Answer: False

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Observer-as-participant is the left of center on the participant-observer _______(between observer and participant-as-observer), where the researcher is primarily an observer but has some level of interaction with the participants.


Correct Answer: Continuum

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_____study similar to case study but not necessarily focused on organizational aspects is known as Observational studies


Correct Answer: Qualitative

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________research design focusing on a description of a specific aspect of behavior, perhaps a single variable is known as Observational research


Correct Answer: Quantitative

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Case study involving the examination of a particular organization or some aspect of the organization is known as _________case studies


Correct Answer: Observational

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Hypothesis that states that no effect will occur in a given study or that no differences between groups or no relationship between variables will be found is known as _______hypothesis


Correct Answer: Null

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________that states that there will be some sort of effect (or difference or relationship) discovered in the results of a given research study, without stating the nature of the difference or relationship is known as Nondirectional research


Correct Answer: Hypothesis

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_________coefficient whose value is less than zero, indicating that as the scores or values on one variable increase, the values on the other variable decrease is known as Negative correlation


Correct Answer: Variable

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Reviews proposed research studies in order to ensure the protection of people who will be participating in them; see also Human Subjects Review Board (HSRB) is known as Institutional Review Boards


Correct Answer: True

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Informed consent forms describe the nature of a given _______study as well as the level of involvement of the participants; necessary for permission to use data collected in the study.


Correct Answer: Research

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HSRBs stands for ____.


Correct Answer: Human Subjects Review Boards

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______research design that attempts to investigate cause-and-effect relationships by comparing groups that differ in treatment condition is known as Group comparison designs


Correct Answer: Quantitative

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At one end of the participant-observer continuum, where the researcher is simultaneously a fully functioning member of the “________” as well as a researcher is known as Full participant


Correct Answer: Community

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Mixed-methods research design where _________data are collected first, followed by the collection of quantitative data in order to further explain any relationships discovered in the qualitative data is known as Exploratory mixed-methods design.


Correct Answer: Qualitative

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Mixed-methods research design where ________data are collected first, followed by the collection of qualitative data in order to help support, explain, or elaborate on the quantitative results are known as Explanatory mixed-methods design


Correct Answer: Quantitative

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Type of nonexperimental study; determines the degree of relationship that exists only one variable are known as Correlational study


Correct Answer: False

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The quantitative measure resulting from a ________study, which reports the direction of the relationship and the strength of the relationship is known as Correlation coefficients


Correct Answer: Correlational

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Research design for studies involving multiple data sources, where data analysis begins early in the study and is nearly completed by the end of data collection is known as ?


Correct Answer: Constant comparative method

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Quantitative research design used to explore reasons behind existing differences between two or more groups is known as ?


Correct Answer: Causal-comparative research.

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_______is a child's agreement to participate in a research study.


Correct Answer: Assent

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Agreement (either written or verbal, and in age-appropriate language) that describes the nature of a given research study as well as the level of involvement of minors who will be participating is known as _______-.


Correct Answer: Assent form

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Which of the following statements is true about quasi-experimental designs?


Correct Answer: The researcher can compare the experimental group’s pretest and posttest scores in order to determine if the treatment had any effect.

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Which of the following statements is true about group comparison designs?


Correct Answer: The researcher may explore reasons behind existing differences between two or more groups, either following a treatment or “ex post facto,” after the differences have already occurred.

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Relationships between variables in correlational studies are measured statistically by calculating a correlation coefficient. Which of the following statements is true about correlation coefficients?


Correct Answer: The relationship between outdoor temperature and sales of lemonade would be an example of a positive correlation (i.e., as the temperature increases, lemonade sales also increase).

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Which of the following is true about descriptive research?


Correct Answer: Observational research and survey research are examples of descriptive research.

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Which of the following is a condition for using a qualitative research approach?


Correct Answer: You have skills in the areas of inductive reasoning and attention to detail.

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When using descriptive designs in quantitative observational research, the focus is on a specific aspect of behavior that can be quantified.


Correct Answer: True

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Which of the following should be considered when selecting or identifying groups of people for observational case studies?


Correct Answer: The smaller the number of participants or subjects in the group being studied, the more likely you are, as an observer of their behavior, to alter that behavior, simply by your presence.

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Which of the following is a type of quantitative research?


Correct Answer: Correlational study

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A null hypothesis ______.


Correct Answer: States that no effect will occur in the study or that no differences between groups or no relationship between variables will be found

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Which of the following is the best research question?


Correct Answer: What is the nature of the relationship between students’ academic performance and the number of hours spent studying?

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Which of the following statements is true about research questions?


Correct Answer: Research questions should not be too broad or too narrow, especially when conducting quantitative research.

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The results of a correlational study can reliably explain causation.


Correct Answer: False

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A directional research hypothesis states that there will be some sort of effect (or difference or relationship) found in the results of the research study but does not state the nature or direction of that effect.


Correct Answer: False

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Hypotheses are appropriate only when the design calls for the use of inferential statistics in quantitative research studies.


Correct Answer: True

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Keywords that appear in research questions, like how and what, provide the teacher-researcher with the opportunity to explore and collect available data that will answer the research questions more thoroughly, than questions that simply require a yes or no answer.


Correct Answer: True

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