MCQs > Languages & Communication > Mass Communication MCQs > Laws and Ethics in the Media Industry MCQs

Laws and Ethics in the Media Industry MCQ

A negative term used within the #Gamergate community and elsewhere to describe people who advocate for socially progressive causes is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Social Justice Warriors

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A series of attacks on women in the video game industry that is framed as a critique of video gaming journalism ethics is known as _____ .


Correct Answer: #Gamergate

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Takes the point of view of those who purchase or consume the news; also known as ______ .


Correct Answer: All of these

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The Veil of Ignorance is also known as ____ .


Correct Answer: John Rawls’s principle

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John Stuart Mill’s principle that ethical behavior arises from that which will provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people ,this statement is related to _____ .


Correct Answer: Principle of Utility

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In categorical imperative, willing to have everyone else act; also known as the principle of universality.


Correct Answer: True

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Which of the correct statements about Golden Mean ?


Correct Answer: Aristotle’s notion that ethical behavior comes from hitting a balance, a “just-right point between excess and defect.”

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Ethics is a rational way of deciding what is good for individuals or society .


Correct Answer: True

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Morals is an individual’s code of behavior based on ________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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